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contest BEGIN! Pizza Party Throwdown

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wife came home with these this afternoon, so changed the direction of the pie . I  was intending to go for a puttanesca vibe, but  gonna hafta add in the shrooms  and that salami is the best commercial stuff available around here so it is now mandatory too.
salsalady said:
I'm in on this tomorrow. 
Picked up a baking stone today(THANKS, SCOVIE!!!) and had it drying out and conditioning in the oven on 150F today.  Okay, the stone is actually construction project debris, so do I get bonus points for using a recycled product that would of ended up in the landfill? 
Fresh basil, oregano and mozzarella....
Stickman- your pies are looking good, looking forward to seeing what Essigi comes up with. 
Thanx SL! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. WooHoo on the re-purposed "pizza stone"!

Chile Juju said:
There's alotta sexy goin' on there SL!!!!! Loving it!
I have to 'fess up to something. I saw stickman's dough, and realized I couldn't watch this TD, and not start craving my favorite food something fierce! Dough/crust continues to confound me, so I won't be throwing my pie in the TD mix. Am hoping to glean some tips from you Masters tho! :)
But in the spirit of things, I started my tried and true dough...in my bread machine (because I HATE sticky finners)...and proceeded to fry my appliance. RIP Bread Machine. (Scovie's tryin' to fix it for me). I'm sad. But I rescued the dough, and guess I'll try and do it traditonal-style. No pics. Just know that some of you gave me kahunas to go for it tonight! :) So much looking forward to seeing how you entrants finish this epic TD!!!!!! Don't hold back on the deets!!!! ;) (some of us still read the words!!!)  xo everyone! HAVE FUN!!!!
Aw, c'mon CJ... you can do this! Making the dough with about half bread flour in the mix will give you a chewier crust if that's what you're aiming for.
Looks like a lit of pizzas with salami
Quick update then i must flee:
Red onion:


Now marinating with evo, bp and salt. Probably i'll have to strain when i returns.
Look beautiful, a shame that won't be on top...
Dough balls or panielli:

4*250g + 2*200g +1*150g+1*149g.
No pizza pan but 1 or 2 TB pizze! :dance:
I don't know what to think about that dough. It was a bit sticky but with small flour on surface it was good. No rise at all (and it's not a bad thing since fridge is used to stop rising) and some gas (seems ok for classic pizza, not for pizza in teglia, the pizza pan i had done in case)... I'll se when i return.
stickman said:
Rick glad to see you're throwing in a few pies.......nice combo of wheat and cheese !
What kind of peppers are those ?


Dam...I can't see or type this morning........................also might be the first time I made pizzas at 5am also........... :party:
Essegi said:
Red onion:

Look beautiful, a shame that won't be on top...
Marinated Red Onions..........YUM !
Essegi how was the wedding ?
PIC 1 said:
Rick glad to see you're throwing in a few pies.......nice combo of wheat and cheese !
What kind of peppers are those ?


Dam...I can't see or type this morning........................also might be the first time I made pizzas at 5am also........... :party:

Marinated Red Onions..........YUM !
Essegi how was the wedding ?
Thanks Greg! They're Takanotsume peppers. I used them since their heat and flavor profile are similar to pepperoncino, but sized for personal pizzas.
I can relate to "A little early in the day for baking pies..." ;)
Once the dough's proofed I'll be making my next two entries...
A classic Sicilian Capricciosa

... and a Jerk Chicken pizza
well. what do you say we head down to the field folks and meet some of the players  :P
Made two dough's one with no commercial yeast only my sourdough starter, and one with commercial yeast. 

my own pizza sauce-  ingredients all from my garden Roasted San Marzano tomatoes, Roasted Manzano peppers Roasted garlic, Roasted shallot, fresh oregano/thyme, Kosher salt, Malt vinegar.
A jar of my manzano puree
roasted garlic
in house made chorizo from my butcher
fresh basil
walkers wood jerk seasoning
san marzano tomatoes

Double smoked bacon 
chipolte rubbed bacon,
Norcino which is a mild salame with sangiovese wine
local lamb loin chops- mini "t-bones"  :P 

fresh parm
smoked provalone
buffalo mozzarella
and the ingredients I will use to make my own homemade mozzarella. -wish you could taste it- that raw grass fed milk comes from a nice farm just a few miles from my house. has the most excellent flavor that comes out in the fresh moz 

probably forgot something- like butter if I do a deep dish....
Wow outta my league some big dogs in this hunt!!!!! :) think ill sit by the fire and watch this one unfold!!
Bacon jam oooohhhhh mmmmyyyyy!!! JayT I'm all over that!! I'll be watching!!
Attached thumbnails? Mine are already attached! :)


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PIC 1 said:
Marinated Red Onions..........YUM !
Essegi how was the wedding ?
Fine thanks! A nice classic ceremony.
For meal: let's say that dessert was excellent.
FreeportBum said:
well. what do you say we head down to the field folks and meet some of the players  :P
I want too to write my PoL:

Another part of my TD:

Chocolate cream, just dark chocolate, sugar and some water.
But don't despair, i have the right fats to make more unhealthy my dessert pizza! :D
Jay T's Dessert Pizza with Bacon Jam, Pears, Figs, and Feta
I decided to go a little out of my comfort zone and make a dessert pizza.  I tried a couple things I have never had together and I think it worked well.  You be the judge!
Bacon Jam
six slices of hickory smoked bacon diced
one large onion sliced
two cups sugar
one cup water
one tablespoon Pex Peppers Reaper Jam
Cook the bacon about three quarters done, more if you like crispy bacon.  Slowly caramelize the onion over low heat, about an hour.  Mix in the bacon, water, scrape all the bits off the bottom of the pan.  Stir in the sugar and jam.  Let thicken until syrupy.
Pizza Dough:
2 cups OO flour
1.5 cups AP flour
1 tablespoon of yeast
1 cup of 107F water
drizzle olive oil
tsp salt
Tbs honey
Mix the yeast honey and water together and let proof for about ten minutes, meanwhile, mix flours and salt together.  Pour in the water yeast mix and drizzle in olive oil as it mixes.  When it comes together and pulls away from the sides it is done.  add bench flour until not sticky, form a ball and add a tiny bit of olive oil to the outside all over.  Place in large bowl and wrap in plastic wrap.  Let rise an hour or two.  Take out work into a ball again and wrap again with plastic wrap.  Place in fridge overnight to three days.
pizza dough 1/2 of above recipe
bacon jam about eight-ten ounces
one pear
eight figs sliced 
six ounces feta crumbled
I actually par-cooked my crust for about five minutes here on 500F because I was not sure how long these toppings would hold up to the high heat.  After five minutes I built my pizza by spreading the jam about the whole pie, adding the sliced pear, figs, and feta.  After about seven more minutes in the oven it was done.  I sprinkled it with a little cinnamon, and a little cherry smoked scorpion powder.
Being one of the onliest dessert pizzas I have ever cooked, I gotta say this is phenomenal.  Everything came together just as I imagined.  And for my first time making it, BACON JAM ROCKS!!!





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