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  1. fineexampl

    This seasons must have plant?

    I'm with you there. This will be the 2nd season for my cascade and chinook so i'm expecting them to explode this year. Not going to waste time on new rhizomes though. Hard to find growspots living in an apartment. You will love the fatalii! I just went through the last of my dried pods from last...
  2. fineexampl

    FineExampl 2011 grow log

    Hi everyone. I decided it's time to say hello again as i've been away. I'm going to be starting up shortly and wanted to get something of a start at least on paper. Goal: Flavor vs. Fire I had a terrible season last year. Just awful! Going to try again this year with a newfound vigor. I...
  3. fineexampl

    hot-sauce Picked up some HOT sauces yesterday

    that Pure Death is pure weak. tasty as hell, yes, but not very strong on the bhut jolokia.
  4. fineexampl

    beer What are you brewing this weekend?

    Can't brew what has not been brewed. It's not Saturday yet. :) Plus i haven't finalized a recipe or a mash schedule. Kind of gonna wing it and take notes. How does a gruit taste? when i was reading about them, it sounded kind of sketchy.
  5. fineexampl

    beer What are you brewing this weekend?

    As a way to get back on this board a bit more i thought i'd bring one of these threads with me. So...what are you brewing this weekend? This weekend i'm brewing a lapsang souchong rauchbier. possibly some rye in the mash and some candi sugar to dry it out. This will also be my first...
  6. fineexampl

    Mel's suicide mission....

    and if mp3s of your voice with the accent on full throttle happen to be linked to my inbox, would it really be so bad? the wife may think so i suppose. congrats. my first superhot i went through half gallon frozen yogurt, a quart of milk and half gallon of water. now that was a whole pod all...
  7. fineexampl

    Web client will not pay

    I would go this route. "Website under construction due to failure to pay for web services. Try the place next door for now."
  8. fineexampl

    beer The FineExampl Homebrew Project

    you're science is correct. the estimated FG is 1.033 and the etimated abv is 15.25%, but with the yeast i've chosen, which is a Trappist strain, it can handle the high gravity and attenuate nicely and get down to the projected gravity. If it doesn't, i have other tricks in my toolbox to achieve...
  9. fineexampl

    Thrifty Kitchen Shoppin'

    That's an ebay thing. I think they suggest a dollar amount for the shipping. not sure. that said, i paid $18 for mine. The one you linked to is much niftier than my simple one. This is mine...
  10. fineexampl

    Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

    btw...morre peppers came up. some seeds i got from my hydroponic shop guy came up, as did some THP sourced aribibi gusano. 2010 is in full swing!
  11. fineexampl

    Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

    and we're off! These are tomatoes. Cherry and Black Russian according to my map. And the first pepper!It's a baby yellow scotch bonnet. Yes, it does look like the little guys are leaning toward the light. I'm working to fix this. The lights are 3-4 inches above, so i don't expect much...
  12. fineexampl

    Thrifty Kitchen Shoppin'

    also...the collectible value. yes, they are collectible. Is it worth anything? very doubtful. Use it and be glad you got a cheap kitchen gadget. i just bought a bottle capper that was likely made when my Grandmother was born. i'm TOTALLY using it to bottle my next batch of beer. it's only worth...
  13. fineexampl

    Thrifty Kitchen Shoppin'

    judging by the artwork and font style, i'm betting late 60s to early 70s. think about it, when have you seen anything that acted like Teflon was new? The first Teflon coated frying pan was sold in 1961 as "The Happy Pan". Teflon was invented in the 1930s. Teflon 2 was probably just a better...
  14. fineexampl

    soil STOOPID soil-less grow ix!

    Amen to ProMix! Since i first started this mess i was trial/error with prepack soil mix, miracle-crap, mixing my own blend of peat/vermiculite/perlite (worked okay), ProMix has won me over. It's cheap-ish and includes a wetting agent that is plant derived, so while it's not organic, it is...
  15. fineexampl

    Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

    With the light rig completed, i finally sowed my first seeds. I did the same thing i did last year and used Pro-Mix as the medium and wet them with plain tap water and some liquid seaweed. I had good results last year so i'm keeeping it going. Next watering i will add a drop of Superthrive, but...
  16. fineexampl

    beer The FineExampl Homebrew Project

    Update! The Belgian Honey Steam is still fermenting and i'm still waiting for it to hit the target gravity. The Strong Rye Bitter is now in secondary to clarify a bit and i reserved a gallon of it to age on some oak chips i soaked in Jim Beam Black. Both are doing very very well. I'm now...
  17. fineexampl

    event Kickoff Event and WING CHALLENGE, NJ

    bah! on a tuesday? damn. :(
  18. fineexampl

    beer The FineExampl Homebrew Project

    Witbier are at 3/4 case left. The stuff is just amazing. It turned out very much what i had wanted and hoped for. The stuff even smells like cotton candy. So what's next? Well today's brewday and i'm not just doing one batch this time. I'm doing a full day of brewing with at least 2 5gal...
  19. fineexampl

    Store-bought Thai Basil...growing from cutting

    i freaking LOVE Thai basil, Quad ol chap!! WEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee