Datil Pepper Relish

Ok time is up -- since I have seen that most people use these peppers green I am about ready to make this recipe! I will be getting my jars this week and make the relish toward the end of the week! SO excited ...the way this looks I may triple the recipe or more....
can you use more than 1/2 cup and is seeding necessary ?? I'd like it to be on the warmer side but not to the point where I am the only one eating it.

Sure. You can adjust the amount of pepper to your liking. You can always dilute it with tomato sauce if you make it too strong for others. Have two strengths available. Let me know how it turns out for you.
luckydog looking foward to seeing pictures of the Datil lab lol

Datil relish erm :hell::drooling:

Nat hows your datils going have the ripened yet,or do use all yours when there green? :)
talas said:
luckydog looking foward to seeing pictures of the Datil lab lol

Datil relish erm :hell::drooling:

Nat hows your datils going have the ripened yet,or do use all yours when there green? :)

I use mine green except for a few for seed.

Not many so far this year. The weather is playing havoc with them. When it cools a bit, they'll pick up. I've only harvested a handful and used them all in my vinegar salad pepper jar. Man, it's good on a salad or any hot greens like collards.
Alright -- I didnt take pictures -- I started off by picking numerous green Datil peppers and bringing them indoors and had my wife try 1 pepper -- after recovering from the shot to the bread basket I started the process of deseeding (not all the seed) and stemming.... I didnt think they were to hot so I had used maybe 10 so minced it would be about 1/2 to 3/4 cup... I didnt have a bell pepper so I used the next best thing - 4 Anaheim's from outback as well -- the rest is standard ...a good size of Vidalia onion and 2 cloves of garlic, ketchup and apple cider vinegar...

I thru the peppers, onion, garlic in a food processor and minced them up.
In a nearby pot I pured the Ketchup, Cider vinegar, sugar and salt.
I put the mixture of peppers into the pot and an instant pepper smell hits the house my wife comes in saying "that smells like its going to be hot" me "wah wah wah" after catching my breath from the shot to the solar plexus the mix was starting to boil -- I simmered and reduced the mix by 1/2 or a bit more till it was a nice thick consistency -- canned I made 2 pints -- We had it with hotdogs last night OMG its tastey... and my wife ....well she likes it too ...the peppers mellow out after the cooking.. I am very pleased with it.
I say my wife hitting me like that in jest, she is all of about 5'2" and I am 6'3" and 275lbs--:shocked: ;)

Thanks Nat

I think I will follow the recipe more closely in terms of the amount of Datil peppers I put in ( I do have A LOT of them )and Bell or Anaheim I just eye balled it so there is a distinctive Datil taste that is foremost then blends well with the ketchup and vinegar.. the flavor is great and goes great with vinegary-ness of mustard --

I will be making this again !!
Luckydog love Datils as you no and carnt wait to see your pictures of your sauce with that great recipe :drooling:
I say my wife hitting me like that in jest, she is all of about 5'2" and I am 6'3" and 275lbs--:shocked: ;)

Watch out for the uppercut....could be deadly....
talas said:
Luckydog love Datils as you no and carnt wait to see your pictures of your sauce with that great recipe :drooling:
This was my first time trying them I must say they are a surprising little pepper :mouthonfire: I'll see if I can get a pic of the finished product... I have never made it before so it would be nice to critique it --

AlabamaJack said:
Watch out for the uppercut....could be deadly....
She is a fiesty one -- she saw me eat it and not flinch so she gave it a go -- thought she would know better --such a trooper

Sickmont said:
Next best thing? I think you got that backwards, sir.

Ha ha You are right -- I havent stuffed any yet I keep using them in place of the Bells
I am very pleased with it. Thanks Nat
I will be making this again !!

I have a cupboard full of it and you still made my mouth water with your description of your efforts.

Those datils do have a nice flavor.

Congratulations man! You're a datil sauce maker now! It'll hook ya.
An addictive heat and flavor -- do you use half cup seed peppers or half cup chopped and seeded?

I am going to make more as I have Datils all over the place
An addictive heat and flavor -- do you use half cup seed peppers or half cup chopped and seeded?

I am going to make more as I have Datils all over the place

I usually seed the sauce. I don't like chewing on them.

It's still plenty hot that way. You can compensate by adding more peppers....
Ha ha ha sorry guys I have been camping and forgot... It is almost gone too !!! I have friends and family wanting me to make them jars of this incredible relish thanks Nat!!!! I will be making a few more batches next week as it stands I have enough peppers to do at least 12 pints or more I am going to put up as much as I can for the winter and for next year, if it lasts, One friend wanted it a bit hotter, if I could pffffft :rolleyes: so some chopped Naga is going into his heheheheh....(My luck I will like it that way as well....) I'll post pics I promise
I'm so glad you've had good luck with it! I told you you'd get hooked on it!

Enjoy! I added some Naga to a batch already. It's great! I ordered some dried Nagas online. I can't wait for mine to put some fruit on!

Congrats LuckyDog!
I made a variation of this recipe last night. I took this recipe and a recipe posted by kato and extracted what I liked from both recipes. This is what I did:

1 cup of diced/seeded datil and habanero
1 pint cider vinegar
1 pint heinz ketchup
1/2 cup molasses
1 tsp salt

Place vinegar and peppers in a blender and puree. Then mix all ingredients in a pot and simmer slowly for 35 minutes. Package as desired. It made an amount that filled five typical hot sauce bottles.

I would have loved to have used only datil peppers, but my datil plant doesn't have that many peppers ready, and I prefer to use them when they are yellow-orange. I brought this sauce to work with me today, and 4/4 people who have tried it really love it! I really appreciate the recipes.