misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

JayT said:
I dunno something you were drunken babbling about last night and told me to ask you today when you're sober.

Hmmm.....don't remember that. I do a stretch routine before I go to bed. That was probably what I was talking about.
Oh god, this is horrible. I....I must make a confession. I'm having a relative over that I really can't stand, so I'm drinking to compinsate and to have something that I can put into my mouth instead of opening my mouth.

My "Passow's Imperial Pumpkin Ale" has not carbinated yet and I have nothing else in the house to drink (paycheck doesn't come until tomarrow)....so I'm stuck drinking....drinking....oh god this is tough to say. I'm drinking Miller Genuine Draft.....I'm....I'm so ashamed!
imaguitargod said:
Oh god, this is horrible. I....I must make a confession. I'm having a relative over that I really can't stand, so I'm drinking to compinsate and to have something that I can put into my mouth instead of opening my mouth.

My "Passow's Imperial Pumpkin Ale" has not carbinated yet and I have nothing else in the house to drink (paycheck doesn't come until tomarrow)....so I'm stuck drinking....drinking....oh god this is tough to say. I'm drinking Miller Genuine Draft.....I'm....I'm so ashamed!

Heh even when you go bottom barrel you still refuse to go ALL THE WAY to the bottom of the barrel. Like me.
i am down to one bottle of spaten optimator and one (that i'm saving) trappiste rocheforte 8. today is beer buying day. it has to be. I think i'm due for another trip to Oak Tree and pick a few things up. I miss Oak Tree. I haven't been there in a month or two. I will post back with the exciting things i find there.
I was privileged to have some good beer for Christmas thanks to my brother and his Belgian boss. Chimay Grande Reserve, and Delirium Noctournem in large bottles. When that was gone we had to drink Michelob Amberbock, but it was still a good night.
in my evergrowing quest to make you guys jealous of my selections/finds locally and abroad i have returned from Oak Tree liquors with the following awesomeness.

from the RIGHT
Southern Tier IPA
River Horse ESB
Stone Double Bastard
Weyerbacher Merry Monks
and George Gale & Co. Prize Old Ale 1996 (yes, a 12yr old bottle of ale)


I just uncorked the Gale Ale. I placed it in the fridge for maybe 45min just to be cool enough to drink. It recommends 52-55 degrees. Cool to the touch, but not icy. I am letting breathe a moment as it recommends too. I'm about to pour some into a small snifter. This stuff smells like wine. Zero carbonation and a serious smokiness going on here. Almost a medicinal feel on the tongue. While i can tell this is not for me, i can appreciate it. I prefer a bit of foam. The medicinal quality is the remnants of the carbonation. I'm not a wine drinker so i couldn't enjoy this as much as a wine lover would.
I had a George Gales once, but I think it was only 5 years old. I remember it being very strong and very good, but I like that kind of thing. You're not the barleywine type are you Fine?
WHy I oughta.....

I oughta have been in this thread hours ago :lol:

Gold Woodstock cans...9% were on special for $4.60 each....I got 8...they now gone so into my 4th beer & the universe is becoming so much more lucid.
I can foresee that I will pay dearly for this indulgence tomorrow when it gets to 40 C by midday.

it's o.k i can blame the economy
WARNING!!!! I've had the "George Gale & Co. Prize Old Ale 1996 but from the 1999 vintage, it's crap!!! The beer's not very good to beguin with and gets worse with age.
imaguitargod said:
WARNING!!!! I've had the "George Gale & Co. Prize Old Ale 1996 but from the 1999 vintage, it's crap!!! The beer's not very good to beguin with and gets worse with age.

1:01 here...thats known as a 'blob' in cricket terms...bit of knowledge I picked up on boxing day.....stoooopid ball games.

anyway...no whinging about anything alcoholic in this thread, all alcohol is good.

Thus sayeth the Nerd...Make it so number one, and so it is done

i figure i can keep drinking until about wednesday :D

Day after Xmas when you parcel up all of the leftover food from feast & give it to your poverty stricken servants out of the goodness of your heart.

You may also give them the day off, but thats not compulsory.