2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

Exactly we are thinking very much a like...It was cool to do but now I have enough plutonium to nuke the block and Im the only one that will eat it too... Im thinking of smoking paprikas and Jalapenos and some peppers AJ mentioned were Pasilla Bajio, and Cascabels to make other seasonings

PRF...you heard anything from Gardenkiller?

last correspondance I had with him was on Oct 14 and he acknowledged getting the package and said he was going to get it out the next day..his response to a PM...

"yep got it today.....going to be sending off tomorrow. Just wondering, I don't have a printer, can I just write on the paper to update it?"

I replied to him it was fine to write on the paper...
if you are on the list the first round, you are automatically on the list for the second round in the same order and new requests to be on the list will be added at the end of round two...
I think e-mailing the list ahead and updating it digitally is the way to go.

People can see ahead of time what is coming and make selections.

Keeping it going smoothly is good for everyone.
cheezydemon said:
I think e-mailing the list ahead and updating it digitally is the way to go.

People can see ahead of time what is coming and make selections.

Keeping it going smoothly is good for everyone.

Very good Idea.And give people a chance to go through there seeds to already have them ready..and up date the list before they receive the package.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Nope. I wish gardenkiller would at least pm us what is going on. I have had the spreadsheet several weeks all highlighted the seed I am interested in.:lol:
ya man me too.
I just sent Mason {gardenkiller} a pm asking him to check in with us...

pablo said:
ya man me too.
I just sent Mason {gardenkiller} a pm asking him to check in with us...


I sent him one yesterday too Pablo...hope he will check in and at least let us know he is OK...
I hope it all works out for you - would be a shame if the parcel got lost again.

Just a suggestion for you guys: maybe you should make it mandatory to leave a phone number at - for example - AJs so that it is easier to get in touch with a member that hasn't logged into the forum or checked his mail in a while!? Just an idea --- good luck!