• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bodeen's 2013 Grow _-_ Love at First Sting

Not actually starting this yet. Just trying to get my thoughts together on what and how many I will be planting of everything. There is the possibility that there will be no cows here next year and the pastures will be made into corn fields. This would mean the barn lot will be free and empty. It grows some of the best grass on the farm and the barn does have a well and a pump already there. Could it be garden number 3??? Also contemplating enlarging the back garden again.

Seed list so far

Hot Peppers

7 Pod Yellow: One Plant
7 Pod: One Plant
7 Pod Brain Strain: Three Plants
7 Pod Burgandy: Three Plants
7 Pod Chaguanas: One plant
Aji Amarillo: One Plant
Aji Chinchi Amarillo: One Plant
Assam: Three plants
Bhut Jolokia: Three Plants
Bhut Jolokia, Brown: Three Plants.
Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate: Three Plants
Bhut Jolokia, Peach: Three Plants.
Bhut Jokolia, Yellow: Three plants
Big Bomb Hybrid: Three plants
Biggie Chile Hybrid: One plant

Black Hungarian: One Plant
Budapest Hybrid: Three Plants
Cayenne (Thick): One Plant

Cayenne (Chocolate): Six Plants, with one over winter
Cayenne (Orange): One Plant
Chapeu Du Frade (Bishop's Hat): One Plant.
Chenzo Hybrid: One Plant
Cherry Bomb Hybrid: Three Plants

Czechoslovakian Black: One Plant
Fatalii: Three Plant
Fatalii, Red: One Plant
Fatalii x Savina: Three Plants
Fish: One plant.
Fresno: One Plant
Habanero Chocolate: Three plants
Habanero Orange: One plant
Habanero Peach: One Plant
Habanero Red: One plant
Habanero White: One plant

Habanero Yellow: One Plant
Hawaiian Sweet Hot: One Plant
Jalapeno, Biker Billy: One plant
Jalapeno, Goliath: One plant
Jalapeno, Purple: One plant

Jamaican Yellow: One plant
Lemon Drop: One plant.
Paper Lantern: One plant.

Peter Pepper (Orange): One Plant
Rain Forest: One Plant
Red Savina: One plant
Sante Fe Grande: Three plants.
Serrano Tamp: Two to three plants.

Thai Giant: One Plant
Tobago: One plant
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T: One plant

Trinidad Scorpion Green: Three Plants
Trinidad Moruga: Three plants
Trinidad Red Douglah: Three plants
Trinidad Douglah Chocolate: Three plants
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow: One Plant
White Scorpion Tongue: One Plant
Yellow Thai: One plant

Sweet Peppers

Jimmy Nardello: Six plants
Douce D`Espagne: Six plants
Lipstick: Two plants
Sweet Goliath: Three plants
Atris Hybrid: Three plants

Gypsy Hybrid: Three plants
La Rouge Royale: Three plants
Golden Treasure: Three plants

Mini Bell Red: Two Plants
For some reason my Butch pods are yellow.  I must have some odd cross going on there.
Pickles climbing fence.

Picked some peppers for salsa this morning.  Got 26 pints canned.  Need a bump to get those pics up.

My meager hot harvest.  Includes my first TS of the season.

Morouga getting ripe.


Yellow butch

Budapest. Had already picked the ripe ones for salsa

I hate the dirt on the pods after a rain, but at least I had a rain.

Love these Rojo

I see you've been a busy man!
We tried making pickles years ago and never came up with a recipe we really liked.
Evidently you've got it whipped!
Hot sauce looks great too!
Great work there!
Devv said:
I see you've been a busy man!
We tried making pickles years ago and never came up with a recipe we really liked.
Evidently you've got it whipped!
Hot sauce looks great too!
Great work there!
Thank you.  Somewhere in my glog is a pickle recipe.  It might be just for refrigerator dills though.  For these it is 3 quart water, 1 quart cidar vinegar, 1 cup kosher salt.  Bring to a boil and shut off.  In your jars put a dill head in the bottom, teaspoon garlic.  Add your pickles.  Put another dill head on top, another garlic on top, then add alum.  The amount of alum breaks down as 1 teaspoon per gallon.  
Once that is done, pour brine over pickles.  Make sure jars are hot.  If you put them face down in an inch or so of water on low heat, the jars will start to suck the water up inside. 
Once brine is poured in, wipe the jar lid and from in that same hot water your jars are in, pull out a lid and put on top, tighten the ring down and set aside and don't disturb until it seals.
I like more garlic and you can add any hot peppers you want to the pickles.
Got some mystery plants to throw at you.  I have my ideas on these peppers though. 
Mystery 1

