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Baker's Peppers. Enough already

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And I also linked THP's statement about Dale needing to pay the loan in 30 days onto my FB review as well to cover all the bases...

Update: Well that didn't take long at all... I posted up the link of what THP said onto Baker's FB page, to ensure he was aware of it (to avoid what I can only assume would be an eventual claim of ignorance on Dale's part), as well as on my review, but now it's been deleted and his page no longer allows others to post up their own stuff on there...
Scoville DeVille said:
Hey Dale, welcome to the real world. "I didn't wanna say $50 a month or something".
THAT'S how the REAL world works, MONTHLY payments.
$50 / month x 28 months = $1400 (with zero interest mind you).
You definitely came out ahead on that equation, but in YOUR twisted mind, Dave came out ahead.
#0 days... I can't wait... TICK TOCK
He said it wasnt 50 a month because I had already pointed out it was in chat the night before using the same math.
Dude is pathological.
mmcdermott1 said:
Wow he paid a whole grand already? Still owes $4k? Amazing us small guys that Dale totally out sells could pay that loan right now. Hmmm
Just a wild ponderation: Buy out Dale's business for 4k and make more than ever!
Then he can stop the harsh business, pay off Dave and vanish into the sewer.
Ok the more I read the shit this moron posted the more I can't help but respond so here goes.

1. Dale you move so much product according to you yet according to your own moronic post you need to sell some product to pay a loan.

2. Professional? When you borrow money you pay it back. If you got a biz loan from a BANK like most professionals do, you pay it back. Do you really think they give a shit if you're moving product? No, they don't.

3. You don't talk crap about other vendors? Really? And there is a difference Dale, no other vendor I know conducts themselves or their biz the way you do, not even your buddy JA.

So take some of the money you say you make so much of an be a real professional and pay the loan back instead of somehow trying to pawn it off on the users of a forum
mmcdermott1 said:
Ok the more I read the shit this moron posted the more I can't help but respond so here goes.

1. Dale you move so much product according to you yet according to your own moronic post you need to sell some product to pay a loan.

2. Professional? When you borrow money you pay it back. If you got a biz loan from a BANK like most professionals do, you pay it back. Do you really think they give a shit if you're moving product? No, they don't.

3. You don't talk crap about other vendors? Really? And there is a difference Dale, no other vendor I know conducts themselves or their biz the way you do, not even your buddy JA.

So take some of the money you say you make so much of an be a real professional and pay the loan back instead of somehow trying to pawn it off on the users of a forum
+1 And if you read the ad carefully, he's all but admitting that he isn't pushing the amounts he's claiming out the door, and is all but living paycheck to paycheck. So that begs the question... is he putting pure gold into the soil or something, or is he just trying to blow a lot of smoke up our collective asses?
And on the Chat, he even accused me of trying to copy him and his business model and knocked the fact that I have nothing on my website available for sale (a quick check shows otherwise). A cursory check of his own site shows about half of the fresh SFRB's are sold out, and have been for some time now.  Plus, I have absolutely no desire to copy or emulate him...
Oh and by the way dale,I am a full time engineer by day and then peppers till very late in the evening and 12-15 hours a day every weekend so yea others work just as hard or harder than you my man.

We also don't take week long vacations to Tennessee and ignore orders. While your there uh yea we are working.
mmcdermott1 said:
Oh and by the way dale,I am a full time engineer by day and then peppers till very late in the evening and 12-15 hours a day every weekend so yea others work just as hard or harder than you my man.
Cool! My "day" job (I work the afternoon shift for Uncle Sam), means I'm usually walking into the door at 1 AM after a 12-hour day, not including the 1-hour commute each way.
And those of us on here (the vast majority anyway) have day jobs that pay good money, and we certainly wouldn't spend money on a charlatan like Dale. We have kids, families, and a lot of other things to take care of too, which is why as a pepper vendor, I'm so grateful for everyone who's bought from me, since they could've spent on any of a billion other things, but they thought mine were good enough to plunk down some coinage...
mmcdermott1 said:
Oh and by the way dale,I am a full time engineer by day and then peppers till very late in the evening and 12-15 hours a day every weekend so yea others work just as hard or harder than you my man.

We also don't take week long vacations to Tennessee and ignore orders. While your there uh yea we are working.
you aint joking. i was thinking the same thing. dale you couldnt do half a day what i do around my place.   and please stop saying "your nursery"  you dont own a thing.  
What I find sad about this whole situation is that Dale claims to move over 200 boxes per week. 
He could've taken $1 PER BOX, that's $800-$1000 per month, and paid Rhody back in 4-5 months, tops.
$1 damn dollar per box, less than a year, everything would've been settled.
Hell, 50 cents per box and it would still take less than a damn year.
A quarter per box would've paid it off in 2.
And now you want to blame the community? You can't afford to set aside two measley quarters for each sale to the "pay back the man who let me start my business fund"? Dude, people would kill for a no-interest loan to start a business. 
sicman said:
you aint joking. i was thinking the same thing. dale you couldnt do half a day what i do around my place.   and please stop saying "your nursery"  you dont own a thing.  
Is it sad that I Google Earthed the address listed in his FB page, and saw a spread that was smaller than my BIL's house... And Dale would have to hire some haters to do the stuff for him...
He doesn't acknowledge that Rhody has bills. It's all about Dale. The ad basically says Rhody is paying for Dale's meals and rent. Dale can't make payments because of his usual bills. But Dale does more volume than any other vendor. He must be giving orders away for free if he needs Rhody's money for meals. Rhody, I'm sorry you had to fund this guy's $5 Footlongs. It's pathetic.
I actually think Dale believes his own bullshit. He's clueless, and it's almost like a 5 year old is conducting "business" and making the posts.

At least the attempt to crowdsource loan payments from members allowed me to step in. I hope he pays up. I hope this helps you get your money, Rhody.
The Hot Pepper said:
He doesn't acknowledge that Rhody has bills. It's all about Dale. The ad basically says Rhody is paying for Dale's meals and rent. Dale can't make payments because of his usual bills. But Dale does more volume than any other vendor. He must be giving orders away for free if he needs Rhody's money for meals. Rhody, I'm sorry you had to fund this guy's $5 Footlongs. It's pathetic.
I actually think Dale believes his own bullshit. He's clueless, and it's almost like a 5 year old is conducting "business" and making the posts.

At least the attempt to crowdsource loan payments from members allowed me to step in. I hope he pays up. I hope this helps you get your money, Rhody.
That, or like I said earlier, he must be putting gold into his soil or something. And like Mike said, we all have bills to pay and other jobs to do, but that doesn't excuse any of us from doing the right thing by customers...
mmcdermott1 said:
Oh and by the way dale,I am a full time engineer by day and then peppers till very late in the evening and 12-15 hours a day every weekend so yea others work just as hard or harder than you my man.

We also don't take week long vacations to Tennessee and ignore orders. While your there uh yea we are working.
But you don't do 8 days a week!
Dale's on another planet with a broken calendar. :crazy:
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