misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

I made "ginger beer" outa some verry thinly sliced fresh ginger, and good 'ol PBR.


Ain't bad...it adds a ncie spicyness to it. Plus I have beer'd ginger to munch on later. ;)
Celebratin word of the imminetn arrival of myh new order of plants from ccn with a bottle of shakepseare stout and a bit of the old :high:

why do rocotos gotta hate on other species? who do they think they are not cross breeding with other stuff?

you think you're too good for some hot chinesne action? do you?

I'm thinking of going with some hot frutescen on annum action awwww yeahhhh tabasco on short yellow tabasco lovin time. I don't even care if the the two plants I'm gonna use get all big and stuff, I just want two plants with some whachy genetic chaos going on and a few ripe pods to seed for next year.

gonna get them two in a nice room by themselves and loop some marvin gaye int eh background
hell yeah, pepper panties are gonna be droppin
After much pbr, I've moved on to Margaritas and am currently on number eleventy something. Any further posts that contain drunken speech are hitherto released from any liability disclaimers take as read...

JayT said:
Had several really good beers tonight highlights include Delirium Tremens and Thomas Hardy '05.

MMmmmmm... Thomas Hardyyyyy.... I had an '05 and an '06 last year, and I still think about them both whenever I think of Barleywine.

I was fussing around with the plants today, and in doing so I set my beer down.

(yes, it happens!)

The light was just purdy against all these bubbles so I took a pic. ;)
sTONE'S IPA- yah, and wanted to say thanks- I blame many of you for getting me involved in purchasing and imbuing fancy/good/expensive beers. I'm ripped- and I'm not talking abs.
Ahhh... Keystone. There's no knocking an inexpensive beer... they all have their place. :sips Coors Light: Busch Light 16 ozers are considered a staple in most of my circles of homebrewers. That's how we roll... some(most)times