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2009 Grow Log

Pam said:
Have you made any effort to send pictures or samples to the local extension service? Id'ing the problem is half the battle.

I have lots of pics but I've been pretty busy lately so I haven't done it yet. Also on my To-Do list. But I'm hoping the whole new grow room + brand new hydro system + sanitizing with bleach is going to help.

But goddamnit I would like to figure this one out.
i would also like to know what the hell happened to your plants...

i have never seen anything like that before...

i did notice on the right side of the really bad ones, the yellowing of many leaves as well.. thats exactly what i had, some came back and some didnt....

when are you going to show us this new system ?
Hotpeppa said:
i would also like to know what the hell happened to your plants...

i have never seen anything like that before...

i did notice on the right side of the really bad ones, the yellowing of many leaves as well.. thats exactly what i had, some came back and some didnt....

when are you going to show us this new system ?

The yellowing of the leaves started once I quit watering and turning on the lights. All the plants had already died except a few seedlings that were just f***ed all to hell and barely scraping by. They lived long enough to turn yellow lol.

But bet your ass there will be pics, I just gotta design, buy & build first. But that starts today after work!
I apologize. I was having a hard time sleeping last night because I thought you were a plant killer. Sorry for passing judgement. I know you are not happy losing your plants this way and my accusations are not making things any better. It's just that your plants were so big and healthy last week so this came as quite a shock. I thought you were just being picky and perfectionistic.

I've had leaves fall of plants before and they turned out just fine. I thought dropping leaves was a way of the plant ridding itself of disease or a sign of overwatering/damp soil.
ABurningMouth said:
I apologize. I was having a hard time sleeping last night because I thought you were a plant killer. Sorry for passing judgement. I know you are not happy losing your plants this way and my accusations are not making things any better. It's just that your plants were so big and healthy last week so this came as quite a shock. I thought you were just being picky and perfectionistic.

I've had leaves fall of plants before and they turned out just fine. I thought dropping leaves was a way of the plant ridding itself of disease or a sign of overwatering/damp soil.

Lol no worries man. No plant killer here, just a guy with shitty luck :lol:

Also, the way the leaves were dropping was unusual. It's hard to explain I without seeing, but it was quite strange. Like the "healthy" looking leaves would sever themselves cleanly where the petiole connected to the stem, almost like a cut. Whereas other leaves would just wilt and shrivel completely in the course of a couple hours then stay attached. Eventually they all either shriveled or fell off and I said to hell with it and stopped watering at this point. I still haven't been able to bring myself to actually throw them in the trash lol. :lol:

Also did no one notice the tiny green pod hanging from the 1st pic of the aftermath?
Txclosetgrower said:
Also did no one notice the tiny green pod hanging from the 1st pic of the aftermath?

Of course I did, but I thought it would be gauche to mention in light of the situation.
Pam said:
Of course I did, but I thought it would be gauche to mention in light of the situation.

Yeah me too.
Txclosetgrower said:
I had a 4 leaf one.


RIP little guy :(
Not him too.:(

I have a tip. Get them off the floor. The soil in the pots must be very cold at the bottom.
ABurningMouth said:
Yeah me too.

Not him too.:(

I have a tip. Get them off the floor. The soil in the pots must be very cold at the bottom.

The hydro system I'm building is gonna be raised, but I don't think the floor gets too cold around here. Especially in the summertime(read: februrary through november). But yeah I think moving them up on to something couldn't hurt especially since bugs could hide in carpet.
Well the ad lied about having fataliis :(

But I did end up leaving with 2 beaver dams, 1 manzano, 1 yellow manzano, 1 georgia flame & 1 pepperoncini. They had just a few insects, both beneficial and not beneficial since they were organic. I had the master gardners who had a booth set up ID the insects to make sure and the only ones besides lady bugs & aphids were scales. Didn't have enough bugs to make me not wanna buy them.

Washed everything off really well and checked every leaf. I'm going to be picking up safer soap when I go out and buy the hydro supplies today.


I also was talking to some people about the problems with my plants and the consensus seems to be tobacco mosaic virus. One guy said "probably TMV. That virus is persistent, so it will every crop you try to grow in that area."

Good thing I was growing in pots and not in the garden, I can scrap all my gear and start anew.

