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  1. Downriver

    The truth about Hot Ones sauces

    If you happen to watch the show, you might find this interesting.
  2. Downriver

    Downriver 2025

    Today's the first of the year, so it must be time to start a glog. That's it, for now, lol.
  3. Downriver

    wanted BOLO Burpee Biker Billy Jalapeno F1

    This is one of the few commercial hybrids I grow. It's my ideal jalapeño, and I've grown it for at least 15 years. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find seeds for the last 3-4 years in my area, and my stash is depleted. Burpee doesn't list them on their website either. My fear is BB is no...
  4. Downriver

    Downriver 2023 - Garden Adventures

    Well, it's March again and about time to start this Glog as well. My intent is to cover all things garden, sans peppers. Peppers may appear here occasionally, but they will be the star in the Downriver 2023 - Pepper Time Glog. So, as in years past, I've done nothing to prep the garden this...
  5. Downriver

    Downriver 2023 - Pepper Time

    Like others, I debated on having a Glog this year, but figured “what the heck”. It's been fun in past years, so let's give it a go. Hopefully we'll end up posting pictures like this later in the Season! 🤞
  6. Downriver

    wanted Demon Habanero - Steve Foster (aka SBS, Scotch Bonnet Steve)

    I know it's a long shot, but thought I'd check to see if anybody has this variety. It was a creation of Steve Foster (RIP), aka SBS (Scotch Bonnet Steve), Riser, and others most likely. Some of the folks that have been playing in the pepper world for quite a while may remember him, and hopefully...
  7. Downriver

    New Posts question

    Hey Boss, I've noticed neither "New Posts" or the "pepper icon" thingie list modified posts in the Humor Forum anymore. Looks like it stopped around August 1st. Is that intentional or am I doing something wrong (again)?
  8. Downriver

    hot-sauce Whatcha gonna do?

    We were running errands late in the afternoon last week, and realized it was Margarita Monday. So, off to the local Mexican restaurant we went. Since this was a spur of the moment decision, I didn't bring any WarrantMan hot sauces with me. Therefore, I was at the mercy of the restaurant...
  9. Downriver

    Downriver 2022 - Garden Adventures

    Well, it's March and about time to start this Glog. My intent is to cover all things garden, sans peppers. Peppers may appear here occasionally, but they will be the star in the Downriver 2022 - Pepper Time glog. So, I've done nothing to prep the garden this year, although the time is...
  10. Downriver

    Downriver 2022 - Pepper Time

    Today is Jan 1, so time to start a Glog and THINK about what to grow. The answer is most likely somewhere in here. I'll figure it out shortly. :think:
  11. Downriver

    So, this is what @mikeUSMC has been up to? ha

    Chef Iron Mike sauces A trained chef, opened and then sold a restaurant, now hawking sauces. @MikeUSMC - When the heck do you sling iron, build bridges and sh!t? lol
  12. Downriver

    Those crazy UC Davis kids!

    perfecting new variety of jalapeno popper pepper
  13. Downriver

    business-legal Potential Changes in Massachusetts Cottage Laws

    Lightening up, perhaps. Potential Changes in Law
  14. Downriver

    shopping Kingsford Charcoal - Online dealio 7/01/21 ONLY - Lowes

    I am getting low on charcoal, so I thought I'd check Lowes online for the Kingsford 2fer deal. Looks like they're not doing it for the July 4th. Bummer. Then I looked at "one day specials" and found the 8lb bag half-priced (limit 5). So, I ordered up a batch. They also carry some of the "flavor...
  15. Downriver

    Downriver - 2021

    Well, I hear tell it's (past) time to start a Glog, so why not give it a try. I've been on here for years and always enjoyed reading them. So, I thought it might be fun to write one for a change...or not? lol   Anyway, for this year's grow, I came up with a few themes. First, I'm participating...
  16. Downriver

    annuum NUMEX Jalapeno Series - Yes or No

    I bought seeds last year, but decided not to plant them because of the mixed reviews/opinions of them. I'm planning my 2021 grow and I'd like to know your thoughts about these guys. I have all three - Lemon, Orange and Pumpkin. Help me get off the fence, one way or another.   Thanks
  17. Downriver

    pod-i.d. Garden Exchange Pepper

    Had occasion to be at the hospital the other day, and down in the cafeteria they had a "garden exchange" table set up in the corner. You know - you bring in your excess, and take anything that looks interesting. Nice idea. Anyway, I was down there mid-afternoon, so it was pretty much wiped out...
  18. Downriver

    Steak! ...or Vake?

        For some reason, this makes me think of @Uncle_Eccoli :lol:
  19. Downriver

    Anybody Recognize This One?

    Hi folks.   This is supposed to be Island Hellfire. Commercial seed. Two plants separated from the same seed-start cell.   Pod #1, which I think is the correct pheno:   Pod #2, which is curlier than a pigs tail, and just as long. Very thin-walled, typical cayenne taste:   Any thoughts would be...
  20. Downriver

    fermenting Frankensauce fermented hot sauce recipe (link)

    Something I stumbled across at a BBQ site the other night. :drunk:  