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A fond farewell...

and if you read this, what with the abandonment by Jonathan Passow, you would probably think i am leaving the forum.

Alas...i'm not.

However, we say farewell to my bachelor status. In 12 hours from this post i will be getting hitched. The unthinkable has arrived and my life as a single fellow is over.

I thought i would share this so i could post about the bonusey stuff. At each table i have brewed an EVIL goshdang concoction!! I made my successful ESB hot sauce recipe once more. Oh, that's not all. Instead of red hab, bhut jolokia, and cayenne...this monstrosity is worse that the first. I've more than doubled the red habs and added just as much of orange hab. I've used double the cayenne, and this time it's fresh and not dried. I've tripled the dried bhut jolokia powder! OMFG i didn't stop there either! I added in dried fatalii 5-6 times more than i added the bhut jolokia to the original! We all know what happens with dried chiles in sauce...they get hotter with age!! Sweet jeebus the guests at the wedding are in trouble. :mouthonfire: Also in that mix is tomato, onion, garlic, spices, and the best fresh herbs i had in my garden including some amazing thai basil.

Needless to say, i love my guests, so i'm punishing them for it. lol

However, i'm a nice guy and i want some happy campers. In addition to the fine beer, wine, and booze, i've made a little something special. I brewed up and will be serving my clone of Russian River's Pliny The Elder double IPA. Nearly 1lb of hops went into the recipe and if i could, i would never drink another beer. I hit a home run with this brew. Now, i didn't stop there. Negative. My braggot and mead are both ready to serve. I haven't had more than a shot of the braggot, but the shot i had was intensely alcoholic. The mead is ridiculously potent as well and i had a glass last week and was noticably inebriated. These badboys are on the high end of 12-15% abv, if not higher.

That is all. This time tomorrow i'll off the market. Ladies, you had yer chance and YOU BLEW IT! :lol:


The guests may not love you soon....:)

Mate, congrats and farewell.....We'll miss you over here in the world of freedom and internet porn......:rofl:
Congrats! I'd like to send you a wedding gift, chilihead style, PM me your address. Which reminds me, did you ever get that package of hot sauces that got lost in the mail? If not I'll double this up :lol:
Congratulations Man! I'll pass on some wisdom that my Grandfather told me on my wedding night...He said "Son, don't put up with anything that you are not willing to put up with for the rest of your marriage." He continued by telling me the 2 most important words for a great marriage...'Yes Dear' Now, I can tell you that after 13 years of marriage, I still have not mastered those 2 words. Damn him, he forgot to tell me how to use them, because there are many...many different ways of saying them. :lol:
Congratulations dude, you got me when I read farewell :lol: all the best for the big day and may you have many happy years ahead.
Have you thought of kissing the bride with a bhut in your mouth ?:mouthonfire:

But please do not Handle a Naga and then connsumate ......you know what I mean.:onfire:

Congratulations to you both. Not much for words of wisdom here, marriage takes daily working at it. Keep each other happy. Enjoy being together, obviously you do or wouldn't be getting married. A wonderful new adventure is in your future!
:) Thanks kids.
I think the hot sauce went over well, if not totally bonkers hot. Even have a bunch of bottles left. I know the beer went over well. Only 3 bottles left in my posession from the wedding (i saved a few at home). Now to get this dang ring to stop itching.

Here's my favorite photo. If you live in PA or nearby, Isabel is just fantastic.

Steph & John