I'm starting to think that the vector for transmission was that blue rubbermaid container. It was originally used back in like 2004 as a catch all for remote controls, lighters, etc in the living room of my first apartment. Then in 2007 I used it to start seedlings and they all ended up with this disease (i did wash it first though....).

This year I had my first group of seedlings in the black tray from the greenhouse I bought this year and wasn't having any problems. Then I started more plants, put them in that blue rubbermaid container and shortly thereafter is when problems arose.

So it's in the shit-can along with everything else those plants touched this year. About to sanitize everything else then start drawing up some plans. Stay tuned for pics this afternoon.
K all the shit has been gathered. However I'm not nearly drunk enough to figure out how to build this thing. I'm gonna work on solving that problem then construction starts this evening!

If you will get your ass to Fort Worth, I will give you as many plants as you desire...I can give you a 10 week head start...
Wow Txcg! It sounds like you had a productive day.
Picked up new babies from the nursery, found out what the problem was, and now building a great future.
Construction has begun but it will be a 2-day process. Tonight I cut all the pieces and dry-fit them to be sure that everything was going to fit. I should have taken a picture of it mocked up but you'll see the end results.

Day 1:

Building the stand:

Unless specified, all PVC pipe is 1.5"diameter SCH40
(2) 36" PVC
(4) 17" PVC
(4) 16.5" PVC
(4) 15" PVC
(6) 7" PVC
(2) 2" PVC
(Basically 3 10' pieces of 1.5" pvc pipe)

(12) 90* Elbows slip fit on both ends
(7) T-joint fittings slip fit on all ends
(1) Great Stuff expanding foam
(1) Plumbers putty
(1) Silicone caulk
(1) PVC Primer
(1) PVC Glue
(1) Hacksaw
(1) Measuring tape
(1) Sharpie


How to fit all the cuts on 3 10' pieces:

1st 10' piece: 2 x 7", 2 x 15", 2 x 16.5" & 1 x 36" with about 6-7" leftover since the 10' pieces aren't exactly 120 inches.

2nd 10' piece: same as 1st

3rd 10' piece: 4 x 17", 2 x 7", 2 x 2" with lots left over
You'll want to assemble the 4 feet as such. Note that the front leg is 1.5" shorter than the back leg, this is because the BATO buckets have a 1.5" indent on the back for setting into the drain pipe. This will make much more sense as everything comes together:


Go ahead and prime both ends of each pipe and all the insides of the connectors you will be using. So all 16.5" pieces, all 15" pieces, 4 7" pieces, 4 T's & 4 90's.

Once you assemble them make sure that the two pipes are parallel to each other. It's easier to adjust the orientation after attaching the pipes to the T & 90* connectors since it gives you leverage. Go ahead and glue all these parts together:

Now since the tall legs are connecting to the drain pipe, we have to come up with some way to plug the pipe. Now my way may not be the best way, but just make this water-tight at all costs. It won't be under pressure so that will help at least. I chose to fill the entire drain-supporting legs with Great Stuff expanding foam then cap it off with silicone caulk once it dries. If this sounds good to you, then here is how I did it:

1st I stuffed a crapload of plumbers putty (basically clay) into the bottom of the T-joint to keep the foam from leaking out the bottom of the pipe.


Make sure to push all the clay far enough in that it won't get in the way of attaching the pipe to the open end of the T.

After doing that, stand all the pieces up and SLOWLY pump full of foam. This crap is STICKY! IT WILL NOT COME OUT OF CLOTHING OR ANYTHING FOR THAT MATTER. HELL IT WILL STICK TO YOUR SKIN FOR OVER A WEEK. So just be careful not to get this crap everywhere.

It will expand up and over the top most likely, but that is ok. We're going to sand it down and fill the top of the pipe with silicone caulk once this stuff cures anyway:

And that's it for tonight, this foam takes 8 hours to fully cure even though its pretty dry after about an hour. Tomorrow comes the good stuff.
Very nice Man!!!!! this thread is large so somehow I missed the part about you building the dutch pot system. How is that "How to hydro"? Did you get the download or the one printed? Download is great, but then i'd have to find a laptop or print everything so I can read in the bathroom lol. Can't wait to see how it turns out. How expensive were the supplies?