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  • Just found out one of my favorite teachers in high school passed away/ Had him for English my junior and senior years of high school, and I learned a ton from him
    OCD Chilehead
    OCD Chilehead
    Sorry to hear that Paul.
    He was awesome! He was so sick of the constant paperwork, he taught us to forge his signature, and we all agreed with him that as long as we told him about papers requiring his signature, he was cool with it for keeping-stories-straight purposes. He also was a walking encyclopedia of historical works, and could quote Tennyson, Shakespeare, Homer, etc., all from memory
    Thanks to a glitch on my website, someone was able to place an order for a Mixed SFRB of my peppers, when I was trying update it and make sure it was set it as "Sold Out". Thankfully the buyer was cool with waiting a couple weeks (got pods & pollinated flowers developing now), and I'll slip a little something extra into the box for his patience.
    Wanted to make sure it was set that way, since I've wanted to avoid doing pre-orders since I started to sell my peppers unless the person specifically says they're willing to wait.
    :) The fun of being your own admin...I know the pain!
    lol, goodjob
    Caught a couple hornworms in the garden. They were "disposed of" with extreme prejudice...
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hotdog bun?
    Hate those son's a bitches!!! Kill kill kill!!!!
    Nah, Hybrid, more like I took a 10" bamboo skewer, and stabbed them all repeatedly before throwing them a far as I could away from the garden. I'm glad I went out when I did, because they had only just started to nibble...
    Just saw a Black Racer standing guard over my plants :) He seemed to be honed in on a couple Bhuts in particular. Must be some good eats there wanting to nibble on the plants
    and a snake... first learned of that name when I worked at Jean Lafitte National Park when I was 15. Also called blue racers.
    My property had tons of snakes. Rarely saw a rat or mouse. Now the new neighbor thinks every snake is a rattlesnake and its off with their heads. He wonders why we have a so many rats and mice now!
    If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail.
    Sinus infections suck. That is all, carry on...
    moruga welder
    moruga welder
    what i postponed my date with mama for that ! lol
    The pain the pain!! :(
    Right now it's more of a dull ache, and I feel pressure in the back of my right eye especially. The stuffy nose and scratchy throat don't help either. Thankfully, I'm working from home tonight, and it's a slow night
    Dehydrating some peppers that were about to fall off of my plants, which would have barely constituted 1/3 of an SFRB.. While picking them, noticed an explosion of flowers on my plants. Looks like the fert I've used on them is working wonders
    Grrr, Mongo not happy. It appears that the box I sent to Pex was opened and left for a couple days at the Post Office, as it only just arrived today (shipped it Monday flat rate)...
    Wow, some FB group admins are a little touchy when we give our honest experiences for a not-so-reputable vendor. They'd rather delete posts/comments than have people "bash" vendors, when we've had bad experiences with them...
    We had groups like that when we bred reptiles and inverts. Same damn thing. Groups with that mentality are very detrimental to the communities they represent.
    And the semi-amusing thing is, the admin posted up in the group about how bashing growers/venders will no longer be tolerated, and it's basically a "rah-rah, go admin" session...
    I posted an honest and non-offensive question to a moderator on another forum today, and when I checked back to hear the response I found my question was simply deleted with no explanation. That really grinds my gears...
    Trying out some 27-10-40 certs on my plants that has Epsom salt and calcium nitrate. Hoping it'll help with my plants
    Look into GrowMore's liquid soluble nutrients. They have a tomato formula that's $60 for 25lbs and it works really well for large scale. You need to add your own calcium nitrate but that's cheap in 25lb quantities.
    I may look into it if these don't produce results in the next couple months. Right now, I'm still very much doing a smaller scale operation, and 25lbs may be a bit much for me right this minute. If, no WHEN, I win the lotto, I'll get bigger quantities :)
    you can get 5lb boxes of tomato ferts from hydrogardens too... same deal with the calcium nitrate.
