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2009 Grow Log

03/01/09: Nevar forget!

Fear not oh lost plants, for though thou now reside in pepper heaven, thy deaths be not in vain! There are others! Others waiting patiently for their chance at life, who are thankful for the sacrifice you have made. Cause while the battle might be lost, the war will be won! The seeds rattle in their packets, anxious to avenge your deaths! "Plant me! Plant me!" they cry! And so it begins.....

It ain't over yet

Well apparently all this bitching and moaning woke up the overwintered tabasco I had repotted.

Dammit...I posted that while you were posting the pictures of the fallout. That comment was directed at your tabasco plant.
So now on the to do list:

1) Buy a crapload more strawberries

2) Repot the other plants I have outside and see if they survived being cut back with no water lol.

3) Hydro project 2.0: Peppers.

No starting seedlings for outdoors this year, i'm gonna hit this local plant sale this weekend that claims to have rare hot peppers. So I got that covered. However.....I have this brand spankin new 400W HPS light and i've been dying to set up another true hydro system.

This time i'm probably going with a dutch bucket system. I'm going to grow 4 plants under my 400W HPS. 1 Cumari, 1 lemon drop, and 1 trinidad scorpion, and 1 beaver dam is the plan.

I'm going with the plans from How-to Hydroponics except i'm only setting up a 4 pot system.
Txclosetgrower said:
So now on the to do list:

1) Buy a crapload more strawberries

2) Repot the other plants I have outside and see if they survived being cut back with no water lol.

3) Hydro project 2.0: Peppers.

No starting seedlings for outdoors this year, i'm gonna hit this local plant sale this weekend that claims to have rare hot peppers. So I got that covered. However.....I have this brand spankin new 400W HPS light and i've been dying to set up another true hydro system.

This time i'm probably going with a dutch bucket system. I'm going to grow 4 plants under my 400W HPS. 1 Cumari, 1 lemon drop, and 1 trinidad scorpion, and 1 beaver dam is the plan.

I'm going with the plans from How-to Hydroponics except i'm only setting up a 4 pot system.

very nice man cant wait to see your new stuff!!!!! be sure and post some pics bro!!!!
ABurningMouth said:
I think he just overreacted to oedema symtoms.

Lol really? Only that one plant that i showed in the first picture had any bumps on the leaves. The others all had that weird brownish ring and "healthy" leaves would just fall off, other leaves would suddenly wilt and then fall off, new leaves are all distorted and the brown markings just kept getting worse. So my money is on virus, bacteria, or fungus.

Plus, I didn't do anything to the plants other than quit watering after the disease had already killed them. My only reaction (besides hitting them with neem when i thought it was bugs) was to bitch and moan about it on here :lol:

But this one is still a mystery. 99% sure it's the same disease as 2007 which i never ID'ed. So i'm sanitizing everything i own that is gardening related with bleach this weekend.
Have you made any effort to send pictures or samples to the local extension service? Id'ing the problem is half the battle.