• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CMPMAN1974's 2011 Growing Log - Started 1/29/11

Well, I finally got motivated and dropped some seeds in my 162 count plug tray this afternoon. Filled up 100 of the spaces. It's always so hard to narrow anything down. I've got the seed tray on a heating mat calibrated to 86 degrees. Sowing so many individual varieties is always one huge chore. I kind of envy people like AJ planting 100 of the same variety.

I sowed a lot of C. chinenses, some wild bird types, and wild praetermissums and a few other wild species. There is nothing very common on this years' list. lol. :) Tons of strange super hot cross attempts from people. At least I've got a solid system now as far as spreadsheets and tracking.

I wish I had acres to grow all I want. I could really get carried away!

I'll start the Annuums and Baccatums in early March. I'm cutting way, way back on Rocotos. I struggled last year to get them to produce (well ripen) on time. I'm not a quitter by any means though. :)

I will be pretty much growing 100% in the ground this season. I don't feel like spending money on soil this year. I built three more 4' x 12' raised beds last Fall to add some growing space. I should be fine.

Inside of this weird NOT Black Naga cross. MEAN pod. I'm wondering what it crossed with?

Damn that NOT Black Naga cross insides is almost dripping! Did you lick it? I wouldn't have either. That's worth another damn.
I have not tasted the Yellow Bhut yet. I'm waiting for a bit larger pod to form. Then I'll give it a shot. :)


I have 5 Yellow Bhuts in the ground and then a few more in containers, there's been noticeable pod variation between these different plants. I did find one I liked (pods consistently over 4 inches long, bumpy, tasty and decent productivity) and isolated a flower for next year's seed stock.
Spice, any look like the ones in this picture? This is what they are 'supposed' to look like. I was sent these exact pods in 2010. They were tremendous, but my plants never produce the same. I think the original grower has 100s of Yellow Bhut plants in a field so their chances increase of getting desirable looking ones. :) The one I harvested this year is the closest I've gotten.

That's the phenotype! I've had some plants producing straight and smooth fruits, or smaller fruit. But I'll keep this phenotype going, along with another one I liked that isn't quite as long, but girthier.


Here the are next to some of my Fataliis:
This one is just crazy Patrick. The second flush of pods on it are even more brutal looking. They have the texture of Brain Strain with spikes shooting out too! OMG. Capsaicin just drips down the walls!! Unfortunately, very few seeds in a pod. :(

Damn that NOT Black Naga cross insides is almost dripping! Did you lick it? I wouldn't have either. That's worth another damn.
This one is just crazy Patrick. The second flush of pods on it are even more brutal looking. They have the texture of Brain Strain with spikes shooting out too! OMG. Capsaicin just drips down the walls!! Unfortunately, very few seeds in a pod. :(

We likey the spikes, oh yes we do. Looking forward to seeing a pic of one Chris.

Looks like you're getting some size to the 7 Primo pods too, congrats.
Thanks S.S. :) Patrick, the pod size on the Primos is about the same unfortunately. I'll get an occasional larger one, but generally much smaller than other super hots. They still are too beautiful not to like.

Here's the best Yellow Bhut I'm going to get this year. It ripened today. Still not the same as the ones I pictured, but closer.


This is a weird one. It's like some kind of dwarf plant. The leaves are variegated. VERY tiny plant. Just got some ripe pods. I had a couple of seeds that were over 10 years old. Got them to germinate thank goodness. At least I preserved it. :)

This is a weird one. It's like some kind of dwarf plant. The leaves are variegated. VERY tiny plant. Just got some ripe pods. I had a couple of seeds that were over 10 years old. Got them to germinate thank goodness. At least I preserved it. :)


That is an odd little pepper plant.

How long are pepper seeds usually viable for in storage?

Do you take extra precautions to ensure the longevity/viability of your stored seeds?

I've got a few yellow BJ's from different sources growing, one is AsiaGardens, and I'm just waiting for them to turn colors. I'll be sure to post a few pics of them.

Sorry to hear about the 7 Primo's not getting any larger. Mine look the same as last year but since it's the same plant it sounds very reasonable. Ha!
dvg, I find pepper seeds can be fine for 10-12 years if stored well. Of course germination rates decrease, but I'm not selling them so not a huge issue. I do take careful precautions to dry them well. I air dry and then dry futher with silica gel. Then all is refrigerated. I have thought about deep freezing them as that retains life even more, BUT you have to be 100% sure the moisture content is below 7%. I am not good enough to do that w/o doubt yet. That's how seed banks do it to preserve seeds.

Your pod pictures are looking stunning as always Chris :cool:
I also found the Yellow Bhut to be highly unstable. A bit of a shame seeing when you get one to turn out they look damn amazing!

Keep the Pepper porn flowing...........
