misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Hey Paul, I've got a Dodge truck that needs buffing. I could be there in say....6 hours. No make that 7 hours, I would have to stop somewhere and pickup a case of beer for you. :lol:

Yesterday, I stacked a ton of firewood and skipped beer, I went straight for the Tequila sunrise. Mmmm good!
Pepperfreak said:
Hey Paul, I've got a Dodge truck that needs buffing. I could be there in say....6 hours. No make that 7 hours, I would have to stop somewhere and pickup a case of beer for you. :lol:

Yesterday, I stacked a ton of firewood and skipped beer, I went straight for the Tequila sunrise. Mmmm good!

Fill it full of firewood, head down here, and not only will I wash and wax your truck, I'll buy you 2 cases of the beer of your choice!

Hell....I'll even help you drink it!! ;)
paulky_2000 said:
Fill it full of firewood, head down here, and not only will I wash and wax your truck, I'll buy you 2 cases of the beer of your choice!

Hell....I'll even help you drink it!! ;)

I would take you up on that offer, but....something tells me that I would be in trouble with the Mrs. :lol:
Fawk, it's been a crazy Friday the 13th...

Had to run bill-paying errands today, ugh.

It took a total of 5 buses, over 3hrs (standing for 30min waiting for one of 'em), and oh yeah...it's 35F with snow blowing sideways.


But, I'm home safe finally, and my bro Mr. Jim Beam Black is warming me up again in my coffee. :D
Wow...a Mojito AND Irish Stout?!

Dat's some schizophrenic drink'n bro... ;-D

Skol on the Beamish though..mmmm.

I'm transitioning..from the earlier hot coffee/bourbon to an iced eggnog latte w/ the Jim Beam..then it'll be AK Amber time. ;)
I didn't think the beer would go too well with the shrimp pasta with tarragon cream sauce that I made for supper. Now supper is over and I am having this and then some Imperials Stouts I have waiting for a slow delicious death.
ok - started reading this and got a sudden unexplained urge to have a drink

since I crashed out for a couple hours after I got off work and am well rested I think maybe it's time to mix one

and Quad - that is a classic photo