contest Battle Royale Challenges OPEN - June TD

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I have a very simple, yet awesome idea for the seafood challenge. In fact, it'll make my original entry look like a Las Vegas buffet...... :rofl:

The waffle t-down with Salsakid is a tough one...but I'm nearly there. I hope he's got his gears grinding!

As for the Asian t-down......

Oh yeah.

...your simple Seafood Challenge idea will need to be good dude, I will be bringing my "A Game" and have three dishes in mind. :dance: :dance: :dance:

Note to SL... if logchief is unable to do the Cajun challenge, I will gladly step up and do battle for it as well to avenge my 2nd place finish back in December. :hell:
...your simple Seafood Challenge idea will need to be good dude, I will be bringing my "A Game" and have three dishes in mind. :dance: :dance: :dance:

Note to SL... if logchief is unable to do the Cajun challenge, I will gladly step up and do battle for it as well to avenge my 2nd place finish back in December. :hell:
You may have 3 in mind, but can post only one.

This is all about one entree vs. one entree no doubles or platters.

Putting it down for 3rd weekend JR, we need some then.

'Tis true backing out will cause penalties it only adds confusion to the open challenges and could leave a challenge empty, this is tough to organize so a challenge must be serious. Also because people buy ingredients for certain weekends, etc.

Glad you are in. How about some mango nectar? Frozen slices are not bad either. Cheers.

ok guys, its all goooooood
after searching all over the place and even driving 100kms away, :cool:
I finally found some fresh mangos... they're even from Mexico (lets hope they keep till next week?)
ok guys, its all goooooood
after searching all over the place and even driving 100kms away, :cool:
I finally found some fresh mangos... they're even from Mexico (lets hope they keep till next week?)

:woohoo: Right on JungleRain!

Just stick 'em in the refer if they start getting too ripe.

Just did a sorta trial run tonight with my new 1$&^!(%^*$# but used %&^Y%$ instead of !)@#*$%. It turned out really yummy!;)

OH! and I found some #*!&^ and #*$%(@%$&^ for the Cajun TD. :dance:


and wheebz.......TOFU!?!??? :eek: REALLY?!?!??? TB tried one of those and MissyLou ended up with it~~~

(wheebz's just messing with us... Right?)
...your simple Seafood Challenge idea will need to be good dude, I will be bringing my "A Game" and have three dishes in mind. :dance: :dance: :dance:

Note to SL... if logchief is unable to do the Cajun challenge, I will gladly step up and do battle for it as well to avenge my 2nd place finish back in December. :hell:

I may be out here in AZ and NM running from fire to fire but I'll be home no later than the 23rd and fired up for some cajun. But if for some god for seen reason I'm not home, Coach I'd be proud for you to be in my stead and smoke SL for a TD crown, lord knows I'll have to work at it. In Show Low, AZ right now, Wallow Fire is almost 400,000 acres. We have over 1400 firefighters out here from CA.
I'm VERY glad to see you checking in to THP even amidst all the mayhem you're dealing with in AZ and NM. Be Safe, amigo.....and be ready to RUMBLE!

I know you are, so..... ticktockticktock....just waiting for the day~~~
I'd like to give you a hint, but I don't want to let the cat out of the bag too soon....

Oh yea, if anyone didn't get the video hint of "Rock You Like Hurricane"......well...dunno what to do about THAT! :D

Coach would be a great sub if needed. Y'all just be ready to head to a Swamp Opera.
and wheebz.......TOFU!?!??? :eek: REALLY?!?!??? TB tried one of those and MissyLou ended up with it~~~

I learned my lesson on the tofu chorizo and will never go there again. missylou would never touch the stuff and would that I attempt to feed it to her would be given the finger and put on indefinite auto-ignore. She's a smarty pants.
I want to see some madness this weekend!!!

Its weird waiting so long for the voting. The anticipation is killing me!

Don't get your panties in a twist FD. Madness will be brought in the Dutch Oven TD.

SoFlo's triple-stack of CI DO's made it up to ATL without a scratch. Plans were hatched last night at 5-O's local dive over wings and brews.

The bathrooms here are nuts!
PS: You'll get bonus points if you can include the photo of you in the suit, with little me in the background on the computer, somewhere in your photos.
Don't get your panties in a twist FD. Madness will be brought in the Dutch Oven TD.

SoFlo's triple-stack of CI DO's made it up to ATL without a scratch. Plans were hatched last night at 5-O's local dive over wings and brews.

The bathrooms here are nuts!


It's going to be a face to face TD? Only one word for that


Better be a whole lot of pics from this one. :cool: :cool:
Wish I could make the trip!!
You guys will be so drunk the whole weekend, I'm jealous.

Some spicy man on man action, and there can only be one winner!!!
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