Mystery 2

Mystery 3 - I believe this to be a Donne Sali

Mystery 4

Mystery 5

Mystery 6

TFM Scotch

7 Pot

7 Pot Chocolate

They say these make a great Mole sauce.  I guess I will have to get some traps out to try and catch a couple of them critters so I can try em out.
Wow you got me on the pods, my first year exposed to the supers...so I'll guess, and surely be wrong..
#1=A Naga cross, with a Douglah?
#2=Very Primo looking..
#3=No clue..LOL
#4=Brain or Brain cross?
#5=A Naga cross?
#6= Hab looking Douglah cross.
So now that I've embarrassed myself. Let's see what those who really know say...
LOL on the mole!
Devv said:
Wow you got me on the pods, my first year exposed to the supers...so I'll guess, and surely be wrong..
#1=A Naga cross, with a Douglah?
#2=Very Primo looking..
#3=No clue..LOL
#4=Brain or Brain cross?
#5=A Naga cross?
#6= Hab looking Douglah cross.
So now that I've embarrassed myself. Let's see what those who really know say...
LOL on the mole!
#1 It could be a Douglah cross as I had them last year.
#2 I did try to plant primo, got one up but it never made it out of June.
#3 Pretty confident on this being a Donne
#4 Could be a brain of some kind as I planted them this year.
#5 I was thinking bhut.  No idea on the color yet.
#6 I was thinking chocolate hab
Just had to try my TFM Scotch Bonnet today.  I rate the heat on the level of a good paper lantern, only with much better flavor.  Unlike the paper lantern, this heat was all up front.  With the first bite, I thought I had over did it, but the heat never climbed.  I only have the one plant, and I am afraid I might eat all the pods and not make any powder.  I really need to save a few pods for some powder on fish, but it was really tasty.





Oh, I gotta thank Bonnie for these seeds.  If it wasn't for her taking the time to put the seed exchange together, I wouldn't have tried this pepper.  This one pod made the entire exchange well worth it.
Thanks Bonnie!!!!
You've been busy.  It's a great joy to be able to eat your own preserved produce in the winter.  I prefer frozen veggies and canned pickles (all types), acidic juices, and jams/jellies.  Canned has the advantage of not needing electricity to keep.  My peppers are coming along and I'm still planning for a fall/winter garden, but the rain is slowing down my progress.  If nothing else, I should be able to crank out some sauces and powders.
Sawyer said:
You've been busy.  It's a great joy to be able to eat your own preserved produce in the winter.  I prefer frozen veggies and canned pickles (all types), acidic juices, and jams/jellies.  Canned has the advantage of not needing electricity to keep.  My peppers are coming along and I'm still planning for a fall/winter garden, but the rain is slowing down my progress.  If nothing else, I should be able to crank out some sauces and powders.
I think canned has a longer shelf life as well.  I am planning on planting some leafy veges for a late fall harvest.  That is what I like about red sails lettuce, I've picked it in the snow before.  
The weather here hasn't been so dry, its just been all over the place with temperatures.  I had a week in July I was praying it would stop raining for a little bit.  Had one week of hot weather.  Middle of August here and they are calling for a low of 49 tonight.  I hope this trend doesn't continue or an early frost may come.  Which would be bad.  I have three chocolate 7 pots, 2 with pods and 1 that is just starting to set.  All planted at the same time and all right next to each other.  
Peppers haven't been stellar this year.  Tomatoes are below average.  Beans and corn did awesome.  My first planting of red sails just bolted on me last week.  Gotta take the good with the bad and when there is a good season for one crop, store extra just in case.
On a side note about the TFM.  I am burping up the flavor of this pepper from time to time.  No heat, but just the flavor.  First time I have had this on a pepper before.  
I think you're right on the shelf-life.  Dried and vacuum-packed last awhile, too, though that doesn't work for everything.
The weather has been wacky everywhere this year, it seems.  It's raining here now (which is why I'm here and not outside), but I am not complaining.  Another summer like the last two of extreme heat and drought, and I would be losing more than just smaller and recently-planted trees.  Thought I was going to lose my big magnolia anyway, but the frequent rains seem to be resurrecting it.  Like you, I am worried about an early frost.  I'm gambling on some late tomatoes and beans, but the cold hardy brassicas will do fine.
Got some more pics to come up later this evening.  Going to finish weeding the back garden first.  Got my first decent sized harvest today.  In it was my first Congo Black and some nice Yellow Habanero.  Was thinking about the Congo for breakfast tomorrow, but man did it smell like a super lol.  The Yellow Habanero on the other hand smelled awesome and I think it might win me over enough to grow it along with the Peach Habanero next year.
September is coming fast and we should be leaving the heat behind and everything will be gearing up towards fall.  I really like September.  Not as much as April, but I do like it.
Nice review on the TFM, the more we grow the more find out what is best for next season.
Another month and I'll be planting fall crops like Romaine Lettuce, one of our favs, Broccoli, Carrots, Radishes, etc. I plant small rows every two weeks until it warms.
Caught this odd colored feller this evening.

Today's Harvest.

Like the color change on this yellow jalapeno

Really don't want to grow these next year, but they have been in the garden for many seasons and they just look awesome.


Congo Black, inside and out.


7 Pot Chocolate inside and out.
