Douglah Cappy 2010

Nice looking crop so far Cappy. Those short stocky ones will get some length if you give them time in a 1 gallon pot before upsizing.
Well PRF as of this morning I have 3 more Douglahs popping up so I am upto 4 now, these things can take awhile to germinate! LOL I really hope they do good. :D
I also went 2 for 3 on the NoVa billyboy Douglah I planted in the last week Matt. These are very special cultivar of Douglah and I also hope they do very well. Fingers crossed for perfect Douglah pods later this Matt. Keep us updated.
What I love about the Douglahs is I can pick out this variety just from the second set of true leaves. They have a unique shape and look to them!
Here is my overwintered Douglah plant Chris, that is the reason I like this variety so much not only for the peppers but the beautiful plant. The leaf shape is much like naga/bhuts in that they are longer in shape, but the cool looking bark and knobby nodes make this plant stand out when loaded with chocolate colored fruit. Just a preference of mine but the plant is medium size. Here's hoping my Douglah seed breeds true.:pray:

You can also see what is left of the Bradford Pear tree I took down over the winter.:shocked::cool:
Cappy the new growth on your overwintered Douglah is looking very good.

I'm happy for you that the flushing worked. That would have been painful to me to see those not come back, can't imagine how it would have hit you.
did your BS have elongated leaves like the overwintered douglah?
form the looks of it looks like you got some good weather up in the carolinas!!
Noshownate said:
did your BS have elongated leaves like the overwintered douglah?
form the looks of it looks like you got some good weather up in the carolinas!!

Just a trait of the Douglah Nate.

patrick said:
Cappy the new growth on your overwintered Douglah is looking very good.

I'm happy for you that the flushing worked. That would have been painful to me to see those not come back, can't imagine how it would have hit you.

Patrick, they may be my best looking plants all the green has come back and they are thriving. I always have back-up plants so all was well. I'll get another update in maybe tomorrow. The plants under the HID are growing fast and will be moved in the window slot very soon to make room for next set under the light. Going to be a good year.
Hey PRF, is it normal for the Billyboy Douglahs to take a long time to fire off? The one that sprouted first is doing good, true leaves are coming on nicely, but the rest that sprouted last week have barely gotten their first true leaves, they are so small you really have to look to see them. They are nice and green and havent kicked the big pepper bucket in the sky, so I am hoping they will do something soon. They are really tiny too.

Even my Bhuts and T Scorpions had true leaves going by this time...
Matt, the Douglah are the slowest most difficult plant I have grown. All of my BB Douglah have sproated but are still in the seed tray, it just takes a while. Most of my plants never take off until I place them under my 400 watt HID, I really don't know how most of you just grow under fluorescent light. I would be a terrible grower if all I had was shop lights.
LOL PRF Its all I have used for light this year and it has worked well with everything except these stubborn Douglahs. Its all good though, Im not giving up on them, they are alive and thats all that matters. BTW, I ended up with a 50% germination rate, so I have 5 seedlings.
I've noticed the same with the Billyboy Douglahs during the early seedling stage, as they progress quite slowly the first couple weeks. However, I've noted that after about 3 weeks, they start growing at about the same rate as my other chinense varieties. I suspect they have a different root development timing than the other plants, which would contribute to a slow early growth rate.
Yeah they are coming along now, they are growing good. You can tell which ones sprouted first, they all have their first true leaves now, the first one to sprout is getting it's second set...
Hi Cappy, Plants looking great.

The BS seeds you sent me last year are top quality with pretty much every seed sprouting. All strong health plants too. Thanks again.

I read your using flora nutes for the soil ones. I'm using the same stuff in hydro. What concentration are you using it at and what ratio's on your Dougs?

Thanks, Chris
Chris, I do give my plants a 1 tsp/gal one time feeding of Flora Nova grow or about 500 ppm when they are under my light and use fish emulsion the rest. I have just rotated the third set of plants under my light and in about 10 days will triple in size. I have to do this because of several reasons first the light is best used in conjunction with natural sunlight and I can fit only about 80 cups under the lights at a time. I have the first Douglah hardening off and my main crop that just came from under the light in the windowsill going outside April 1st. Few pics of the plants on a cloudy Sunday morning.:cool:


Update time, moved 196 pepper seedlings outside under a tarp covered dog kennel with the beautiful weather we are having over the next week. Still have 60 or so pepper plants and 20 tomatoes under my halide light inside. I did not lose one seedling this year, if it broke soil it is still growing. Going to concentrate my efforts on getting my soil all mixed and put back in nursery pots over the weekend. I could go ahead and plant out but will wait till April 15th just in case, no reason to rush plant out. They are protected from the noonday sun and any heavy springtime rain we might have over the next couple weeks.:)

Beautiful plants Cappy. Potting all of those up will be a lot like work. :)

What are your plans for the tons of pods that will be harvested this season?