misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Had a terrific couple of beers from my local sixpack shop the other night. Fat Dog Stout by Stoudt's Brewing Co. a dopplebock that's name slips my mind, and my favorite was Weyerbacher's Anniversary beer called 13. I believe it is their Quad aged in bourbon barrels. Very high abv and awesome.
I hate to follow up my own post but wanted to say that the doppelbock mentioned in my previous post is called Tommyknocker Butthead. It is made in Colorado and is quite good. I love beer.
JayT said:
I hate to follow up my own post but wanted to say that the doppelbock mentioned in my previous post is called Tommyknocker Butthead. It is made in Colorado and is quite good. I love beer.

I've had their whole line and like most of their stuff. If you ever find Tommyknocker Black Powder Stout.........BUY IT! It's AMAZING! It's like a marshmeal and a meal all in one.

Been drinking crappy beer so I can drink good beer this weekend....maybe I'll have a screwdriver tonight.
downing a couple of Marstons `Oyster Stout` not half bad..and my old favorite Theakstons ` old peculiar` mm its a dark ale evening..:beer:
So it turns out I used Rum instead of Vodka last night in my screwdriver.....now wonder it tasted slightly different. Made a CORRECT screwdrive just now and am sipping on it as I type...much more like it.
imaguitargod said:
So it turns out I used Rum instead of Vodka last night in my screwdriver.....now wonder it tasted slightly different. Made a CORRECT screwdrive just now and am sipping on it as I type...much more like it.

You gotta pay attention to that stuff, bro.
I guess the greed is going to let us make mistakes here and now. Who knows, you could've invented THE drink of the new millenium by pure coincidence.

Great, now I'd love a bloody mary and there's no Jelzin-water in the house!!! :(