• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Capsidadburn 2013 Less is more

Hello everybody!
This year I will be growing much less than previous season's. I have been reducing my pepper growing for a couple years now. I am germinating under 20 varieties and a month later than last year. I have between 25 and 28 overwintered plants that are out currently, but not to far from the back door. I think I put the first plants in the ground last year late Feb. and early Mar. I do not expect to exceed 50 to 75 new starts this season. Along with my daughter I am growing some veggies, herbs, flowers, and a few fruit trees. I will do my best to keep the grow log lively and entertaining. As always lots of pictures of plants and pods, but also some cool nature, and a few extra distractions from time to time.

Hope everyone has a great season!


All from saved seeds except store pods and Mini Mini from Finland THP member

Cumari do Para iso
Yellow 7 pod (Brain like)
Douglah cross F2 (small red uniform)
Chocolate Hab
Yellow Scorpion CARDI
7 Pot White
7 Pot Barrackpore
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Douglah cross F2 (red)
Douglah cross F3 (Brownish- maroon with bonnett-habish shape)
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion iso
"Funky" orange habs from HEB
Manzano from Fiesta pods
Super Chilli
Trinidad Congo Red
Purple Flash
Smiter Q pequin like pods
Mini Mini

I will list my overwinters soon, can''t remember.

Here are some pics;
Germinating began Feb. 3rd. The three cells in the corner were all up on day 6. Douglah cross F2 small fat red pointy. I might post a pic from last year to show their shape. All my crosses are accidental nature.

Meyer Lemon bloom smells a lot like Jasmin

Coming out of hibernation, overwinters

Found this guy in a Mountain Laurel by my driveway. Western Screech Owl I believe

Owl be back!
Glad you're pulling pods in this heat!
Great pod picks, I can see the face, reminds me of looking at the clouds and seeing things...
I'm praying for rain Monday, the forecast has a chance all week. At least it will cool down some!
Sawyer said:
Well, that was a trip down the rabbit hole.  Link within link.  I LOLed, several times.
Glad you enjoyed it John.  It is fun to travel back in time as well as laugh along the way.
This weeks forcast;
Along with next weeks rain chances, my shipment of woozies are due to arrive.  My ferments are beyond 60 days and ready for the backend prep for bottling.  Not sure what I'm going to do during the cookdown flavorwise.   Post #69 page 4 for the 1st one and post #90 page 5 for the second.
I'm excited about some new ferment with my recent harvest.  Going to smoke some jalapeno's, add some sun dried tom's with my overwintered cross harvest, with onion and garlic and maybe carrots.  Always exciting indeed!
A few old bug and critter pics as I am in the mood, from seasons past;
Dreaming anole

On the prowl

Great Pondhawk which I saw one today but flew away quickly

Mouthfull of ladybug followed by uncomfortable death

Assasin bug also known as wheel bug which I think is distantly related to stegasaurus

Potter Wasps ensuring the future of their species

John Dilley of Defcon Sauces from ZestFest a few years back

The rebirth

Hope everybody enjoys these.
Thank you Scott and Jason!
Here are some recent pics and if I have room, more pics of my first ferment results;
This is an overwintered F2 Douglah cross that first showed up in 2011.  The male parent could be Faria Scotch Bonnet

This is a F3 of the same.  Pod shape looks true, now waiting on the maroonish color.  Dark reddish brown?

A small harvest

Cumari do Para first  year plant

more pics...
 Mike, have i mentioned how kick ass your grow log is today. The choc bhuts are the sickest I have ever seen. The bug shots are also the best I have ever seen. And the douglah cross is sweet. I bet it would make some tasty chutney. 
MGOLD86 said:
That douglah cross is sick!  I really love that color man, hopefully they turn...Ill be watching!
Thanks Matt!  I have been liking the color for a long time too!  I'll post a pic of the inside soon.
romy6 said:
 Mike, have i mentioned how kick ass your grow log is today. The choc bhuts are the sickest I have ever seen. The bug shots are also the best I have ever seen. And the douglah cross is sweet. I bet it would make some tasty chutney. 
Wonderful praises Jamie!  Thanks.  The cross will make it in to something I make for sure. Count on it!
GA Growhead said:
Agreeing on that douglah's color! Hope it come thru in the F3s!
How's the dragonfly watching?
I have seen a few here lately and one damselfly.
Glad the color is pleasing.  I'm still not sure what to call it. The color that is.  I just see lots of the same that I've already posted dragonflywise.  If Walk down a block I see something different.  The dead ones on my truck grill are different.   In Austin I see different stuff.  Just haven't photographed them anywhere else.
7 Pot Jonah, Datil, Carrots, Onion, Garlic, at cookdown I added a little Sun Dried Tomato's, Mango, and Figs.  Using the test strips the ph looks like 3.0 to me.  The first taste is very salty from the ferment pickling salt.  Great heat too!
The backend cookdown of my first ferment 92 days old.

