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Baker's Peppers. Enough already

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elcap1999 said:
+1 And if you read the ad carefully, he's all but admitting that he isn't pushing the amounts he's claiming out the door, and is all but living paycheck to paycheck. So that begs the question... is he putting pure gold into the soil or something, or is he just trying to blow a lot of smoke up our collective asses?
And on the Chat, he even accused me of trying to copy him and his business model and knocked the fact that I have nothing on my website available for sale (a quick check shows otherwise). A cursory check of his own site shows about half of the fresh SFRB's are sold out, and have been for some time now.  Plus, I have absolutely no desire to copy or emulate him...
Copy his business plan? holy crap thats rich. WHO WOULD COPY HIS BUSINESS? wtf
And I checked your new marketplace site yesterday afternoon and there was plenty up for sale. Great job Cap and id suggest you stick with your plan!
Oh and this POS is still gonna keep "paypal fees"
Are you kidding me?
PrimeTime said:
Copy his business plan? holy crap thats rich. WHO WOULD COPY HIS BUSINESS? wtf
And I checked your new marketplace site yesterday afternoon and there was plenty up for sale. Great job Cap and id suggest you stick with your plan!

Oh and this POS is still gonna keep "paypal fees"
Are you kidding me?
Why thank you sir, I intend to stick to my own
Everything about his behavior reminds me of my former employer - a man who is severely manic, employees morality only when it might gain him what he wants, cuts countless under-the-table deals, avoids paying taxes at all costs, holds to an attitude that someone only remains a friend so long as they make him money (or, at the least, don't cost him more than he feels he's gaining - i.e. he & his wife feel employees come last), consistently feels everyone who isn't completely "with him" is out to get him, carries this attitude that he's the absolute best in the business despite the fact that he hasn't kept up with the technology (he runs a computer shop, does networking, etc), and sincerely believes that all the work done by his employees ought to be credited to him and that if they attempt to take credit (or clients attempt to give credit) that those employees are attempting to undermine him.
My last run with this employer saw him laying me off while I was on sick leave, followed by a meeting where he attempted to convince me to start a side business with him where we would be "50/50 partners" where I would do all the web development & graphic design (the focus of the business idea) and he would handle the marketing. Mind you, the condition was that I continue to work full time for him to complete several projects he had in mind on zero pay (he assumed that, having just laid me off, that the government would foot my wages by way of employment insurance) until at least 2-3 months when he "possibly" would find the first new clients.
I made it clear that that simply wasn't reasonable - especially where his other condition was that this new business would be required to have his current company initials in it somewhere (aka he still have a controlling share and be the face of it). A month later when he realized I wasn't devoting my life to this idea (which I made it clear I wouldn't be), he proceeded to accuse me of stealing his ideas (he apparently invented flat rate fees for services), made threats to harass my family at their places of work and made numerous physical and legal threats (i.e. intellectual property theft, etc) via email.
All said and done he never made any attempt to fulfill his threats and I went through the government and got a Labour Settlement against him & his wife (the irony is his wife was the actual owner of the business). I only recuperated around 1/3 of the nearly $4500 in wages they stole from me, sadly (undercutting me while on minimum wage and not once providing vacation pay) - and even that took nearly a year from the time I submitted the complaint to the government. And in that time they claimed I stole my own laptop from them (that was bought & paid for years prior) and blatantly made countless other lies to the labour officer via email in an effort to get out of paying outstanding debt and penalties for labour violations.
.. All because he instantly assumed I had "betrayed" him by not agreeing to work full time, for free, to meet his goals after he ditched me just so he could bring on a summer student who he wouldn't have to pay at least minimum wage too.
He even threatened to sue me if I even spoke to any of his current or past clients. *shakes his head*
By no means am I implying that people with issues of severe mania are all like this, or even likely to be like this, but if they aren't properly treated (and worse - refuse to be) then it certainly doesn't help.. What I am implying is that I personally feel, in my experience, that Dale may quite possibly be manic or possibly have a similar disorder or illness. And at the very least, he has the same shear lack of morality and abundance of delusions as my former employer. *nod*
elcap1999 said:
And I also linked THP's statement about Dale needing to pay the loan in 30 days onto my FB review as well to cover all the bases...

Update: Well that didn't take long at all... I posted up the link of what THP said onto Baker's FB page, to ensure he was aware of it (to avoid what I can only assume would be an eventual claim of ignorance on Dale's part), as well as on my review, but now it's been deleted and his page no longer allows others to post up their own stuff on there...
elcap, post it here https://www.facebook.com/BakersPeppers/reviews
filmost said:
Oh, I thought he said it had been removed lol.
I had separately posted it onto his FB page wall, and that's the one that was the one that got deleted. My guess is, he saw it, deleted that and blocked me from posting any more. For whatever reason, I'm still allowed to comment on Reviews, and on others' posts, and I made a couple comments in reference to things in here :)
mmcdermott1 said:
Oh and by the way dale,I am a full time engineer by day and then peppers till very late in the evening and 12-15 hours a day every weekend so yea others work just as hard or harder than you my man.

We also don't take week long vacations to Tennessee and ignore orders. While your there uh yea we are working.
Pepperjack91 said:
Funny thing is, I've racked up so much leave, my boss is forcing me to take time off this year, so between now and the end of the year, I need to schedule nearly 3 weeks of vacation leave. I'd rather just be doing something instead of sitting around and doing nothing. He said the paperwork to allow me to carry all my leave over into next year is a certified pain in the ass.
elcap, schedule this 3 weeks vacation for the last 3 weeks of 2014, and your next years 1-2 weeks for the first 1-2 weeks of 2015......  ;)  
WIN!!!!  :rofl:
edit- when I was ~20 years old, I went to work in the kitchen of a state run facility in September.  You had to be there 6 months before being eligible to take vacation time, but all vacation time had to be scheduled in December for the following year.  So in December, everyone was fighting over scheduling their summer vacations.  So, knowing there was no way I'd ever get time off in the summer, I put in for the last week of December.
And,,,,,I got it! 
OMG!!!!!! The old biddies were So Pissed when they realized the newest person in the kitchen got Christmas and New Years off!  :rofl: 
Now-a-days....we're on the same schedule as McDermotts. 
Oh... and Shurbryn....everyone has a split on their BACKSIDE.....think that's prolly what Scovie was referencing.    ;)
Well, I do have other things I'd like to do too. For one, I wanna go to the Food & Wine Festival in Epcot, which is runs from mid-September to early November. In fact a friend from up north wants to go to Disney World during that time :) I may stay after she leaves to go back to do the Food & Wine thing for a few days :)

Scoville DeVille said:
Fuque Dale and the horse he rode in on.
Just sayin~
Don't let the door hitchya where the good lord splitchya.
And it's not like he can claim ignorance on it and say he wasn't informed  :liar:
Scoville DeVille said:
E'rbody's "split" :rofl:

It's YOUR ASS MFer! hahahahahahahahaha

where duh fuueq is mah hhwiskeydribk
Hahahaha whoops!


but will Dale?
I'm willing to bet no...
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