• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bodeen's 2013 Grow _-_ Love at First Sting

Not actually starting this yet. Just trying to get my thoughts together on what and how many I will be planting of everything. There is the possibility that there will be no cows here next year and the pastures will be made into corn fields. This would mean the barn lot will be free and empty. It grows some of the best grass on the farm and the barn does have a well and a pump already there. Could it be garden number 3??? Also contemplating enlarging the back garden again.

Seed list so far

Hot Peppers

7 Pod Yellow: One Plant
7 Pod: One Plant
7 Pod Brain Strain: Three Plants
7 Pod Burgandy: Three Plants
7 Pod Chaguanas: One plant
Aji Amarillo: One Plant
Aji Chinchi Amarillo: One Plant
Assam: Three plants
Bhut Jolokia: Three Plants
Bhut Jolokia, Brown: Three Plants.
Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate: Three Plants
Bhut Jolokia, Peach: Three Plants.
Bhut Jokolia, Yellow: Three plants
Big Bomb Hybrid: Three plants
Biggie Chile Hybrid: One plant

Black Hungarian: One Plant
Budapest Hybrid: Three Plants
Cayenne (Thick): One Plant

Cayenne (Chocolate): Six Plants, with one over winter
Cayenne (Orange): One Plant
Chapeu Du Frade (Bishop's Hat): One Plant.
Chenzo Hybrid: One Plant
Cherry Bomb Hybrid: Three Plants

Czechoslovakian Black: One Plant
Fatalii: Three Plant
Fatalii, Red: One Plant
Fatalii x Savina: Three Plants
Fish: One plant.
Fresno: One Plant
Habanero Chocolate: Three plants
Habanero Orange: One plant
Habanero Peach: One Plant
Habanero Red: One plant
Habanero White: One plant

Habanero Yellow: One Plant
Hawaiian Sweet Hot: One Plant
Jalapeno, Biker Billy: One plant
Jalapeno, Goliath: One plant
Jalapeno, Purple: One plant

Jamaican Yellow: One plant
Lemon Drop: One plant.
Paper Lantern: One plant.

Peter Pepper (Orange): One Plant
Rain Forest: One Plant
Red Savina: One plant
Sante Fe Grande: Three plants.
Serrano Tamp: Two to three plants.

Thai Giant: One Plant
Tobago: One plant
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T: One plant

Trinidad Scorpion Green: Three Plants
Trinidad Moruga: Three plants
Trinidad Red Douglah: Three plants
Trinidad Douglah Chocolate: Three plants
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow: One Plant
White Scorpion Tongue: One Plant
Yellow Thai: One plant

Sweet Peppers

Jimmy Nardello: Six plants
Douce D`Espagne: Six plants
Lipstick: Two plants
Sweet Goliath: Three plants
Atris Hybrid: Three plants

Gypsy Hybrid: Three plants
La Rouge Royale: Three plants
Golden Treasure: Three plants

Mini Bell Red: Two Plants
Plants are looking stellar Bodeen! Hope your cotyless pulls through. The rest are about perfect! Good luck on the hibiscus.

Thank you. Hopefully after fishing tomorrow I can get some pics up. Spent all day Thursday laying over 450 sq ft of carpet in the man cave.

The plants are getting huge. ....nice

Will you have to pot up before the final plantout?
I'm waiting another week here then the plants get moved into 2 gal trades for a 2 week hardening off period. Next Wednesday only 27 deg and a chance for flurries. I'm putting together a couple of cold frames tomorrow, hoping to get past the hump next week and get a few plants out at a time.

I have just over a month before I can plant out. I am shooting for May 15th. Might be closer to the 20th since I will be out of town fishing a tournament then lol. No more potting up of the peppers. That is the one thing I really like about the plugs is that the pot up I did do put no stress on the plants at all.

Growing fast, Bodeen! Chenzo coming along. Glad to hear the HSW might pull through. Yours are going to blow by mine when you get them in-ground, no question!

I don't know, they always look so small when I first plant them out. Last season the supers showed some sunburn on their leaves, but they didn't make the garden until almost June.

Plants look really happy my friend!!! Very LARGE since last time I stopped bye :dance:

Thank you. They are greening up so dark right now. 18 in a tray and the lower leaves are getting crowded out on the inside ones. I have them on limited light and cooler temperatures trying to slow them down. If they outgrow their shelves I will be in trouble lol.
More pepper porn with some tomato replant porn and my Hibiscus are up lol.










Looking so green and healthy. I've realized I'm going to have to add more light and heat to my grow stand for next season. My germination stand works well, but the pot-ups stalled when they got to the grow station. Most of that is how long the cool, cloudy weather has dragged on, but that could happen next year, too. I like the thermometers. I have several, 97¢ at Walmart.
The Scorpion Tongue is filling in nicely with new growth, you may want to cut off the 3 "old" leafs on that plant. I like the flats of tomatoes along with the peppers, very healthy looking.
I just noticed the other scorpion tongue is starting to branch.

Got the gardens tilled today.


I also cut 5 new ten foot fence posts to raise the height of the back pickle fence. Gotta have more relish this year. Will make picking them easier and I believe it will increase the yield.

I believe those dead locust trees I cut will outlast me in the garden lol. The key is to nail up the fence before they lose their bark or its like driving a nail into concrete.
Been a little under the weather this last week and just haven't felt like doing much of anything. Today I did get my posts set for the back pickle fence.








Hawaiian Sweet Hot coming back


4 Flats of tomatoes


Not sure what is wrong with my primo here?
That garden spot looks great, Jeff. Working outdoors in shorts and a T-shirt sure implies spring-like weather. Sounds like plant-out is just around the corner. Good thing, too. Those plants are going to take over your house if they get much bigger...a good problem to have!

Regarding the Primo, that sucks. Has it always looked sickly or did it morph into that appearance? Is that the only one you have growing?
That garden spot looks great, Jeff. Working outdoors in shorts and a T-shirt sure implies spring-like weather. Sounds like plant-out is just around the corner. Good thing, too. Those plants are going to take over your house if they get much bigger...a good problem to have!

Regarding the Primo, that sucks. Has it always looked sickly or did it morph into that appearance? Is that the only one you have growing?

I think I may have another but I have long since lost the ability to look at their tags easily. He didn't start out like that at all. His last set of leaves were coming out like a corkscrew and this is what it looks like now. It might pull out, but I highly doubt it. Whatcha gonna do, can't save them all.

Got my first poddage picture of the season.
