misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Well, I had a 4 hour marathon gig with my band last night. The bar we played at has a stage that's too small for my acoustic drums, so I had to play the electric kit. Well, the difference in playing the two is something along the lines of hitting a pillow vs. hitting a slab of marble.

Since I have a touch of arthritis in my hands (playing drums for 30+ years will do that to you...) my hands are in a lot of pain.

I'm self medicating tonight.

Red Hook - Copper Hook (seasonal)
drinking tea..well chilli tea with orange bits dont ask...got my thatchers pear cider in the fridge for laters:lol:
JayT said:
Sorry to hear that IGG. Drink well my friend.

DevilDuck said:
I might join ya in a little bit. The job thing is kicking me in the pooter as well.

Canuk Pepperhead said:
Sorry to hear IGG and DD im joing you as we speak...Im celeberating a day that ends in Y!!!
Well, three high abv beers into it, plus 1/4 a bottle of very very good tequila. I'm done for the night. Unfortunilty my high tolerance has prevented me from being completely smashed,.............sigh........being an alcholoic has it down sides...

I have to wake up at 9 am to go to the market at 10am. Then at 11:30 am I'm going a dfew blovcks from the market to Great Lakes Brewery and getting smashed by...oh, let's estimate it at and say 1PM. (mom's driving...w00t!)

Then later that night when I've sobered up, I'll go to a noise show and try to talk to the head guy about playing there.

Looks to be a GREAT day tomarrow~!
Hey... Wanna see if we can collaborate on a noise project? I've got access to an electric kit with all kinds of wacky noises. My band also has recording software, so if you can get me a CD of you playing, I can probably lay down some stuff over it and send you the results.

I can see it now... I Like Pie - "Pepper Jam"
DevilDuck said:
Hey... Wanna see if we can collaborate on a noise project? I've got access to an electric kit with all kinds of wacky noises. My band also has recording software, so if you can get me a CD of you playing, I can probably lay down some stuff over it and send you the results.

I can see it now... I Like Pie - "Pepper Jam"

Hmmm...that sounds like a great idea. Now, I have to figure out a way to record my stuf....hmmm.....
Wow 11.30am! (innocent little English girl) I've once started at midday- One o'clockish time, but that's PM. The PM bit makes me feel better/less guilty.
Well, it was a good day. I've drunken quite a bit, the noise show wasn't actuially hapening tonight but I made a contact for playing a show there so it was worth the drive.

Now I'm quite tired, my knee's on fire (it's going to rain soon), and I still want more beer. Must catch up on my sleep so let's hope that happens tonight.
Having a couple of new ones (for me) tonight. Flying Dog Horn Dog (barleywine), and Nostradamus Belgian Brown Ale. Both are high abv so they may be all I need since I had an Abita Turbo Dog and a couple of Victory Hop Devils on my way home from work earlier. Should sleep good tonight!
Oh god, I'm f-n smashed and that takes alot to do that to me. (WHOA, JUST PRESSED THE WRONG BUTTONS AND IT ACTIAVETED THE WINDOWS CONTROL PANNEL....OPPS). SOrry, also activated caps lock...weeee!

I'll post the beers OI drank tronarrow. But for the moment, I'll just say that I had Dogfish Head's new brew, Imortal Ale....and it wads amazing!!!! I can' twait to age that one agnd see how it tastes in a year or two.

Sorry for the miss spwellings, but like I said before, I'm smased, more than usual! Viva la Peppers!!!!!!!!!!!