misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

CHAh ! already there, amigo.


does anyone know what recent kids movie the "cha"..or "CHA, dude..." comes from? "Cha, dude..." is like "yea, dude"in the movie.........

Time to rewine!
sheesh, you blokes should be just ramping up!

It's still that whole time warp thing messing with the brain because it's now 11:34pm 25FEB2010 where I am and it's around 5:34pm 26Feb2010 where you are.

Did I get that right?
Apparently it is the 25th here too.... thursday I believe.

the time warp thing always does my head in.... and what makes it worse is that I'm a graveyard shift worker......... but hey, I figure my waking hours and all that are similar to you guys over that part of the world
aw sheet-

I had the right idea, but it is the 24th here!!!!!!!! and the 25th there!!!!!!!!!!!

still have one more post in the other topic.

And yes gasi, it was pretty quiet around the house tonight. hope it picks up for you

today was Wednesday Feb.24th!
i should probably call it a night too considering that in my world it's probably nearly midnight or the equivalent or who knows....... but eh, i'm on holidays! :woohoo:

nighty night, SL!
its thursday!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.. start of the weekend :D well nearly anyways.... fridays are always an easy day and now everyone knows i'm leaving in a few weeks so its going to be cruisy!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy!!!
preparation my dear... preparation!!!! i could send you some but by the time you gets it MrMel will be wondering where his little friend has gone :D plus i might get in trouble with aus-post!