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Chlli Tests "Bonda ma Jacques"

Chilli Tests "Bonda ma Jacques"

Sometimes it can be Unreal to dive into the Unknown as Ya Never Know whats going to Happen, can be Good, Bad and sometimes can get Ugly.. This was a Complete mystery as cant find any info on so after the patient wait for it to grow here we have

Bonda ma Jacques


Apparently is from St Lucia in the Caribbean,, i think some1 here sent me the seeds, the 3 i have are all bit over a metre, look very Hab like with the chinense leaves,, the pods look a fantastic Bright yellow and look like Fat Fatali's,, they Have the most Amazing Flavour and its sort of a Lite Hab taste and sweeet / fruity (how unusual) and the Heat is Great, and a good sort of all over burn. after the 2nd it reallly Ripped and was AWESOME..

Hey Q have a listen near the end,, was Dorfin dude YEAAAAAAAAAA and had to mention for U as its really cool plus ya made it up

oh yea here ya go

Bonda ma Jacques

hope Ya's enjoy
take care
Neat video, Neil, this is one I'm growing thanks to seeds from Potawie so it's great to see what it's all about...looks yummmy.
Nice job Neil. You are the man. You eat chilies like I eat Tums. I have the Bonda ma Jacques on my "to grow" list for next year and you just reinforced my decision. Potawie always grew some nice ones too.
Thanks for the review Neil. Guess I have another one I'm going to add to next years list.

Unless someone has a seed or two available now that I could trade or pay for? I've still got time this year. I've got several different types of seeds to trade too. Send me a PM if you're interested. Thanks.:)
They sure are great plants, and great peppers. I only have 1 freezer bag of them left so I'm certainly growing them again this year. Nice to see someone else who spells it like me:) In Guadeloupe, apparently chinenses are called le derriere de Madame Jacques but this has translated to so many ways of spelling including some as silly as Bonda ma Jackques, and Bonda man Jacques
Great vid there Neil,nice to know they taste fantastic too. Havn't managed to get any fruit off mine yet, but havn't given up hope.
