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contest BEGIN! Pizza Throwdown

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nice pie geeme! looks like they're flocking in the last picture! ;)

wake n' bake ...


when you need a little snack, but want to stay in theme ...


buf shreds ... air drying like Taj ...

Pizza Kettle Neapolitan
  • 110 grams filtered water
  • 168 grams 00 flour
  • 6 grams sea salt
  • 15 grams active sourdough starter
Combine everything but leave about 1/4 of the flour to the side.  I used a KA with the dough hook.  Mix at lowest speed for 1-2 minutes.  Let rest 20 minutes.  Mix for another 6-8 minutes at speed 2 or 3.  At about the 5 minute mark, start adding the remaining flour.  Once it forms a ball, it is just about done mix it for another minute.  Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and ball the dough.  Place in a lightly oiled container and refrigerate for a day or two.  Take dough out of fridge about an hour before you want to cook it.  This dough is for high heat ovens only.  700f and higher.  It takes about 2 minutes to cook.   
  • 1 can San Marzano tomatoes
  • pinch of salt
  • pinch of sugar
Hand squeeze and then strain the tomatoes to remove as much water as possible.  You will be surprised at the amount of water that will separate from the tomatoes.  Put in fridge until ready to use.
Spread the dough carefully.  Try not to flatten the edges.  There are many different techniques…find one that works for you and accomplishes what you want.  After the dough is spread, put a light layer of tomato sauce, then add the fresh basil and ripped pieces of mozzarella cheese.  Finish it off with a turn or two of olive oil.
The heat on this pizza was provided in 2 ways.  The olive oil I used was my pepper infused olive oil in the POL picture and with some of D3monic's Peach Ghost flakes after it was cooked.  










This was my best effort so far in trying to recreate a pizza from a wood fired oven.   I have been chasing it since the first time I saw a PIC1 pizza.   I still have plenty of ground to cover, fortunately we enjoy pizza. 
Thanks for looking.  
tctenten said:
Pizza Kettle Neapolitan
  • 110 grams filtered water
  • 168 grams 00 flour
  • 6 grams sea salt
  • 15 grams active sourdough starter
Combine everything but leave about 1/4 of the flour to the side.  I used a KA with the dough hook.  Mix at lowest speed for 1-2 minutes.  Let rest 20 minutes.  Mix for another 6-8 minutes at speed 2 or 3.  At about the 5 minute mark, start adding the remaining flour.  Once it forms a ball, it is just about done mix it for another minute.  Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and ball the dough.  Place in a lightly oiled container and refrigerate for a day or two.  Take dough out of fridge about an hour before you want to cook it.  This dough is for high heat ovens only.  700f and higher.  It takes about 2 minutes to cook.   
  • 1 can San Marzano tomatoes
  • pinch of salt
  • pinch of sugar
Hand squeeze and then strain the tomatoes to remove as much water as possible.  You will be surprised at the amount of water that will separate from the tomatoes.  Put in fridge until ready to use.
Spread the dough carefully.  Try not to flatten the edges.  There are many different techniques…find one that works for you and accomplishes what you want.  After the dough is spread, put a light layer of tomato sauce, then add the fresh basil and ripped pieces of mozzarella cheese.  Finish it off with a turn or two of olive oil.
The heat on this pizza was provided in 2 ways.  The olive oil I used was my pepper infused olive oil in the POL picture and with some of D3monic's Peach Ghost flakes after it was cooked.  
This was my best effort so far in trying to recreate a pizza from a wood fired oven.   I have been chasing it since the first time I saw a PIC1 pizza.   I still have plenty of ground to cover, fortunately we enjoy pizza. 
Thanks for looking.  
1010 for the win!
I'm still gonna send you a big box of peppers  :rofl:
This weekend I confirmed that you can't make tight leopard spots in an household oven ...
Your pies this weekend are all the confirmation I require to know to use the kettlepizza as the 1st choice if you're into that kind of pie.
This one's critically thin, the basil still has some life in it, the cheese is nicely melted, and it shows evidence of high-heat cook ...
That's a real nice Neapolitan.

