Well, I finally got motivated and dropped some seeds in my 162 count plug tray this afternoon. Filled up 100 of the spaces. It's always so hard to narrow anything down. I've got the seed tray on a heating mat calibrated to 86 degrees. Sowing so many individual varieties is always one huge chore. I kind of envy people like AJ planting 100 of the same variety.
I sowed a lot of C. chinenses, some wild bird types, and wild praetermissums and a few other wild species. There is nothing very common on this years' list. lol. Tons of strange super hot cross attempts from people. At least I've got a solid system now as far as spreadsheets and tracking.
I wish I had acres to grow all I want. I could really get carried away!
I'll start the Annuums and Baccatums in early March. I'm cutting way, way back on Rocotos. I struggled last year to get them to produce (well ripen) on time. I'm not a quitter by any means though.
I will be pretty much growing 100% in the ground this season. I don't feel like spending money on soil this year. I built three more 4' x 12' raised beds last Fall to add some growing space. I should be fine.
I sowed a lot of C. chinenses, some wild bird types, and wild praetermissums and a few other wild species. There is nothing very common on this years' list. lol. Tons of strange super hot cross attempts from people. At least I've got a solid system now as far as spreadsheets and tracking.
I wish I had acres to grow all I want. I could really get carried away!
I'll start the Annuums and Baccatums in early March. I'm cutting way, way back on Rocotos. I struggled last year to get them to produce (well ripen) on time. I'm not a quitter by any means though.
I will be pretty much growing 100% in the ground this season. I don't feel like spending money on soil this year. I built three more 4' x 12' raised beds last Fall to add some growing space. I should be fine.