Recent content by Husker21

  1. Husker21

    contest VOTE! Noodle Throwdown

    'sup homies!  Nothing has changed around here.  You guys and gals are still slangin' some GOOD EATS.
  2. Husker21

    bottling Hot fill and hold > fridge > shelf? Is this bad?

    So I have a food manufacturers license and I know the topic of shelf stability quite well. But I have an oddball question. Normally I would hot fill and hold and leave it at room temp. But I have a friend who wants one of my homemade sauces and I don't feel like making an entire new batch...
  3. Husker21

    Anyone growing the 'Devil's Brain'?

    I just cut up a gallon size ziploc bag or both red Bhuts from judys seeds and her Devils brains. Besides the obvious differences in appearance I noticed the overall size of the bhut was longer but the Devils had a much thicker flesh. Both are going in the dehydrator with some of judys peach bhut ss.
  4. Husker21

    Anyone growing the 'Devil's Brain'?

    Wicked gnarly pod. My plant didn't get huge but it did pump out a large number of pods. Gonna turn my yield into powder.
  5. Husker21

    This is how you make hot sauce and NOT piss off your significant other

    No birds.  But I am cooking up a shit ton of pork this weekend.  16 or so pork butts and 15-20 lb of bacon.  
  6. Husker21

    This is how you make hot sauce and NOT piss off your significant other

    That burner kicks ass. On a stove top it would take forever to get that kettle to a rolling boil. This thing did it in short order with 4 gallons of sauce in there.
  7. Husker21

    Pepper People are the Best

    Nice haul buddy! Give and you shall receive. And we all know buddy has been one of the most generous members on THP.
  8. Husker21

    Husker21 2015 Glog

    Second large harvest of the season.  I think I produced about 40 lbs of peppers so far.  Hoping to get another little harvest before the temps drop for good.  14 different types of pods in this shot.  Lots of these went into a 4 gallon batchof hot sauce.  The bhuts and devils brains are getting...
  9. Husker21

    This is how you make hot sauce and NOT piss off your significant other

    Wifey is tired of being maced and the lingering smell in the house.  I wanted to do a batch of my Relaxin' Jack hot sauce but use a mix of peach congo, CARDI yellow scorpions, bahamian goats, 7 pot whites and brazilian starfish.  This batch is for friends and family not for wholesale purposes...
  10. Husker21

    Spicy Chickens Barn Conversion. Extreme Makeover Farm Edition.

    Wow.  Coming along nicely.  Great craftsmanship! 
  11. Husker21

    Mixed SFRB for FREE!

    I found a keyboard sized box. So you will be getting more than a SFRB worth of peppers. I labeled one of each type just in case. Watch out for those Devils brains!
  12. Husker21

    Mixed SFRB for FREE!

    The box goes to Alchy. PM me your address and I will get this to the post office tomorrow.
  13. Husker21

    Mixed SFRB for FREE!

    Who wants some peppers?  Who doesn't want to pay for them?     If you have over 500 posts and you can list the last 10 Men's Tewaarton Trophy winners you can have a lovely mixed box of pods for free.  That is right, I will foot the enormous financial burden of paying for the SFRB.  lol  Contest...
  14. Husker21

    food Boomas BBQ

    That looks bangin'!
  15. Husker21

    Husker21 2015 Glog

    I will snap some pics when the sun comes out again... Probably Thursday.  I am really digging the pod shape on the bishops hat, cheiro roxa and devil's brain.  Peach and red bhuts are looking real gnarly as well.  