misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

bentalphanerd said:
Whew, survived another Friday...time to wave bye-bye to a few braincells. :beer:

I'm with ya mate..downing a few SLiTzMaltLikker...8.5% 24oz beasties. Ya, i'm a porr cheep drunk...but I eat nice chiles..lol


I can't post it, he'd kill me. It's an awful song by The Tweets that got in the charts years ago with a stupid dance. Sorry Talas I've said too much.
that's not the chicken dance is it RB?
I prlly drank enuf a long tme ago..but I'm dring yet another to AJ..fro syurviing the elements..wooot on ye my brother. I had ye in my heart.

:lol: watching people do the chicken dance when they are drunk is so hilarious...

TY Quad...the storm sure could have been worse...
AlabamaJack said:
:lol: watching people do the chicken dance when they are drunk is so hilarious...

TY Quad...the storm sure could have been worse...

It always can be... I had you in my prayers mate.

Bail ó Dhia ort!

There is a skein of Life, yours wasn't unwound just yet my friend.

Many yrs yet you have. Watch that Bp eh?
rainbowberry said:
Yeah I think it also known as The Chicken Dance AJ.

Heh, pretty sure my Google-Fu found that, but for the sake of Milady's honor..I'll refrain from the publishing of it. ;)

Is pretty funny tho. ;P
The highway cop said, 'Walk a straight line.' I said, 'Well, Officer Pythagoras, the closest you could ever come to a straight line would be making an electrocephalogram of your brain waves.' He said, 'You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Do you wish to retain that right?'And I thought, 'Oooh, a paradox!
bentalphanerd said:
chicken dance is nothing...

you know you've had too many when you start doing elephant impersonations.

But you've got to remember that you're the kind of bloke that everyone wants to be drinking with because you're a laugh and make the night (morning in IGG's case). God it's no fun when they just sway a bit and stumble into the nearest wall/door/cupboard/ornament.
aye...there must be wit.

The puppies I brought home for my kids were cute at first, but now that they keep loosing their teeth and spending all their time trying to fight or hump each other, they're just plain annoying.

I guess it's my fault for adopting Jerry Springer Spaniels in the first place.