misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

nice description sounds like a good one. I'm having the Great Divide Hibernation Ale right now. Very good. Kind of malty. Bit of a hoppy finish.
You know they are only about 25 minutes from me. We have gone there for the tour a couple of times. Afterward, they have free tasting for about an hour. I had a beer there last time called Naked Elf that they only sell there and only in growlers. Unbelievable. It is the same as there Mad Elf, but without the fruit. You'll know what I mean when you have the Mad Elf.
I like Troegs Dreamweaver. Nice stuff.

Tonight after the He-Brew i tried the Flying Fish Oktoberfish.

Wow. What a terrible concoction this stuff is. I hated every sip of it. I will not be buying it again.
ok it's my turn Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
I got off work early today (2:30) and started drinking at about 4 so I am persnchnizled (I just made that up) now. I started with about 3 Yeugling Lagers and then added a Victory Golden Monkey and what appeared to be a triple shot of Absolut Peppar (weak, but it had to do) and followed that with two more Yeuglings. I then came home and ate all I could find in the fridge. I figured I'e share this with you all before I went to bed.
JayT said:
ok it's my turn Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
I got off work early today (2:30) and started drinking at about 4 so I am persnchnizled (I just made that up) now. I started with about 3 Yeugling Lagers and then added a Victory Golden Monkey and what appeared to be a triple shot of Absolut Peppar (weak, but it had to do) and followed that with two more Yeuglings. I then came home and ate all I could find in the fridge. I figured I'e share this with you all before I went to bed.

Dude..years ago there was a hoski called "88" out your way. They still brew that?

Cheers, TB.
just had the last of my He*Brew IPA. I corked it the other night and it was still quite tasty.

tonight it sushi night and i'll be bringing something to drink with it. wonder what though?? i'll have to think on it.

last night i have a Chimay Triple. it wasn't bad at all. i didn't think i liked it, until i realized i'd finished the bottle. i don't own a goblet, so i opted for a standard wine glass. it did the job. it also got better as it warmed, though had more of an alcohol taste at that point.

Does anyone know a way to get a bottle of the Chimay that they don't export? I hear there's ways.
4 bottles of Pinkus Alt and a fresh bottle of Cazadores Tequila standing by to par-tay with some chicken stuffed grilled japs later this eve.

Cheers ya'll, TB.
Today after i finished the HeBrew i had some stout, which i will write about later as i have not finished the bottle.

With dinner (sushi) i polished off a bottle of Stone Ruination IPA. First time i had it and i was again wowed by Stone Brewery. Perfect compliment to a sushi dinner. :mouthonfire: