• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bodeen's 2013 Grow _-_ Love at First Sting

Not actually starting this yet. Just trying to get my thoughts together on what and how many I will be planting of everything. There is the possibility that there will be no cows here next year and the pastures will be made into corn fields. This would mean the barn lot will be free and empty. It grows some of the best grass on the farm and the barn does have a well and a pump already there. Could it be garden number 3??? Also contemplating enlarging the back garden again.

Seed list so far

Hot Peppers

7 Pod Yellow: One Plant
7 Pod: One Plant
7 Pod Brain Strain: Three Plants
7 Pod Burgandy: Three Plants
7 Pod Chaguanas: One plant
Aji Amarillo: One Plant
Aji Chinchi Amarillo: One Plant
Assam: Three plants
Bhut Jolokia: Three Plants
Bhut Jolokia, Brown: Three Plants.
Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate: Three Plants
Bhut Jolokia, Peach: Three Plants.
Bhut Jokolia, Yellow: Three plants
Big Bomb Hybrid: Three plants
Biggie Chile Hybrid: One plant

Black Hungarian: One Plant
Budapest Hybrid: Three Plants
Cayenne (Thick): One Plant

Cayenne (Chocolate): Six Plants, with one over winter
Cayenne (Orange): One Plant
Chapeu Du Frade (Bishop's Hat): One Plant.
Chenzo Hybrid: One Plant
Cherry Bomb Hybrid: Three Plants

Czechoslovakian Black: One Plant
Fatalii: Three Plant
Fatalii, Red: One Plant
Fatalii x Savina: Three Plants
Fish: One plant.
Fresno: One Plant
Habanero Chocolate: Three plants
Habanero Orange: One plant
Habanero Peach: One Plant
Habanero Red: One plant
Habanero White: One plant

Habanero Yellow: One Plant
Hawaiian Sweet Hot: One Plant
Jalapeno, Biker Billy: One plant
Jalapeno, Goliath: One plant
Jalapeno, Purple: One plant

Jamaican Yellow: One plant
Lemon Drop: One plant.
Paper Lantern: One plant.

Peter Pepper (Orange): One Plant
Rain Forest: One Plant
Red Savina: One plant
Sante Fe Grande: Three plants.
Serrano Tamp: Two to three plants.

Thai Giant: One Plant
Tobago: One plant
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T: One plant

Trinidad Scorpion Green: Three Plants
Trinidad Moruga: Three plants
Trinidad Red Douglah: Three plants
Trinidad Douglah Chocolate: Three plants
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow: One Plant
White Scorpion Tongue: One Plant
Yellow Thai: One plant

Sweet Peppers

Jimmy Nardello: Six plants
Douce D`Espagne: Six plants
Lipstick: Two plants
Sweet Goliath: Three plants
Atris Hybrid: Three plants

Gypsy Hybrid: Three plants
La Rouge Royale: Three plants
Golden Treasure: Three plants

Mini Bell Red: Two Plants
Had to give the Chocolate Bonnet a try this evening.  It had that fruity aroma to it, but it was a darker, more subdued aroma.  Sort of a mellow aroma.  The heat wasn't the hottest that I have eaten, but it was the sharpest, if that makes any sense.  Really assaulted the tongue and was immediate, but the heat didn't build and didn't linger.  It did give me a belly burn though.
I can see this one making the garden next year.



Gave the Chocolate Habanero a try this afternoon.  Was not impressive at all.  I am hoping it is because it was one of the first ones I picked and that it set in the fridge a couple days.  Real faint aroma, sort of fruity yet mellow.  Didn't get much taste out of it, no after taste, and hardly any heat.  I will have to give it another try later in the harvest season and if that one doesn't do better, they will be off the grow list.

Nice reviews, don't give up on the choc hab, unless you want a smoker.
Jamie sent me some early this season and they were great. Aromatic, flavor full, and had typical hab heat. Made a great hot sauce for chips and tacos.
Hope your weekend was a good one!
Devv said:
Nice reviews, don't give up on the choc hab, unless you want a smoker.
Jamie sent me some early this season and they were great. Aromatic, flavor full, and had typical hab heat. Made a great hot sauce for chips and tacos.
Hope your weekend was a good one!
I am not giving up on it yet.  I will be testing some more later in the season.
Right now I am torn between drying my burgundy pods or throwing in the freezer.  
I will start off with the mystery pepper that was kicking out monster pods.  I put an entire half in an omelet and thought I might have over done it.  Immediate sharp heat that first attacked the top of the tongue, moving to the bottom of the tongue.  Felt it in my bottom jaw and teeth.  Even felt a little in the ears.  Heat didn't build and left within 5 minutes or so after I was done eating.  No bad taste at all, but not much flavor either.  I like it just for the huge pods.



Here is the overall harvest.

Here are some chocolate and red that came off the same plant.  I read somewhere that some peppers will do this, but I forget which ones.

Some Supers

A good Bhut harvest

My Butch T that is actually a TS Yellow.  Thought it might have been a cross from a taste test done by Matt, but I think I actually sent a 7 Pod because these are all smooth skinned.

Burgundy halves. I like these fresh so much, I am just going to halve and freeze them instead of making them into powder.

My first primo pod.
Finally had some eggs with my cayenne powder on it.  Nice little nip in the throat with this stuff.

Two bushels of peaches made 49 quart of frozen peaches for this winter, 6 pints of peach jam, and a two week supply of fresh peaches in the fridge.  I think I will plant two more trees next year!!!
Got another harvest today.  Filled all but one tray in the dehydrator and added to my frozen pod collection.  I now have 7 Pot Burgundy, TS Yellow, Peach, Orange, Yellow, and Red Hab, along with Fatalli red in the freezer.
Might not grow the Lemon drop next year as I have a ton of powder and still have an insane amount of pods on the plant ripening.

The habanero family, even though the aji is an inlaw

My first brains

More Primo

A couple bonnets and choc bonnets

And the TS again.
Nice harvests and great pics Jeff!
I'm jelly of the peach harvests, mine haven't done much the last few years with the lack of rain. We're just trying to keep them alive...
Have a great weekend!
Beautiful harvests, awesome reviews, and really great stockpile ya got goin there!  Really cool about the peaches, the wife has been buggin me about a fruit tree or two, may have to give it a shot!
MGOLD86 said:
Beautiful harvests, awesome reviews, and really great stockpile ya got goin there!  Really cool about the peaches, the wife has been buggin me about a fruit tree or two, may have to give it a shot!
Just my opinion, but I love the Red Haven peaches and prefer them to all others.
Choc habs are delicious but mine look slightly different from yours.  I purchased mine from CCN since I killed the seedlings I had.  Mine are rounder and have a reddish brown color.  Very tasty and aromatic with the Chinense smell.  Kinda smokey earthy flavor and VERYYYY Hot.  Im sure the rest of your pods will be spot on and tasty.  Harvest pics are killer.  Primos look deliciously deadly.  
Sanarda said:
Choc habs are delicious but mine look slightly different from yours.  I purchased mine from CCN since I killed the seedlings I had.  Mine are rounder and have a reddish brown color.  Very tasty and aromatic with the Chinense smell.  Kinda smokey earthy flavor and VERYYYY Hot.  Im sure the rest of your pods will be spot on and tasty.  Harvest pics are killer.  Primos look deliciously deadly.  
Someone mentioned on here that the more reddish color were the Jamaican Hot Chocolates.
Decided to make up some venison/rice/tomato dish today for opening weekend of football.  Used an entire TS Yellow pod in the dish and was surprised that I got more heat in this dish than I do in my omelets.  I am thinking that there is something in eggs that neutralizes the heat some what.  Another surprise was the leftovers warmed up weren't as hot as the original...it is usually the opposite,  Initial bowl of this stuff had me thinking I over did it, but the next bowl wasn't as bad.  These babies kick out the heat.  I used a quart and a half of homemade canned tomatoes to give you an idea of the volume.
Sauteing up some mushrooms, peppers, and onions.

Browning the deer burger

Cooking up the rice with just a touch of beef base added to the water.

The TS Yellow for the heat and flavor.

Cooking the tomatoes and garlic

The finished product.
At what stage of cooking did you add the scorpion? I tossed the yellow scorpion I got from you some scrambled eggs and it was tasty but not overpowering with heat.  Before I added it to my eggs I touched a raw piece to my tongue and could def feel it.  I think your assumption about the eggs is correct.  I think the eggs mellow everything out.  If you added the pepper in the sauteed veg or that sauce I can see how the heat might infuse the veg and/or sauce with the heat.  
Your finished product looks tasty!
I threw the TS into the pot towards the end as I was cooking some of the moisture out.  Just had some leftovers today and it was still just as good, but the heat level wasn't rocking hard.  I definitely knew I was eating hot pepper though lol.
Nice harvest shots..
I'm diggin that venison dish. ...a good venison chili or meatloaf go great during the football season, also .........cold brew, of course..
We usually head up to Mich to get the "Red Havens" ...need to eat those over der sink or the juice will just drip down the arms !
Man, that's cool that you have peach trees right out on the property.