    Just finished the Blazing Wings Challenge at BW3. Nowhere near as hot as I expected, but that may be because of all the scorps, bhuts, and morugas I've dealt with lol.
    I used have folks brag about trying trying their Blazing Wings or the Atomic Wings at Quaker Steak. I just give them a Moruga or Reaper. They shut up.
    And the funniest thing is that the heat didn't even kick in until about 90 seconds after I had already finished the challenge. Even then, it was only a 4-5 on a 10-scale. The waiter who was timing me was amazed I didn't even sweat a single bead of sweat, until I told him what I grew :)
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    Surprised you made it through it elcap. That Blazin sauce tastes like Shit with all the extract they put in it. Not super hot, but nasty.
    Really liking my new laptop. Had to stick with Windows 8.1, and I'm starting to warm up to it...
    youre confusng fast with new probably, it just hasnt filled up the drive with its crap yet
    Is there still a registry?
    @able eye: I know the difference, being a computer tech for the last 15 years (including for a major University and the Federal Gov't), a Master's Degree in IT, and quite a few certifications. Your experience in IT is...?
    Tax return received and new laptop ordered. I even sprung for next-day shipping... the funny part is, even with the next-day shipping, it was still less than on Amazon! :) I'm a happy camper
    I got my latest from TigerDirect. For the specs I wanted it was cheaper there than new egg.
    I tried TigerDirect, and they didn't even have the one I wanted, and the one on Amazon (I also have Amazon Prime) was being sold thru a 3rd party vendor I had never heard of (which is a red flag for me). Just got confirmation that it'll get here tomorrow, and I've already got stuff on a flash drive so I can install Win7 x64 on it and get it set up how I want.
    More than a little annoyed with FedEx right now. I was supposed to get the laptop yesterday, but for whatever reason, they left may package at their Memphis center for over 14 hours yesterday. It's scheduled to come here today, but still, I'll be contacting Newegg so they can file a claim for reimbursement since I paid the extra to get it yesterday.
    Just finished weeding the garden for the first time in forever. 2/4 rows done, and my hands feel incredibly sore. Gonna do the rest tomorrow.
    Crossing my fingers! Just got an email saying I'm in final contention for a big promotion at work. They've got 4 slots open, and I scored a 98/100 on the certification for the job, and they sent the email 10 days after I applied, which is a speed record for HR, considering sometimes they take months to make decisions. Getting this would mean a HUGE pay raise for me
    Taxes done and submitted.
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    Wait??!!? Who gets money back?

    Must be nice. I write those MFers a check every year.
    Well, like I said, I had a bunch of things that I could claim as deductions, as well as some other things I got this year (bought a new car, built a new PC, did some repairs on the house)
    stuck a check in the mail today for Estimateds..... I'm with Scovie, it gets harder and harder to keep at it...
    Wow, looks like I'll be getting quite a bit back on my taxes, thanks to starting the LLC for my pepper thing, as well as working primarily from home with my day job :)
    Anyone know of a good motion activation security camera? Checked my plants for the first time this year and someone (or something) took all the ripe pods from my plants.
    Yeah sure, a human carcass would be good as free compost.
    Get a pet leopard.
    It's probably just a Jay (Blue-Jay or Jay-T).
    Oh joy... the windstorm that came through yesterday stripped almost all the leaves from all but two of my potted Morugas. Most of my in-ground plants are OK though
    My Yellow Morugas were looking a little sickly the last couple weeks, except for ome plant (whose roots left the container to go into the ground) so I plunked down some coin for some organic guano/worm casting goodness for them, as well as for my backyard plants to help them grow!
    are those the same plants from last winter? if so, how are they doing after the herbicide issue?
    Yes, they're the same ones. They bounced back nicely after the herbicide incident but lately haven't looked quite as good as I wanted, hence the purchase of the guano/castings fert, since I've been feeding them nothing things that were low nitro, but high potassium & phosphorus the last couple months.
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