misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

so here I am - got a late start with my drinking tonite so no one is on here now who wants to play -

I have enough of a buzz on that theres no need to read thru old threads to learn anything cause I won't remember it anyway -

but there's not enough of a buzz to quit drinking yet

so what do I do?

I guess I could always go surf some porn sites (which is the real reason I bought a computer anyway)

or I could continue to post and just talk to myself till I get banned for spamming

nope - not drunk enuff for that either - not yet anyway

decisions, decisions
Yeah, late quandaries...gotta luv 'em.

I finished watching my shows, nobody's on my online game, bleh...np, i haz booze left. ;-D

JayT said:
Careful, don't let the SoFlo posse hear you speak of Keystone like that. 'Dems fightin' words to those folks!

Hell, it's all I can really afford these days!

Besides...I kinda like it! (would prefer Yuengling or Newcastle)
Stuff I got tonight:

PBR Suitcase and Deschute's Brewery Hop Trip Ale


Beauty! It's a really good beer w/ a buttload of hoppyness..but it's not harshly bitter IMO. Almost has an amber beer taste to it.


Best part...all this was about $16.00 :woohoo:


This Fresh Hop Pale Ale is all about celebrating the hop harvest in the fall. Fresh picked hops have to be added to the brew immediately and in abundance. Roughly 680 pounds of Crystal hops from Doug Weathers' farm outside Salem, Oregon will be added to each 120 barrel batch in addition to some dry kilned whole flower hops. That adds up to approximately 5.7 pounds of hops per barrel brewed. Another deliciously interesting beer in our Bond Street Series.

BTW, here's some awesome pix of the brewery guys actually getting the hops. Man, I love the N.W.!

I enjoyed 3 of these last night....


God I love them and you have to drink the un filtered version....So much more flavour....:drooling:
JayT said:
Here's one I know you'll like THP. So hoppy, so good!


Don't hold the glass against me it was a gift.
Haven't had this yet, but they make good beers. I won't hold the glass against you, but Pippy will :P. He likes it like that.
ok I am sober at the moment and I can't tell if this is the correct place to put this or not - if it should go somewhere else would someone who has been drinking move it for me please?

anyway - I kinda shattered my wrist last Feb. - broke it in 8 places - had it cut on a couple times and an assortment of hardware in the form of bolts, pins and a rod attached - was off work till Sept. and finally been back on light duty since then - went back to the doc yesterday and was told that I will almost certainly have the pleasure of more surgey soon - will find out more at my next appointment in Jan. -

so why is all this being posted here? Cause I have a half gallon of Crown Royal and my immediate plans are to make sure there is a lot less than a half gallon in there come morning

will be back to post more here after I have had a drink or three
When I first started reading this post I thought "FAIL"! Then I got to the part about the half gallon of Crown and you get a pass now get drinking! Carry on.