• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bodeen's 2013 Grow _-_ Love at First Sting

Not actually starting this yet. Just trying to get my thoughts together on what and how many I will be planting of everything. There is the possibility that there will be no cows here next year and the pastures will be made into corn fields. This would mean the barn lot will be free and empty. It grows some of the best grass on the farm and the barn does have a well and a pump already there. Could it be garden number 3??? Also contemplating enlarging the back garden again.

Seed list so far

Hot Peppers

7 Pod Yellow: One Plant
7 Pod: One Plant
7 Pod Brain Strain: Three Plants
7 Pod Burgandy: Three Plants
7 Pod Chaguanas: One plant
Aji Amarillo: One Plant
Aji Chinchi Amarillo: One Plant
Assam: Three plants
Bhut Jolokia: Three Plants
Bhut Jolokia, Brown: Three Plants.
Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate: Three Plants
Bhut Jolokia, Peach: Three Plants.
Bhut Jokolia, Yellow: Three plants
Big Bomb Hybrid: Three plants
Biggie Chile Hybrid: One plant

Black Hungarian: One Plant
Budapest Hybrid: Three Plants
Cayenne (Thick): One Plant

Cayenne (Chocolate): Six Plants, with one over winter
Cayenne (Orange): One Plant
Chapeu Du Frade (Bishop's Hat): One Plant.
Chenzo Hybrid: One Plant
Cherry Bomb Hybrid: Three Plants

Czechoslovakian Black: One Plant
Fatalii: Three Plant
Fatalii, Red: One Plant
Fatalii x Savina: Three Plants
Fish: One plant.
Fresno: One Plant
Habanero Chocolate: Three plants
Habanero Orange: One plant
Habanero Peach: One Plant
Habanero Red: One plant
Habanero White: One plant

Habanero Yellow: One Plant
Hawaiian Sweet Hot: One Plant
Jalapeno, Biker Billy: One plant
Jalapeno, Goliath: One plant
Jalapeno, Purple: One plant

Jamaican Yellow: One plant
Lemon Drop: One plant.
Paper Lantern: One plant.

Peter Pepper (Orange): One Plant
Rain Forest: One Plant
Red Savina: One plant
Sante Fe Grande: Three plants.
Serrano Tamp: Two to three plants.

Thai Giant: One Plant
Tobago: One plant
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T: One plant

Trinidad Scorpion Green: Three Plants
Trinidad Moruga: Three plants
Trinidad Red Douglah: Three plants
Trinidad Douglah Chocolate: Three plants
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow: One Plant
White Scorpion Tongue: One Plant
Yellow Thai: One plant

Sweet Peppers

Jimmy Nardello: Six plants
Douce D`Espagne: Six plants
Lipstick: Two plants
Sweet Goliath: Three plants
Atris Hybrid: Three plants

Gypsy Hybrid: Three plants
La Rouge Royale: Three plants
Golden Treasure: Three plants

Mini Bell Red: Two Plants
Here are some pics of the first born. Not sure why the last two have a little yellowing action going on, but I have them on my watch list.









Nice! That yellow will fade to green once you get them in the ground. Looks like a wet feet issue from here...doesn't matter though, they're still some great looking starts!
Nice! That yellow will fade to green once you get them in the ground. Looks like a wet feet issue from here...doesn't matter though, they're still some great looking starts!

I was thinking it might be a little dampness on them. Watering every other day if I see some dryness.
Plants look green and healthy for the most part. I am starting to get some yellowing on a few of mine also. I'm going to check the soil to see is I need any nutrients. Looking good though
Hawaiian Sweet Hot had the coty die out on it. Don't know what is my problem with that this year. Hoping that it will come back out of it. The Santa Fe did and I am really glad of that. Yellow Cayenne finished dying on me and I don't think another seed in the pot will germ. I have enough cayenne peppers anyhow.

One of my Chocolate Scotch's had the leaves curled together and formed a funnel looking thing. Couldn't get the leaves apart. It croaked too, or is in the process of croaking. Glad I have two of them. The other one is growing well.

Should get some pics this weekend of my jungle.
I feel your pain on the oversized hooved rats!!! Once the snow melted and I took a walk around the front of the house, I was shocked at all the piles of deer poo all over the yard! It looks like they have been camping out!!! They ate some of my sedums (a perennial ground cover) down to nubs too. Usually they move to the high country once the snow up there melts, so I am hoping they will be gone before plant out time. Lost a few tomatoes down at the community garden last summer to deer, but they didn't bother the peppers, I think that Florida weave set up kept them from meandering through that part of the plot.
Suppose to get snow today, but all I saw was flurries. No better time to fire up the redneck kitchen.

Getting a good coal base.


Warming up the grill


2013 BBQ season is now open.


Faster than a microwave


Won't find this on a dollar menu

Hi Bodeen!!!

Very nice photos!!! Your pepper plants looks very healthy...

About the BBQ: i'm looking forward to the sommer here in north of Norway. I'm going to make BBQ as many times as possible.

See you... Flávio.
Fairly certain that I had 3 biggie chile peppers up, but only counted two tonight. There was a bit of confusion in the grow room tonight. I had Fish pepper listed twice and only planted one lol. I know I only have one tagged as fish, so my counting today was a little off I think. That's what I get for trying to take pictures, water, and get a count of the peppers.

Well, such as it may be, here is my almost accurate list of peppers I have growing at this time.

Larouge x4
Orange Lipstick x3
Sweet Goliath x4
Lipstick x2
Georgia Flame x2
Gypsy x1
Aruba x4
Jimmy x6
Atris x3
Golden Treasure x4
Mini Bell x1
Douce Esp. x4
Black Hungarian x1
Patio Red x2
Peach Hab x3
Hab x1
Choc Hab x2
Red Hab x2
White Hab x4
Yellow Hab x2
Aji Hab x2
7 Pot Burgandy x3
7 Pot Red x1
7 Pot Choc x3
Red Douglah x4
Douglah x1
Choc Scotch x1
Black Scorpion Tongue x3
White Scorpion Tongue x2
Jamaican Yellow Mushroom x3
TS x2
TS Green x3
TS Yellow x1
Moruga x2
Perfume x2
Thai x1
Feher Ozon x1
Dulce Rojo x2
Chinchi x1
Brain Strain x1
Primo x1
Changuanas x2
Choc Changuanas x1
Bhut x3
Yellow Bhut x2
Peach Bhut x1
Choc Bhut x1
Assam x1
Santa Fe x1
Datil x1
Donne Sali x1
Mystery Pepper x5
Butch T x1
Fish x1
Bishops Hat x1
Congo x1
Congo Black x1
Condors Beak x1
Choc Cayenne x6
Giant Red Cayenne x1
Purple Cayenne x1
Orange Cayenne x1
Big Bomb x3
Cherry Bomb x2
Tepin x1
Fatalii x1
Savina x2
BB Jonah x2
Jonah x1
Lemon Drop x1
Tequila Sunrise x1
Goliath Jalapeno x2
Biker Billy x2
Purple Jalapeno x1
Yellow Jalapeno x1
Serrano x2
Biggie Chile x2
Budapest x4
Czech x1
Cajun Belle x1
Chenzo x1
Chilhuacle Negro x1
Paper Lantern x1
Cascabella x1

Here are some pics from today's listing.











Bump please
Nice list, good to see the Donne Sali on there, looks like a few of us are growing these this year. It's my first time with it and definitely looking forward to tasting those tiny little pods!
Nice list, good to see the Donne Sali on there, looks like a few of us are growing these this year. It's my first time with it and definitely looking forward to tasting those tiny little pods!

This will be my second year growing them. Dried some whole. They are pretty good. Gotta pick a lot to get any. They don't add up too fast. If you want to try some whole dried pods, I could mail you some. Just pm me your addy.











Bump me please.

The above Tepin is turning into my favorite pepper to make into pepper flakes. Goes great in potato soup