In fact, it's so nice, that I'm not going to contest it.
Boss mentioned that I could enter my brekkie-for-dinner pie into dessert if I wanted, and I'm going to edit that post and follow his suggestion - just so I can cook one last pie as an Anything Goes instead of as an Neapolitan! :rofl:
The Hot Pepper said:
That's a 16-peeler!!!!!!
Grant has made a brekkie pie. If you enter a breakfast pie a new category will be added! Breakfast! Another crown! Why? Why not!!!!
Since this is a bonus, only one entry in this category and yes you may enter this if you've made 3. This ends at 11:59 tonight so who else is having breakfast for dinner?
Sweet Pepper Pie


Pizza dough


900 grams all purpose flour
4 grams yeast
24 grams sugar
4 grams salt
68 grams olive oil
500 grams 120° water

Wisk together dry ingrediants
Add oil
Add water
Mix with dough hook on #2 speed for 6 minutes

Seperate dough into four balls

Lightly oil four bowls for proofing

Place in warm area covered with dish towel for two hours

Form one dough ball into round pie shape and add toppings.



3 lbs fresh tomatoes
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup sugar
T oregano
T basil
1/2 T black pepper
T salt
T onion powder
T garlic powder
1/4 cup vinegar
2 T chili powder

Place oil in sauce pan
Add tomatoes
Cook on med heat
Add all other ingrediants

Cook down on a low simmer for 1/2 hour

Use stick blender to make less chunky

Turn off heat, cover, let rest



Grated mozerella

Garden bell peppers


Red amahiem pepper

Green peppers

Green onions


20 minutes at 400°




Dang that was fun!

Sauce is a little sweet, but really tasty.
The Hot Pepper said:
Grant has made a brekkie pie. If you enter a breakfast pie a new category will be added! Breakfast! Another crown! Why? Why not!!!!
Since this is a bonus, only one entry in this category and yes you may enter this if you've made 3. This ends at 11:59 tonight so who else is having breakfast for dinner?
Hmmmm   I still have plenty of dough.   
tctenten said:
Danielle just started f-bombing me for making another pizza.  
I'm staying clear of Neapolitan, and I'm going to use the same dough I've been using instead of the Skura batch, because a) it should taste pretty nice today for the extra CF time, and b) it's the only way I can finish two entries by midnight since it's portioned and I have the text and process notes saved from the other TD's, and c) frankly, I don't want to go back to square one without knowing the surface temp to cook a new-to-me & different dough in a Contest ... on a day I could have been relaxing.
Going to try to hit it down the middle on one tonight, though ... having been too-hot, and then too-cool on each of the prior cooks.
Group shot coming up ...
1010 Killing it as usual Brother. Grant your pics are always beautiful. This is another barn burner i mean Wow !!! Will JayT quit or will he hang in there and put a win on the board. The tension in the room is very High. So many great stories unfolding Just loving GrassSnake for his ingenuity go Brother Go!!! Another serious TD with winners through out!!

geeme said:
Serious Marg-her-ita

Dough ingredients:
3 cups ’00’ all-purpose flour, 1-1/4 teaspoons salt, 1/2 teaspoon bread machine yeast, scant 1-1/2 cups ice water, 1 tablespoon olive oil.

Stir together dry ingredients then stir in the water. Stir in the olive oil. Add more oil or flour, as needed for a firm dough. Brush top with olive oil, cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate 3 to 10 hours. Remove from refrigerator and let rise at cool room temperature 4 to 12 hours. Stir dough to deflate it. It can be used now or refrigerated up to 12 hours more or frozen up to 1 month.

Crust Preparation:
Remove dough from refrigerator and let rise at room temperature about 30 minutes. Using oiled kitchen shears, cut into desired portion size. Pre-heat waffle iron and coat with olive oil or non-stick spray. Lightly pat a dough portion into a rough disc then place on hot waffle iron. Close the lid and bake about 4 to 6 minutes before removing.

Preheat broiler. Brush one side of a crust with extra virgin olive oil. Sprinkle fresh golden oregano and golden marjoram on top. Layer thinly-sliced fresh tomato on top. Place mozzarella on top of tomato. Broil until cheese melts and begins to turn golden. Top with fresh purple basil and, of course, crushed hot peppers.

Dough proofing.

About this much works well.

Pre-bake done - don’t overdo it, as they are going to cook a little longer later.

Brush with extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle with fresh oregano and marjoram.

Add thinly-sliced fresh tomato and top with mozzarella.

Cook under a broiler just until the cheese melts and starts to turn golden. Top with fresh purple basil.



Mine get the obligatory sprinkling of crushed congo trinidad.
Wow geeme That is a work of art Heather said she would love a little smoked salmon on that. Please  :P
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