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2009 Grow Log

Well, it has two of those slip-on screw holes on the back so it's hanging from those. I just taped it to make sure it doesn't shake itself loose.
Growin fast....picking up some more hydroton tomorrow as well as a pH/EC meter. Gonna go ahead and fill the 2 remaining slots with lemon drop seedlings. Started "hardening" them off against the HPS light. Couple hours yesterday, couple more today so I don't get a repeat of the fatalii.

Speaking of which, the fatalii is recovering and i think it will pull out of this ok. Sorry no pics of it yet though

I think i'm gonna have a shitload of scorpion peppers in a few months.


Fatalii in back left is starting to recover, and two in front are lemon drop transplants about a day after going in.

Txclosetgrower said:
I think i'm gonna have a shitload of scorpion peppers in a few months.


Fatalii in back left is starting to recover, and two in front are lemon drop transplants about a day after going in.


DAMN BOY! 5 days...Thats a good sign of things to come!
Yep, Im setting up a bucket tomorrow...:lol:
My lemon drop is about 3' tall in just 4 or 5 weeks. It's the only pepper I've grown that is doing great. I wonder just how big it would be if I ever actually got around to building the hydro setup I keep thinking about...

I think you will have some monsters in there. Hope they taste good for you.
lostmind said:
My lemon drop is about 3' tall in just 4 or 5 weeks. It's the only pepper I've grown that is doing great. I wonder just how big it would be if I ever actually got around to building the hydro setup I keep thinking about...

I think you will have some monsters in there. Hope they taste good for you.

Yeah I think the lemon drops just have a lanky growth habit. The ones I had started in January grew tall quickly with alternating leaves instead of two leaves opposite each other
Ajis grow like weeds; with square stems. Mine are unreal now.
It's a damn good thing you got that fan, they all need the excersize when they start to bust loose. And I think I saw some mold forming.
My scorps (from AJ) are doing good too. Very forgiving plants. They're growing way faster than my fatallis are.
ABurningMouth said:
Ajis grow like weeds; with square stems. Mine are unreal now.
It's a damn good thing you got that fan, they all need the excersize when they start to bust loose. And I think I saw some mold forming.
My scorps (from AJ) are doing good too. Very forgiving plants. They're growing way faster than my fatallis are.

Yeah, I'm not sure if that's mold or nutrient residue from where the top dries out. I've been keeping my eye on it though, and if it looks to be causing any problems i'm going to start misting the top of the media with dilute hydrogen peroxide. Doesn't feel like mold to the touch.

I love when people mention mold, gives me the chance to post this :)

Yeah, that's a helluva difference in a week. Lookin' good. Been out of it and haven't done a Scorpion yet, so can't wait to see how it does.
Freaking outrageous growth spurt in that short amount of time Txcg. That Scorpion is going to severely hurt someone. You looking for volunteers? (as he takes a slide step backwards exposing the "volunteers")
patrick said:
Freaking outrageous growth spurt in that short amount of time Txcg. That Scorpion is going to severely hurt someone. You looking for volunteers? (as he takes a slide step backwards exposing the "volunteers")
Just shows you the right growing conditions are everything. since I switched to Hydroponic/Aeroponic methods only, I saved myself A LOT OF TIME. the growth is amazingly fast even on the cheap-o setups I use for seedlings. you just need to get it right.
What kind of setup are you using for your seedlings Omri? I was looking at a way to get them going quicker before putting them in the dirt.
millworkman said:
What kind of setup are you using for your seedlings Omri? I was looking at a way to get them going quicker before putting them in the dirt.
I'm using cups. I know, I know... everyone is using cups these days. my cups are miniature reservoir systems.





Once there's enough root mass (only takes a few days), they go into the selected growing medium (Aeroponics/Hydroponics/Coco).
BTW all the plants in the pictures are only a few days old (less than a week).