Best beer I ever had

just plain ol' Busch Beer...started drinking it in 1969 and still love it was still in the old cans back then...
well when you finally decide to come on down, I will make sure there are several cold shiners and maybe even a 7 pot bloody mary in your future...
25 years ago, i brewed a variety called a "strong ale", it was red or amber in colour but spectactularly sweet in flavour, with just enough hopiness, alcholol content was 5%+.

to date, it is the best beer i have ever made but i have failed to search for it and can't remember the variety i made; i only know it was really, really good.

good luck on your future beer endevours.

Had it on my honeymoon back in November while we were hopping across Europe. Brewed and distributed only around Lucerne; I brought a sixer back and have been dying for more ever since. I emailed the brewery and asked about possibly having some shipped, but it would cost the equivalent of my firstborn child. Luckily, my brother is going to Zurich on business this summer and is going to bring me some back.