misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

More than just a couple mate! He was wrong on THREE counts!! (That gets YOU a fail point)

Oh yeah I is now drinking A.P.A. :D
Got some Rogue Santa's Reserve Ale...not too bad at all. Fairly hoppy compared to most winter ales. This week I finally graduate from a class I've been in for a while..that means I plan on catching up on some drinking I missed out on this last few weeks! :lol:
Made some mojitos in your name the other day haha but apparently we need to work on our mojito skills. I have fallen back to my old rum and coke.
My drinking a bottle of VELKOPOPOVICKY Kozel (Dark)


I enjoyed it but it wasn't all that I was expecting. It was a nice dark beer but lacked any real flavours.

I also have a bottle of Samuel adams Boston Lager to try tomorrow.

Also I got 2 bottle of the young's Chocolate stout (love that stuff)
Well I got a 4 pack of this yesterday and had one this afternoon


It's the Unibroue flagship brew.

I've been told that this brewer is critically acclamed as one of (if not the best) brewing company in the world (offically, I can't say that is true or not, this is only what I heard!!!!). OMG, it is so so so good. It's like waking up in the morning and finding your better half doing something that is very naughty but still makes you smile...:D

I love this beer and only get it rarely because here in oz, it's costs as much for a 4 pack and I can pay for a 24 pack of standard aussie beer!!!!

The thing that makes it that much better (and sad at the same time) is that I have been told that this brewer is no longer going to export there beer to Australia. I can't rememeber why but it's a bloody shame cause this is a fine top end beer.
Unibrou is one of my favorite breweries. They sell a mixed case here in the US for around $55 and every one of those beers is terrific. In fact, I have met one of the brewers at a brewfest. Cool people.
La Fin Du Monde (The end of the world) kicks ass! I love that beer. I also love explaining what it is to people that don't know about beer. "It's a Belgian style-French-Canadian beer." haha In regards to being one of the best breweries in the world...I'm not too sure. I do LOVE their beer, in fact every beer they make is very good. If you can get your hands on it, try the Trois Pistoles! It's a dubbel and it's awesome. I've heard rumor of them being (relatively recently) purchased by a large macro brewery...I forget which one. Maybe that is part of the reason they won't export to OZ anymore? Not sure.

Paulky, you should be able to find it pretty easily if you have a "good beer store" near you. All of their beers are good but I highly recommend the La Fin, Trois Pistoles, Don de Dieu, Terrible, and Maudite.
There are, in fact, two rather large liquor stores in Bowling Green....and they both have an impressive beer selection. I have written these down and will be on the hunt!
