Search results

  1. Helvete

    C. pubescens and Alaska

    I've been growing 2 orange manzano plants since October, started them from seeds I plucked out of one of the THP seed trains a few years ago.  I had never tried to grow them when I lived in the South but from what I understand they probably have a hard time with the persistent heat and humidity...
  2. Helvete

    outdoors Summer Fishing Anyone???

    The reds are running here in Alaska and I'm already getting the fever!  They're not numbering very high on the fish count yet but in about a week I should be able to limit out (3 Kenai River sockeye per day) in about 30 minutes  
  3. Helvete

    Found a great camping spot

            the south beach of the Kasilof River delta
  4. Helvete

    sweet look what I found

        It's not pyrite...but that doesn't mean that it's actually gold either.  I want to get a guy to look at it tomorrow.  It's only a few flecks of it but it's cool to find after moving up here
  5. Helvete

    review Helvete reviews Alaska Red hot sauce.

    Found this stuff locally.  In general the product is ok as far as flavor and heat and was reasonably priced and slightly better flavor than standard store bought big box brands.  I do have some concerns about the company's labeling and such but that isn't necessarily a reflection of the product...
  6. Helvete

    food Coconut habanero apple and pork roast

    I coated the roast in a brown sugar, fatalii powder, and garlic salt blend and wrapped it with bacon, baked the roast at 300 for 2.5 hours in chopped apple, habanero, coconut and coconut juice          
  7. Helvete

    Helvete's 2016 Organic Alaskan Grow

    Hey everyone   I haven't been online much in the last 6 months.  I moved from Virginia to Alaska last year and have been working on getting myself settled here.       If you don't know might be thinking it's a little crazy trying to grow tropical plants in a subarctic climate...but I've...
  8. Helvete

    Igloo building

    So I figured I'd try my hand at this.  It's not easy at all.  Used a breadpan to make my iceblocks since none of the snow is crusted yet but I'll probably make a huge one next month.              will probably finish it Thursday, I don't have any daylight during the work week to do anything...
  9. Helvete

    Helvete's Blue Ribbon Fatalii seed giveaway! CLOSED

    I'm giving away seeds to the first ten people who want them.  No SASBE needed, just post in this thread and send me a PM with your address and I'll get them out this week.  The only thing I ask in return is for you to pay it forward, when you grow a plant and get fruits to share the seeds.  Due...
  10. Helvete

    Questions for Canadian, Scandinavian, Alaskan, etc. growers

    Problem: cooler temps and midnight sun during summer   I'll be doing tests next season with C. pubescens to see if they tend to produce a little better than the other species that I've seen up here.  It seems that the first season plants of C. chinense and C. baccatum have some trouble with...
  11. Helvete

    Haven't been on much recently

    I moved from Virginia to Alaska in August and have been settling in with my job and new home.  Working five 10s and trying to get my vehicles worked on have consumed a lot of my time but the ice and snow is setting in pretty good right now and I'll be spending a lot more time in front of my...
  12. Helvete

    review Video: Pod test "Lucy" 7 Pot Jonah X Naga Viper

    These peppers are, to date, the hottest I've ever eaten but they're also delicious.  My first review since my move and I'm starting off with a bang, this pod flew across the continent with me in my carry on.  HD video.  
  13. Helvete

    review Video: Pod test 7 Pot Bubblegum
  14. Helvete

    Arctic and subarctic perennials and herbs

    I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with these types of plants, things like beach strawberries, chocolate lilies, etc.  They don't necessarily have to be edible, anything that can withstand as low as -32F/C (although my ag zone is only rated for -20F you never know).  I've already had...
  15. Helvete

    Blue Ribbon Fatalii peppers :D

    I know I haven't been on much recently, been working on my move and have kind of put the peppers on the back burner.  It's kind of depressing knowing I'm leaving behind most of my plants but I got a pretty good boost after winning first place in the local agricultural fair for my Fatalii...
  16. Helvete

    review Video: Pod test Sugar Rush Cream (C. baccatum)
  17. Helvete

    Mailing adult plants?

    Hey everyone   Some of you may know that I'm moving across the country from Virginia to Alaska. I'm going to attempt mailing a few of my older plants, ones that are in their second year.  I've mailed seedlings before with no problems but never tried adult plants and was wondering if there are...
  18. Helvete

    Video of Exit Glacier at Kenai Fjords National Park

    I got to visit a glacier yesterday, it was something on my bucket list!      
  19. Helvete

    Wendy's ghost pepper fries

    Supposedly Wendy's will be offering some time during the month of April fries with ghost seasoning and a new spicy chicken with ghost sauce.   Does anyone have any more information about this?  I heard this from the manager at the local one here but I'm trying to find more and coming up short on...
  20. Helvete

    video Video: repotting seedlings

    A brief video showing how I repot seedlings.