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  1. peter pepper

    Happy Holidays - March 14th

    yeah the radio station I listen to has been counting down for about the past 3 months now. last week they even gave away gift certificates to steak places in downtown Chicago.
  2. peter pepper

    smoking Come on spring

    Oh sure rub it in why don't you? :)
  3. peter pepper

    smoking Come on spring

    It's supposed to be in the mid to upper 40's here this weekend - I just might have to pull out the gas grill and fire it up. I'm having grilling withdrawal - I can't wait for 50's then I can for certain get my butt out there and grill.
  4. peter pepper

    Slower Than Dirt

    :oops: :oops: :oops: ok so I finally got around to taking a look and well I suck. The one tray of 9 cells I took out all the dirt was completely dry. Then I looked closer and another tray of 9 was way too wet. So it's my fault. :tear: I'll have to start all over. Oh well lesson...
  5. peter pepper

    Slower Than Dirt

    yeah i have enough of them planted - if I get a chance tonight I'll give it a shot and see what I see.
  6. peter pepper

    Slower Than Dirt

    No - not that I can think of. It's in my same little 'greenhouse' with a dome, in fact it's in the same location in the house (on top of the TV entertainment center - safest away from the kids here), I think I added water the same. I'm think to give it another week and if nothing I'll slowly...
  7. peter pepper

    Slower Than Dirt

    Hey guys: I planted seeds on super bowl sunday, so that was what? Feb 7th. I haven't seen jack from them yet. I planted chocolate habs, Jamaican scotch bonnets, and unknown (all these were seeds I saved from last year) and then some of AJ's scorpions. Same little grow house with heat mat...
  8. peter pepper

    Why (... winter olympics)

    yup I agree - too much figure skating, ice dancing, etc. i just can't bring myself to watch it. i also think there are too many 'profile' stories - you know where they give some story about some skier or whatever. I really don't care if they crashed 2 years ago and they had all this...
  9. peter pepper

    burnin lips.. not from sauce!

    and here we go downhill fast.... actually i wondered the same when I saw the title, but was unconfused by her first post - LOL
  10. peter pepper

    Next Olympic Event: Pole Dancing?

    heres a news story for you: Next Olympic Event: Pole Dancing? Get ready sports fans, pole dancers eye Olympics
  11. peter pepper

    some simple q's

    alright thanks guys. one more quick one: when you are letting it ferment where do you keep it? Would I been fine in my garage? It's unheated during the winter and it would be warm in the summer - or would I be better off looking some other place?
  12. peter pepper

    some simple q's

    I've been reading some of the homebrew threads and it looks like a fun hobby. I have a couple of questions: 1. What is the cost vs buying in the store? Is it cheaper/same/more expensive? 2. If you bottle how many bottles do you get out of a 5 gallon batch? 3. Could you use a turkey fryer as...
  13. peter pepper

    How To Cook Chicken

    looks good, but would agree with you all - get a different container. Maybe that was some pics by PMD???
  14. peter pepper

    Web client will not pay

    I think that Judge Milian is way better looking than Judge Judy - that's why I picked people's court.
  15. peter pepper

    Web client will not pay

    I say take them to PEOPLE"S COURT!! Let see you on TV.
  16. peter pepper

    Mel's suicide mission....

    That was amusing - i liked it. (hey it only took me 2 days to finally see the vid. youtube blocked at work, was going to watch last night, but wife was using the computer to work, but better late than never). lets see the bhut...come on!!
  17. peter pepper

    Mel's suicide mission....

    ahh crap. now i have to wait to get to my other computer. stupid flash player isn't installed and I can install it cause I don't have admin. privileges. (at work).
  18. peter pepper

    Olympic athlete dies....

    It is very sad and tragic that this guy died. It's horrible. And from what I saw it was preventable - they should have built the wall from the start. However, even with that said I don't think he deserved to die. It's a risk he runs though. All the athletes that take part in the Winter...
  19. peter pepper

    contest Super Bowl Throwdown!

    Well i'm not being creative - just doing the jalapeno poppers. Stuffed with cream cheese, mozzarella and chorizo. Gonna wrap 1/2 of them with bacon. Should be good eats, but I know you guys are freaking nuts and will blow my mind. Have a great day all - go Saints.
  20. peter pepper


    I love LOST. It's one of those shows you love it but hate it at the same time. MASH = sucked.