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2009 Grow Log

That is amazing Omri! Can you explain/show the next step? Thanks, this looks like something I'm capable of doing.

Thanks Omri.
patrick said:
That is amazing Omri! Can you explain/show the next step? Thanks, this looks like something I'm capable of doing.

Thanks Omri.

You take them out of them cups and put them anywhere you want... not that complicated. some of mine go into small Coco pots, some into Hydroton pots, some into my "Dense Air" machine, some into the mist machine... you choose the next step. the cups are just a way to shorten the growing period and get a substantial root mass.
Awesome. I like that idea a lot better than the way I've been doing it. Simply had the bare rockwool cubes sitting out in one of those greenhouse trays and watering them about once a day (whenever my pump kicks on at 8pm, i would yank a spray nozzle and hose down my rockwool cubes then put it back in the pot).

I'm assuming you use nutrient solution, but how often do you change the water? Or do you even bother changing it since they're only in there a week? No problems with plants getting "wet feet" from lack of dissolved oxygen?

Lol I mean I guess obviously not, those pictures tell the story, those look awesome. Maybe my disdain for rockwool comes from the fact I'm not doing it right lol.
It is a nutrient solution, but because I'm only using a small amount of it (most of the volume is expanded clay), I only need to "refill" if necessary (even though it's not). they're in it for a very short time, so there's no O2 shortage. you just need to make sure the actual cup is not getting direct light (I have mine sitting in cases blocking the light from getting to the nutrients). I'm not a big fan of Rockwool cubes, but they're wonderful when used properly.
Lemon Drops are starting to take off. Leaves are no longer rolled up and sprouting new leaves. Already starting to get tall, so I lowered the light more. Scorpion is doin its thang too. Starting to sprout side branches. Should be splitting at the top soon too.

Oh man it makes me even happier that this is what it looked like a mere 25 days ago. Couldn't even make out the leaves :)
Lemon drops took right off in the system, no shock at all. And my fatalii looks like it is finally shaking off the shock and actually growing. Still smallest of the 4, but new growth looks smooth and healthy.

Scorpion is starting to get those wrinkled/curled leaves i usually get on chinenses. Think its a calcium thing. They're still on seedling strength nutes at about 1.2-1.3 EC, even though he is clearly NOT a seedling anymore. Im going to change out the res some time this week and bump up the nutes a little, and add more Cal-Mag.

Omri said:
It is a nutrient solution, but because I'm only using a small amount of it (most of the volume is expanded clay), I only need to "refill" if necessary (even though it's not). they're in it for a very short time, so there's no O2 shortage. you just need to make sure the actual cup is not getting direct light (I have mine sitting in cases blocking the light from getting to the nutrients). I'm not a big fan of Rockwool cubes, but they're wonderful when used properly.

I really like your cup-system, im going to try it if i just can find something to put the cups in so the roots wont get any light.
Very healthy plants, im also going with hydro next time around. Im going with the Yaroots Xtank 4pot, ive had it since christmas, but i didnt dare starting with it for this grow im doing this spring/summer, its my first time with hydro so i expect the risk of getting some extra troubles.

Txclosetgrower said:
Lemon drops took right off in the system, no shock at all. And my fatalii looks like it is finally shaking off the shock and actually growing. Still smallest of the 4, but new growth looks smooth and healthy.

Scorpion is starting to get those wrinkled/curled leaves i usually get on chinenses. Think its a calcium thing. They're still on seedling strength nutes at about 1.2-1.3 EC, even though he is clearly NOT a seedling anymore. Im going to change out the res some time this week and bump up the nutes a little, and add more Cal-Mag.

Hey did that H2o2 spray work for you? I have a little bit of algae on one module, but as the plants are filling out i think they're are blocking enough light, I'm not too worried about it, but might as well take care of it just in case.
Lots of pics:

Side view: Lemon drops are getting tall quickly.



This scorpion is a monster. I yanked the bottom two leaves off it cause they were touching the ground. And even though they were first leaves they were bigger than any leaf on any other plant


Pequin is growing fast as hell too


Some slight bug damage to my tabasco. Think it's aphids but can't find aphids, just ants. Been spraying with safer's soap to no effect it seems. Doesn't seem to be getting worse though. And i got some cherry tomatoes that were in bad shape from a friend. They were totally rootbound in this tiny 3" terra cotta pot and i broke 2 of them trying to get them out of the pot. I buried them all the way to the bottom of that new pot and they're still that tall.

Very cool TX,

finally i get to see some pics... Pretty nice growth of the scorp considering how small they were a month ago..

Hey TX,

i wanted to ask you a question in regards to coco coir... i love it as well and will only use that for next season from beginning to end...

anyways, here's the question,

have you used straight coco coir in containers outside ? if so, do you have problems with having to water more because it dries out faster ?