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  • I just texted "are you a carolina reaper? Cause you're hotter than anything on earth" lol
    Nurse taking care of my pops needed a signature on his discharge papers, she asked where my aunt went and I was like I can sign it. She didn't think I was over 18.
    thats better then being 18 and looking 35!

    i bought kegs for some party when i turned 21... they didnt even card me.
    Dang, I have a friend that has that looking 15 years older than he is syndrome, although its leveling off now. I on the other hand look way younger than I am, I never bothered with a fake ID since I look so young. Figured no one would let me in a bar anyway. On my 21st bday i didn't even get carded...
    Dad just woke up in recovery room post op. Trying to understand him talk is harder than trying to understand his voice to texts from Siri.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Speedy recovery!
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Much luck for dad.
    Try the Siri-voice-texts, now. Probably make perfect sense! Speedy recovery!
    Le sigh. 7 yr old girl got shot in the back today playing outside her house... about 2 blocks from the police station. I'm at a loss for what to say or do anymore. It sucks not feeling safe in your own neighborhood.
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Dearborn, MI was an interesting place to grow up in the late '70s / early '80s. As my dad used to say, "It's a good place to be from.". If change is beyond your control, be safe and leave.
    Stay safe, chica, and get outta there. I left the LA area of CA for the same reason.

    LOL qq - do you not know that Rawk is a chick?
    everyone on the internets is a man untill i learn otherwise.
    Sooo where should I move? can't do Chicago anymore 2 shot one fatally just blocks from my house oitside a restaurant I was at yesterday. :(
    Tennessee (Judy's back yard)
    You should move to a suburb of the bay area. There is lots of money in the art and music scene out here. The skilled trades get paid more than most places in the nation. Buds are legal and cheap.And the coast is stunning.
    Thanks guys, the goal has now become to go and visit some new cities, save up and hopefully be outta here by next year. When we decide I am going to hit up my pepper people and see who is in the new city to help me move for pizza and beer (and free dog hair stuck to your clothes forever) ;)
    Thanks to Best Buy rewards points and the Honey extension I just got a $250 order for $25.
    Called cops on car blocking driveway,car has expired plates and city sticker, gets 3 tickets and towed. 6 hrs later guy shows up screaming throwing rocks at my windows and taunting my dogs because his car isn't where he left it. Have to call police. Sort of afraid of what's going to happen next.
    Grab a can of bear spray. That shit sprays like a super soaker.
    post a job application in yer yard that should keep them away
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    When they know where you live and where you park the car, best to be sneaky. If not, you will need new tires and windows.
    I chopped all my hair off and the next night went to a fashion show. Bought a piece of jewelry from a designer and she wanted to take my picture with it on because she said it looked badass with my hair. Win.
    Can we make a trade? We'll give them you if they give us Prince, Alan Rickman, and Jeff Hanneman back.
    You don't want Bowie back too? o.0
    we'll trade Miley for Bowie
    Company just acquired a 20k machine this month, today was the final day of training and a belt broke with 30 min left and they want us to repair it. That the shit is that?!
    My sister is running the Boston Marathon right now!
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Serious wows coming from me. Finish or not, that is one hell of a thing to attempt. You got some good dna there you do.
    Its nothing for her. She's been doing a marathon a year for the last 6 years (even did a 50 mile ultra marathon last year), but her dream was Boston. Proud of her and happy she got what she worked for!
    Moved a tv to my balcony so I can enjoy the beautiful weather and the Hawks game. My neighbors were grilling and heard me upstairs and gave me wings. Today is great so far.
    after spending the last 3 days at the vet with Yuki, my other dog Bacio jumped into bed last night and started having a seizure. I can't win.
    He is on purevita salmon amd pea grain free food. We swtiched to grain free a few years ago and he stopped having issues for a long time. They've been springing up every now and then lately, no idea what is triggering them. Last night was the worst it has ever been. When I take Yuki in to get the staples removed I will bring him in for an exam. :-/ tell me more about the honey?
    Just an easy way to give her some fast-acting sugar, so she doesn't go into seizure upon awakening, which is when it was happening. She sleeps under the A/C vent in the bedroom, and shivering burns a lot of calories, and creatures with blood sugar troubles have trouble with cold temperature. Could be agave syrup, just as easily. This morning's was the worst one, she went to the bathroom (both ways) during it =( ...
    Sorry to hear this.
    my neighbors threw donuts in my yard and attracted all sorts of rodents. Dogs went after said rats this am, chased it to the edge of the yard and cut up her face. she has to go in for stitches tomorrow because she already ate today. $82 in antibiotics, $300 for stitches and anesthesia.
    The other idea is check with the code enforcement office to see if they are violating any codes they can be written up for. Just a thought
    Thanks chile, i am up to abput $500 now in vet costs since her stitches broke this morning. They are breaking the law but no one cares. These people living off their 94 yr old father/grandfather and i imagine food stamps or something of the like. Doubt small claims would do anything but cost me more money. Rather just save that money and put it towards moving.
    Good luck, what a pain, hope your dog gets better soon!
    What started as me trying to fool my mom into thinking I got a third dog, led to me finding an all white Alaskan Malamute in a shelter... my 3 white dogs has a nice ring to it don't ya think?
    Well it was bound to happen livin in a big city with street parking... But the bumper on my 7 month old car is officially cracked, scratched, and dented. Noticed it today, had to be a truck or SUV that did it because it cracked/dented the top part of the bumper.. :'(
    Guess driving a big ol' truck might be compensation for a small thingey. If they had any balls they'd own up. You have the right to be pissed that someone else can damage your stuff with not even so much as a sorry. But peeps like them get what's coming eventually.
    At least they didn't hit it hard enough to blow the airbags.
    Vicious Vex
    Vicious Vex
    I drive a big truck, but I can park it like a small car. It is all in the skill of the driver.

    Sadly, however, this person sucks.
    bourbon tasting with speakers from multiple distilleries? yes please.
    Vicious Vex
    Vicious Vex
    Enjoy! I'm jealous
    It was def more than I expected! So good. So many freebees including cigars!
    It was def more than I expected! So good. So many freebees including cigars!
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