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  • I don't mind it, but doing it all at once takes ages to unpack for me, and it came to £126 for a weekly shop.
    I don't even know my own mobile no. But I store all my pin numbers on my phone, but no one would find them. I have all my reminders on it and I use it as an alarm clock, and of course all my music is on it and I use it like a laptop.
    You could always have a laptop with you, you've got internet at work anyway though I suppose. I haven't so that's why I love my phone. I've always said I'd rather lose my keys or wallet than my phone, especially as my phone contains a lot of confidential info.
    I'd go for laptop too as in your place you can just use it like a PC. I like phone because I have it everywhere, mobile internet is not the same as having a computer screen in front of you though and obviously the typing's an issue for me, to go from touch-typing to using just a thumb on the mobile. If you gave me the choice of a computer or mobile I know what I would rather have. I have a PC at home so I'm OK, if I didn't of course I'd go for a laptop, no contest.
    I'll still be about, just like at work but I'll have more time on holiday. I've got the internet all the time now on my phone, before I only had it between 7pm and 7am Mon-Fri and free at weekends and on Bank Holidays. It's not free, I pay a monthly rate. They say it's unlimited but it's not really, I get 250MB, how much that is I don't know.
    Nope nothing's changed for me. When I'm on holiday I should still be able to chat to you at least once a day. I'm gonna to set the internet on my phone so I can use it abroad without having massive costs, I use my phone when I'm at work to talk to you.
    You must be able to read my mind, I was looking at the way you spelt 'color' before and thought, best not point it out. I couldn't decide what colour and liked them both, You just wait until my holiday, every tip will be a different colour, mint green, sky blue, lemon yellow, sherbert orange, lilac.
    Well not the colour I want because of work, so it's light candy floss pink, (think you call it cotton candy or something) with the tips on one hand baby blue and the tips on the other lilac. When the auditor was at work on monday it was having my nails painted that I cared about most, we all missed the fire alarm safety check.
    I'm back!!! I'm having a lazy day off, well apart from loads of washing and housework there's not much else to do. I've been up to the greenhouse and now I'm painting my nails and checking bank statements etc..
    Well 2+ hours of it I helped with, but I don't think I really helped as I think I taught Con wrong, like the wrong answers and everything. Mum did it with him for the rest of the time. He'd already gone all over this in class but he claims he can't remember. Off for tea now babe. I really missed you.
    I've read American books where they say Math, Australian too, we always say maths. We've just finished the homework, we started at 4:30pm, it's now 8pm. Love it!
    Same here, I'm better at things like percentages. I always got 100% in that. I noticed you called it 'math' not 'maths'.
    It's horrible all this maths. I've kind of worked it out and my Mum's come home with all her old school maths and it's simple to her, no one else understands. I'm so pleased this was a homework sheet I didn't do for him, it would have been so wrong.
    What's the share of £21 in the ration of 4:3 then? Or, simplify this: 20x + 7x +3 + 2x. That's where I'm lost, my Mum finds it a piece of piss.
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