Cappy's Capsicum 2011

A little overcast but a good time to get pics of the canopy this am. Been fishing a lot lately and just watering the plants in between trips, many 90F days this past week and had to water twice a day a couple times. Lots and lots of flowering going on and most plants have some pods forming already so it won't be much longer. We are expecting some much needed rain over Memorial Day weekend, everybody be safe don't text and drive. My grass is bone dry and haven't cut it in 3 weeks so let it rain. :cheers:



Never ever get tired of hearing praise after all the effort that goes in to our gardens patrick. Thanks again I sincerely appreciate everyone replies. We have just been lucky with beautiful weather the season not like the rest of the country. I have tried some different things this year using using a very low dosage of general hydroponics with every other watering, also used garden-tone mixed in to my recycled soil. Now here is the difference this season I haven't used the hose on the plants yet. I'm using a big 35 gallon heavy duty garbage can and filling that with water in the morning and only watering with pH 6.5 water in the afternoon. I swear this little trick is making all the difference don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep up with only a watering can. You have to remember most tap water is basic and higher than 7, but plants like slightly acidic water to grow their best under 7. Little xcerp from wikipedia. The pH of rain varies, especially due to its origin. On Americas East Coast, rain that is derived from the Atlantic Ocean typically has a pH of 5.0-5.6; rain that comes across the continental from the west has a pH of 3.8-4.8; and local thunderstorms can have a pH as low as 2.0. Ever notice how your plants perk up after a good thunder shower? :doh:
Cappy I'm in the midst of setting up a watering system myself. Got everything I need but the barrel, which I'll be stopping by Walmart later on to pick up. Great timing on your water advice. Thanks.
Wow wow wow wow wow
Practically speechless.

I've been thinking about climate and the superhot Chinenses lately. Seems that people who live in humid climates seem to get better results than those who live in dryer climates. Hope others share their opinions. I've been thinking about buying a place in southern New Mexico, but it's pretty dry there.
How 'bout some pod porn for June? Plants are now pushing out narly looking pods forgot I planted so many wrinkly 7 Pods. In the pictures are both Yellow and Red brain stains 7 pods, Chocolate Bhut from pepperlover, and a chocolate Naga from billyboy. Had to finally break down and use the hose in the mornings could not keep up the with the long dry spell and the 90F temps, I am still dumping pH balanced water on the plants at night. I have been picking my maters and slicing them with freah basil, just like heaven. Jalapenos are falling over and now have fly buttress support sticks holding them straight. Thanks for viewing my growlog. :cheers:







Very GNARLY pods !

From what I have read elsewhere on this site and your signature am I right in assuming that you have developed your own strain, of the brain kind, of 7 Pods? and they are very wrinkled hence the name?