• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CMPMAN1974's 2011 Growing Log - Started 1/29/11

Well, I finally got motivated and dropped some seeds in my 162 count plug tray this afternoon. Filled up 100 of the spaces. It's always so hard to narrow anything down. I've got the seed tray on a heating mat calibrated to 86 degrees. Sowing so many individual varieties is always one huge chore. I kind of envy people like AJ planting 100 of the same variety.

I sowed a lot of C. chinenses, some wild bird types, and wild praetermissums and a few other wild species. There is nothing very common on this years' list. lol. :) Tons of strange super hot cross attempts from people. At least I've got a solid system now as far as spreadsheets and tracking.

I wish I had acres to grow all I want. I could really get carried away!

I'll start the Annuums and Baccatums in early March. I'm cutting way, way back on Rocotos. I struggled last year to get them to produce (well ripen) on time. I'm not a quitter by any means though. :)

I will be pretty much growing 100% in the ground this season. I don't feel like spending money on soil this year. I built three more 4' x 12' raised beds last Fall to add some growing space. I should be fine.

That's the phenotype! I've had some plants producing straight and smooth fruits, or smaller fruit. But I'll keep this phenotype going, along with another one I liked that isn't quite as long, but girthier.


Here the are next to some of my Fataliis:

They look nice to me. The original appears to be a bit gnarlier but who knows how much of a role differing weather conditions have played.


Here's the best Yellow Bhut I'm going to get this year. It ripened today. Still not the same as the ones I pictured, but closer.


All your photos look great Chris and thanks for doing what you do. You are right about the yellow bhuts. While yours look cool the original ones definitely have a bit more character to them. Hopefully in the coming years someone can stabilize this variety.
The one I've been waiting all year for! I had a 5% germination rate on this. Got it this year - a new one from Trinidad. Pods were supposed to be massive - well they are. Biggest I've seen from a C. chinense. Bad news - I got two pods on the plant. lol. I'm just thankful as I thought I had no chance. Not only did the seeds barely germinate - it grew SO slow. I babied it every way keeping my fingers crossed I could get a ripe pod from it. Whew....





Ah the fun begins.

Congrats on the 7 Pot Congo providing seeds for next season. If there ever was a pepper that looked like it was tripping that is the one. All those smooth angles are just too cool.

The freak 7 Pot Infinity pod is wicked looking! If you don't plan on growing from the seeds in that baby I'll pay $$thousands$$ for them! Or even $$hundreds$$!

Chris I look forward to your new posts, never know what kind of crazy looking pepper is going to show up. Thanks
I couldnt agree more on what Patrick says. It's always a joy watching your new posts and beautifull shots of awesome pods. Every time I'm like, damn I gotta get me those :D
DAMN, the weird 7 Pot Infinity bumpy one had no viable seeds. It was a freak of nature. :( I was going to get some your way. Talk about bad luck. :(


Ah the fun begins.

Congrats on the 7 Pot Congo providing seeds for next season. If there ever was a pepper that looked like it was tripping that is the one. All those smooth angles are just too cool.

The freak 7 Pot Infinity pod is wicked looking! If you don't plan on growing from the seeds in that baby I'll pay $$thousands$$ for them! Or even $$hundreds$$!

Chris I look forward to your new posts, never know what kind of crazy looking pepper is going to show up. Thanks
No, they are a weird cross called Yaki-Blue Chocolate Naga Shape..plant has purplish/green leaves. It's crazy productive. I grow it last year, but the pods ripened red. Last year it produced a boatload of pods off one plant. It has become one of my favorites. Initially I was told it was a cross of a Naga x Filius Blue. :)

I picked a boatload of chocolate super hots today, 7 Pot Primos, and and more. Time to start singing..."I can smell Chocolate Thunder powder in the air." :)

This one will always have sentimental value to me. It was one of my "first" when I started this hobby. I can't remember where I got it, but I've always loved this strain of Chocolate Hab. GIANT twisted heavy pods. Still never ran across another like it. I got the seed over 7 years ago!

Yaki-Blue Chocolate Naga Shape. Really? :lol: That's hilarious.

Drat on the no seed bumpy pod. Grow another one then will ya?

I keep looking at the chocolate pods and drooling, the brain is having a difficult time realizing those things aren't full of chocolate goodness. Beautiful pods man.

Good to hear getting some size to the 7 Primo's. I'm going to try and overwinter this one again but will save some of the larger pods. Think I'm going to get serious next season and try to improve a strain or two. Plus I want to play with the 7 Jonah cross.

You're an inspiration Chris.
Those Primos are ridiculous Chris!
Same with that infinity variety :shocked:
That mustard green cross sure has an interesting color as well.
and that chocolate Habanero is the size ofa medium bell pepper! wow.

Ahhh... *legs up on the coffee table* Who needs the morning news when you have new pictures from Chris to gaze at..

PS, Patrick's not the only one that'll pay well for some infinity seeds, or primo seeds.. hell for any of the crazy cross seeds!.....I'll pay your car payment for a couple months? :lol:
It's really not too hard to tell how 7 Pot Infinity made the world record spot for a while. Look at the THICKNESS of the placental walls. OMG. This pod is the perfect representation of what this variety is supposed to look like.


