contest BEGIN! Can You Win A—Throwdown?

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+1 on allowing frozen fruit juice.


I had a can of frozen limeade in my hand (for the lime juice,) and didn't buy it because I figured it wasn't within the parameters.

And I couldn't come up with a viable way to make butter, since heavy cream apparently may not exist in a can. settled for pumpkin puree instead. and coincidentally, butter biscuits.


edit: I guess I can't really complain about butter, exactly.

butter powder in a can did exist I believe, and I knew that before I started the pol. For various reasons, didn't get it. oh well...
Does THIS qualify as "canned" juice? I was trying to keep this family friendly with regular grape juice. And, at the store....I honestly did have a 4-pak of grape juice mini cans in the cart. It was $2.50 for 4 mini cans, and I just couldn't pay that when I knew I could get a CAN of frozen juice concentrate for $1.69. I have a funny feeling that after all the pics are taken in the morning, I might "accidently" splash a little alkehawl into that Spicy V-8...............IF the V-8 "allowed"...............

kybrdkid, butter was a concern for me also. I almost bought a can of sausage gravy, but just couldn't bring myself to stoop that low. I came up with a different angle of attack for the butter, hope it works. Your soup bowl was very creative! Nice Job!
Yes that is a metal can or tin ;)

Carry on.
queso fresco with canned goat milk already in the works. SAVE QUESO CHEESE! ;)

now, if only they sold canned wine...... :sigh: aw well,,,, I can re-wine from the box all night tonight. Cooking tomorrow!
Hey look there Australia DOES have canned goods... hehe.
Felt like a hobo at the supermarket with a basket full of just tinned food :scared:
Yeah.... although we have more canned goods than you guys seem to have, I only purchase a very limited list of things in cans. Beans (legumes, not green) and canned tomatoes are fairly regular, but anything else in a can is only rarely found in my cart.

Kippers...... hmmm. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Don't forget the hot chilli ingredient. That was hard for me to find. And I have a garden full of superhots at the moment too !

Nice work on the cheese sauce. I failed trying to find a cheese product in a can for nachos :P
(chorizo poppers from a can)

ALL, out of cans without cutting one's bad self...

- 8 pickled peños
- 1 can Spam
- 4 Chipotle peppers (with a touch of the Adobo)
- 4 Seranos
Fry like you mean it, until crunchy, adding Chipotles early, and the rest as moisture is needed but keep it crumbly. Add some juice from the pickled peños a little at a time. because all chorizo needs vinegar.

Hollow out pickled penos, and baked naked and hallowed out for 10 minutes at 350º for 10 minutes to firm up.
Chorizo'd SPAM needs some chopped canned pickled Seranos now. do it.
After that all fries for a bit, pour some of the bexcshamellés juice ffrom the can because Chorizo needs vinegar!
Add cheeses stuff from Frito Lay...

etc etc

Make salsa from the onions, carrots and besckatell juice and a can of diced toms to make salsa. do it. trust.

fill a cake decorator bag and stuff peppers and love me forevermore for turning you onto such an awesome perspective.
I love you too.


I (very briefly) considered CheezWiz..... Then moved on to Cougar Gold, but that was a 16 hour road trip, so forget that!!! I like driving, but not THAT much! Homemade cheese is in the works.
side note- as I was scouring the local market for anything and everything in a can, I found some "creamed rice" mfg in England, in the sale bin. Looked to be rice pudding, sounded interesting and I couldn't think of a way to incorporate it into my plans. Just seemed weird to see creamed rice, and now it's in D2S's picture of ingredients. :queueTwilightZonemusic:
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