misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

you may have a very valid point with the beer, however this 16 ounce mug the pina colada was is packs a pretty good punch (pun intended)
roflmao...I am on my third one and still have to make a home depot run before my day gets started... better go and get back before the alcohol catches up...or before I start my fourth one...
he must have had his "beer goggles" on... :rofl:
i'll drink to pretty much anything at the moment.. all the work for the day is done.. dinner is simmering and I've finally been able to have a proper shower! beer #2 is going down very nicely :D
get your drank on gas!! i'm eating dinner... made cottage pie and decided to add some dried douglah to the mix before i put it in the oven - its making my eyes water!

enjoy the last day of your holidays!
mel said:
get your drank on gas!! i'm eating dinner... made cottage pie and decided to add some dried douglah to the mix before i put it in the oven - its making my eyes water!

enjoy the last day of your holidays!

Mmmmm I could so go some cottage pie right now!

I was gonna stop and get a 7-11 pie (nowhere near comparable, I know! but it is at least pie) on my beer run but there was no parking and I had to get to the good bottle-o for the good beer before it closed. I was so excited about drankin that I forgot the pie on the way home.........!
the pie is good... and i cooked up enough mince to last me through the week whilst mrmel is away.. :D 7-11 pies suck balls... did you sort out your dinner?
mel said:
the pie is good... and i cooked up enough mince to last me through the week whilst mrmel is away.. :D 7-11 pies suck balls... did you sort out your dinner?

not yet. looks like its gonna be a liquid dinner tonight :D

wait, i don't know if that is a good thing.........