misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Just noticed, we are up to 44 pages of drunkard posts here. Officially the longest, most posted on thread in the history of this forum. Nice work folks!

Time for me to retire to the cave and curl up with the lattest issure of Beeradvocate.

EDIT: Whoa! That 17% is starting to hit me now! This deserves the obligitory "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
imaguitargod said:
Just noticed, we are up to 44 pages of drunkard posts here. Officially the longest, most posted on thread in the history of this forum. Nice work folks!

Time for me to retire to the cave and curl up with the lattest issure of Beeradvocate.

EDIT: Whoa! That 17% is starting to hit me now! This deserves the obligitory "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
and how!

i've taken your advice and upgraded my glassware a bit.

Green Flash Hop Head in one of my new pilsners. This stuff was really effin good. I haven't had a red anything that i've liked in quite some time. This was nice and hoppy as well.
Tomorrrow, my bro from UK hits WA state...expect debauchery and much beer.

Oh, and we'll make a eating the Naga Morich pod vid. I'm guessin prolly the first dual eating of Naga vid ever. ;P

And if that aint hot, I have the T. Scorpions as backup, and Bhuts in on Thursday. ;)

We gonna get chaotic.
JayT said:
You know I am generally a beer snob, but I do like Coors Original when I am drinking a lot of beer such as an outdoor function or party.

Me and the to not a bad beer to slurp :lol:
Wow I think I am too sober to understand that one Talas. My drunkish is usually pretty spot on, but you got me there. I think you were trying to say that Coors isn't too bad, but I'm not really sure. I will drink heavily for the next couple hours and come back again to read it again and then I may get it. :beer: :lol: God I love this thread.
talas said:
Me and the to not a bad beer to slurp :lol:
Here, let me translate for I am fluent in drunkerd, this is the sober translation, "I as well like to partake in the consumption of the beverage so labeled as 'Coors'"

Translation on this one was a bit rough due to his accent. :beer:
Its what we call Geordie in the u.k from the north-east of england a nice bit of slang...ie: Slurp..Means your enjoying your beer..Slurping it down :beer:

I.G Was spot on
Fineexample! Glad you took my advice on drinking glasses. I'm telling you they really do make a world of differance.

I am now drinking one of my aged beers. I think it needed to age longer but it wasn't one of those that really would age that long (very low in abv and only the smallest amount of sediment). It mellowed probably 10% at the most. Interesting, but not worth the effort on this. Although, since I'm kinda broke right now, this saved me $2...which is $2 twords another beer....w00t!
f@#$ it im drinking :rolleyes:

Well 44 pages later I've been drunk all of them I guess I should post and say cheers. Drinking the Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale tonight. Must say everyone here knows their beer inside and out. Freddy the owner of Sweetwater brewery in Atlanta is a friend mine. Love the van Sweetwater advertises around town.
I'm not as think as you drunk I am.:lol:

The Sierra Nevada Harvest is also a very good choice but hard to find. Do any of you homebrewers ever put chili power in your mash. I'd love a full flavored beer with a kick.:rolleyes:
Tried a few chili beers and the results where to say the least Not great..But im sure some brewing genius will crack the capsium/Hop brewing code and produce a winner :hell:
I did a chili beer a few months ago with a friend. Fermented it with Chipotles, Cayennes, and Piquins. Bottled it with a few Jolokias....it's a sipping beer :hell:

Ugh, morning....function can't brain beer without.....
I had the Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale a while back and i wasn't impressed. Sierra Nevada is kind of hit and miss for me. :(

I had the Flying Dog Oktoberfest offering last night. It was pretty good, but kind of average. That seems to be a running theme with Flying Dog; good enough, but never great.
imaguitargod said:
I did a chili beer a few months ago with a friend. Fermented it with Chipotles, Cayennes, and Piquins. Bottled it with a few Jolokias....it's a sipping beer ;)

Ugh, morning....function can't brain beer without.....

A sipping Beer Indeed :(
imaguitargod said:
I did a chili beer a few months ago with a friend. Fermented it with Chipotles, Cayennes, and Piquins. Bottled it with a few Jolokias....it's a sipping beer ;)

Ugh, morning....function can't brain beer without.....
Having one of the above right now.

here's my booty for tonight. i've been meaning to for a long ass time to try Samuel Smith's stuff. So i picked up 2 of those and some Flying Fish (keepin in Jersey style), and some others.

I'm having the Tadcaster or whatever it's called at present and i really like it. It has a unique flavor i can't quite pin down, but whatever it is, it's good. :D

Passow, i'm loving the new pilsners man. :shocked:

i'm basically pounding em before bed you see.

i'm drinking the SamSmithWinterWelcome as i type away. This is so light and refreshing. I love it! It smells so good and tastes crisp and delicious. Real solid ale here. Why did i wait so long to try Samuel Smith?? I'll be trying this every year methinks. Good stuff!