Cappy's Capsicum 2011

Good lord Cappy!You must be having perfect conditions for your plants, they look awesome! The PNW is having a extended early spring, and all my plants are still in the green house. I did get my first ripe Brain Strain, it was the size of a macadamia nut, but packed a big punch. I talked a coworker into sharing it with me, his first taste of a super hot. He got a big surprise with the intense heat, and it made my life interesting for about 3 minutes, and left a superb burn for about twenty......
Never ever get tired of hearing praise after all the effort that goes in to our gardens patrick. Thanks again I sincerely appreciate everyone replies. We have just been lucky with beautiful weather the season not like the rest of the country. I have tried some different things this year using using a very low dosage of general hydroponics with every other watering, also used garden-tone mixed in to my recycled soil. Now here is the difference this season I haven't used the hose on the plants yet. I'm using a big 35 gallon heavy duty garbage can and filling that with water in the morning and only watering with pH 6.5 water in the afternoon. I swear this little trick is making all the difference don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep up with only a watering can. You have to remember most tap water is basic and higher than 7, but plants like slightly acidic water to grow their best under 7. Little xcerp from wikipedia. The pH of rain varies, especially due to its origin. On Americas East Coast, rain that is derived from the Atlantic Ocean typically has a pH of 5.0-5.6; rain that comes across the continental from the west has a pH of 3.8-4.8; and local thunderstorms can have a pH as low as 2.0. Ever notice how your plants perk up after a good thunder shower? :doh:

Wow, I need to get back over to your place and check this madness out. As I'm sure Matt has told you we've been watering 2 times a day also. I've been experimenting with watering at like 3 to 4am after I've been :beer: all night, but they still seem to need a second dose at some point during the day. So much for watering every 2 to 3 days, not in carolina anyhow
Another one to follow. Lots of catching up to do, but so far as I got I am jealous. Love the
Cappy - Impressive looking pods for early June! This might be your best year ever. I notice how you have your containers filled right to the brim with soil - that's the way to do it - more soil = bigger plant = more pods. You're going to need a dump truck for this years harvest. :dance:
It finally rained here last night first time in almost 2 months. It has been all I can do to keep up with the watering schedule before the plants start to droop again, they all were very happy and perky this morning when I shot this quick video. My C. Chinese plants are just beginning to ripen a few pods, the plants are loaded with green pods but it's getting too hot for continued fruit set. Fresh pod sales will commence in a few short weeks with Yellow 7 Pods, Chocolate Scorpion, Brain Strain, ButchT Scorpion, Chocolate Bhuts Jolokia, Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate Naga, Naga Morich, Douglah, Fatalii and many others, keep a eye out in the THP marketplace for availability. Sorry about the blurry camera work but had my camera in macro mode to get close-ups of the peppers, double click the tomatoes to access the video. Thank you for everyone's comments above. :)






Huge load of nice wicked supers to pick very soon. Your crop is looking fine Cappy.

How do you harvest those in the center? You must have long arms.

You think it takes a while to upload that vid, try DLin' it with dial up. :lol:
You have incredible looking plants. I love how that yellow 7 pod looks all covered with pimples. Those brainstrains look amazing too with all of that purple.
Huge load of nice wicked supers to pick very soon. Your crop is looking fine Cappy.

How do you harvest those in the center? You must have long arms.

You think it takes a while to upload that vid, try DLin' it with dial up. :lol:

Thank you Silver_Surfer feel very lucky using 100% recycled soil in my pots. Used a half cup Espoma around each plant before I filled the container with soil and again a few week ago that's it. Plants are 4 months from putting seeds in dirt tomorrow. My "hedge" is four containers wide and staggered so I only have to service two rows from each side, I was hand watering up until June with a watering can and reached them all fine. Thanks for taking the time to download with dial-up. beep...beep... beep. :lol:

plants are looking awesome! i want to grow some brain strain, they look so COOL

Cool I hope you do grow the Brain Strain 7 Pod will have seed available again very soon.

Awesome macros Cappy. Those things are looking mighty fine.

Thnx Noah plants are yeilding some wicked pods for the first of the year.

You have incredible looking plants. I love how that yellow 7 pod looks all covered with pimples. Those brainstrains look amazing too with all of that purple.

Hey tOmato fresh pods and seeds will be available soon. Try the peppers first and save some seeds. :)

need acne cream? I love the bumps

I am Proactiv when it come to good pepper gardening. ;)
This is awesome Cappy! Drew n I are waiting on the word.. As soon as you say it we'll be over with the :beer: :cheers: :drunk: :high: :party: for a good ol fashioned facemelter! Let us know hahaha!
Those pods are looking dangerous Cappy! They all have a very spiky texture. Must be that heat in SC. Great shots!
Cant wait to see more...