Orange Dragonfly :P
millworkman said:
Gotta admit Mike, I like the critter pics almost as much as the pod pics.  Either way, great stuff!
Great to hear Noah! Sometimes there are no pod pics that make me happy so I let the bugs out.

GA Growhead said:
+1 to mill!
I see a good beer over there too! Sauce looks yummy!
Got to have a good beer for any cooking project! Thanks!

Here is my 1s year pequin (Smiter Q)two pics

Having a lot of disappearing pods with my Tepins. I guess I need a bird head on a pike!

As promised here is the inside of the cross from earlier post #209. I will probably use these in a ferment later this season.

A male Swift Set Wing and close up

Later folks, have a great day!
Thanks Scott!
So I stayed home today with a head cold.  My family all had it and I finally catch up as usual.  I riding a benedryl heavy headed funk wave daming back the evil mucous into a numb existance.  There is not a lot going on exciting in the garden, just the bloom drop gloom that sets in most every summer.  I'm keeping my dehydrator going with herbs and peppers all for the last couple days.
I like to start off my updates with nice pod or plant shots and end with critters.  So if I am starting with critters who knows where we will end up...
It's time for a hard right turn trip down nostalgia lane, or urban primitive history 101.
Shot this guy/gal this morning, (I really am sick, I promise).  I offered to be an agent on his or her behalf and promised sweet endorsement deals.  I guess I am too transparent!

My Father use to take me digging (amateur archealogy) as a boy.  Finding old embossed glass bottles from the turn of the century and before was fun.  I espicially loved the patent medicine bottles.  As a young adult I obsessivly collected patent medicines with the word "Cure" embossed on the bottle.  Pictured here is a small grouping of products I might have used for my head cold 120-140 years ago.

They are from left to right; Miller's Tar & Cherry Cough cure clear glass, Dr. Mackensie's smelling salts and Catarrh Cure (embossed on bottom) emerald green with stopper, Johnson's Chill & Fever Tonic "The Texas Cure" (inside the star) Prepared by Johnson & Co. Monticello, Fla. aqua glass, Frog Pond Chill and Fever Cure amber glass, Veno's Lightning Cough Cure aqua glass, Munyon's Inhaler Cures Colds Catarrh and all Throat & lung Diseases emerald green glass.
For those of you not sure what the hell Catarrh was;
To the best of my knowledge none of these cures contained any capsaicin but hundreds of remedies did so.
The Frog Pond is one of my favorites for certain.  Another quite desirable cure bottle, also from Augusta, GA like Frog Pond was the River Swamp Chill & Fever Cure which had an embossed Alligator on the front of it.  I had a chance to buy one once for $700, but it was not in great shape and that was way over my

What I did buy that day is pictured below;  Dr. Seelye's Magic Cough and Consumption Cure Abilene KS.  This same bottle is pictured on the front cover of a book called "Collecting The Cures" by Bill Agee.  I bought the bottle from the author.  The River Swamp is also pictured on that cover.

Here are a couple of links for anyone interested in the River Swamp bottle and it's history;
One more link for Munyons inhaler;
The female gymnast, or Blue Dancer

Good evening THP folk
"Pretty plant, do you like the fruit?"
Thanks Charles and yes I do.  It was a favorite a few years back.  Very hot and juicy.  I was thinking you had grown this around the same time I sent you the BGH 1725 seeds.  They are similar to each other in pod shape and color but the BGH 1725 was a taller plant.