Cappy's Capsicum 2011

This is awesome Cappy! Drew n I are waiting on the word.. As soon as you say it we'll be over with the :beer: :cheers: :drunk: :high: :party: for a good ol fashioned facemelter! Let us know hahaha!

Hey Matt you and Drew are always welcome we are doing the same thing drinking beer on the back porch. Just call first.

I wanna come! I'll bring the home brew/grown! :)

With those kind of goodies you are welcome at my house anytime Guru to check out the Brain Strain plants. Be honored. :)

Those pods are looking dangerous Cappy! They all have a very spiky texture. Must be that heat in SC. Great shots!
Cant wait to see more...

Thanks madhatter I am sure living so close to the ocean and having the tropical weather doesn't hurt growing spiky peppers. ;)
Everything looks great. Your brain strain plants appear to be the tallest plants. Last year it was the tallest plant in my garden as well. The leaves were also fairly large and not as pointy as my other C. Chinense varieties. I am not growing it this season but I am sure it will pop back into the rotation.
Wow very nice Cappy, great pics! Cant believe all those pods you got already.

Hey Thank you Ryan living in the deep south does have its advantages. Harvesting my first big C. Chinense harvest this afternoon and hopefully up until November for fresh pods. Lots of new stuff for you guys to try a Chocolate Scorpion and Chocolate Nagas on the list.

Everything looks great. Your brain strain plants appear to be the tallest plants. Last year it was the tallest plant in my garden as well. The leaves were also fairly large and not as pointy as my other C. Chinense varieties. I am not growing it this season but I am sure it will pop back into the rotation.

No worries Josh I planted a lot of Brain Strains and have many plants to choose from for another mom. Have started saving seeds from the best pods on only the plants that exemplify the Brain Strain 7 Pod.

You have some of the best porn! :beer:

Thanks romy6 just started pod porn so here is of teaser of this afternoons Biker Billy harvest. :cheers:

Thats an awesome batch of Bikers Cappy!!
Pickled? Chipolte? whats the plan with those beauties!!! :dance:


I have already done some pickling this year as you can see in the background so these I will smoke and make a homemade chipolte powder with. Thank you for the BB seeds kevin.

Cappy good harvest ;)

Thanks Dominico can't wait to see your harvests as well. ;)

Thats a pretty good haul Cappy, not show us some real pod porn, you have me jonesing for soem.

Alright Noah how about the first 7 Pod harvest of the season just a moment ago. Saving seeds from the best Yellow 7 Pod and Brain Strain 7 Pods and will have seed available when dry. Lot more harvest porn in the morning when it's cooler and easier to pick. :cool:


That is impressive my friend! :clap:
Keep an eye on that mean looking Brain next to the 3rd Yellow up!
He looks scary!
Very cool pics!!

Those yellow 7s look awesome. I am really looking forward to them this season. Last season I didn't have any isolated seeds and they turned out orange.
Thanks again everyone for your comments. As promised here is the rest of the harvest this morning, a little of everything. Top left tray holds Chocolate Nagas, Fatalii, and Chocolate Scorpion and next tray down has Bahamian Goat, Naga Morich, ButchT Scorpion, Douglah, Scotch Bonnet, and a few Bhut Jolokia and below that Guadeloupe Black, Tobago Scotch Bonnet, and Brown Bhut and the basket has Cumari, Datil, and a pair of Hot Nipples. Please check out my fresh pod offer in the marketplace section, first come fist serve. Have a great day ya'll! :D





Those yellow 7s look awesome. I am really looking forward to them this season. Last season I didn't have any isolated seeds and they turned out orange.

Josh, that's a sad story... makes me want to run out to the patch and isolate a few more flowers...