After a lot of thought i have deemed it to be the honest way to approach a rather delicate subject, the subject being Defcon sauces.
A little while ago i posted my thoughts on Defcon MKII and was met by both people that disagreed and also people that disagreed
They suggested that i try his other sauces because his MKII was an additive so tonight i tried his Defcon 1 and Defcon 2 from fresh unopened bottles and they both proved to be as crappy tasting as the other additive one.
All i can say is that anyone that actually eats this stuff on a regular basis should try other sauces because in my opinion this sauce is crap and can taste like sour milk.
Disclaimer: I for no way discourage people to try these sauces. These thoughts are my own opinion. These sauces will not try and abduct your mother in law, (unfortunantly).