misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Don't ya just hate waking up at 5am because ya gotta piss and you're still drunk, so you make like 3 big habanero-stuffed burritos and then pretend that water is your best friend?
Maybe you can relate to a dilemma I have had on more than one occasion then. You wake up with a hangover and crave something with habaneros such as that burrito you mentioned, and you then have to weigh the choice of eating what you want and possibly having it come back up or not... Nothing burns more than peppers coming back up.
Maybe I'm lucky...haven't had that happen so far.
Thank goodness for hot stuff helping me out as it's like 94F today, and that's just not good for being hungover... :D
No that's perfect weather, helps you sweat it out. I'm on day one of my vacation and already hungover. Not good. I've decided to fight it with alcohol. Not sure if it is a good plan but my dad always told me to "never be a quitter".
I don't know what it is, but ever since I moved back to Cleveland, I've lost the ability to make White Russians. This is my third attamept this year, and it taste horrid....

Since I am waiting for my second last unemployment check (I am broke), I've broken out the booze in my folks' bar......mmmmm....hard liquor....
double shot vodka single shot Kahluah over ice fill with milk in a 8 ounce glass. If they have any Goldslagger or any cinnamon schnapps put a little of that in too. Makes a good drink. Or if they have Frangelica put a shot of that in with the vodka and kahluah. Whatever you decide keep trying the drunker you get the better they will taste.
I didn't say I didn't know how to make 'em, although that cunnamon sounds new and like a good addition. It's just I used to make them so good (I alwaysed used a 1:1 ration of all the ingredients and then sampled it and if it needed a little tweek in a certain direction I woul dggive it that) but now I've lost the tallent....AGH! It's so frustrating because that was my favorite drink (I am "The Dude" after all....yoiu're a Lebowski, I'm a Lebowski)

"Whatever you decide keep trying the drunker you get the better they will taste"
Ha, not always ;)
Heh, yeah..I just don't handle heat that well..temperature-wise anyways. Ain't that an irony? :)

just made another hab burrito, this time with chipotle powder, diced up chicken nuggets, beans, etc. And a frosty mug of PBR. :cheers:
imaguitargod said:
I didn't say I didn't know how to make 'em, although that cunnamon sounds new and like a good addition. It's just I used to make them so good (I alwaysed used a 1:1 ration of all the ingredients and then sampled it and if it needed a little tweek in a certain direction I woul dggive it that) but now I've lost the tallent....AGH! It's so frustrating because that was my favorite drink (I am "The Dude" after all....yoiu're a Lebowski, I'm a Lebowski)

"Whatever you decide keep trying the drunker you get the better they will taste"
Ha, not always ;)

Sorry didn't mean to insinuate that you didn't know what you were doing, just that I have been a bartender off and on for the last 17 years or so. So I was trying to give you a couple of ideas. Drinking is like pizza when it really good it is awesome when it is bad it's still pretty good. Oh and QS atta boy! PBR me ASAP.
Ok, here's a twist for ya.

Hippy and I were discussing using the 'juice' from re-hydrating chiles for stuff.

Well, a lil bit ago I decided to pour the juices from rehydrating a Bih overnight into my 20oz cup of beer. About an ounce worth of liquid. Yes, I tasted it first to see if was hot..not just watery..tougue still burns.

Well, it's pretty fun.

I added a toss of jalapeno salt too, just for experiementation and because the naga made it a bit 'bitter' tasting.

Definite heat, but not TOO bad. I can taste the pepper flavor in the beer which rocks.

Ugh, Bih-Beer Burp..not as fun.. o0

It's a fun way to not waste perfectly good naga juices and make cheep chile beer. :)

Prolly also be a good way to keep yer teen/etc from drinking yer beer...they would only do it once. :twisted:

Well, Im officially messed up today..woke up from the night out and daaang. Sad bit is a gotta glass of scotch here and it seems I prefer coffee and water ATM...lol

Think I'll go eat some fatali and wake up.


Well I decided I was lazy so I just took a sip of the water that I'd hydrated a Bih on the other night, and had saved. Holy #@$%@ frell!.....I'm awake now... :D

Pretty much instant endorphins..whoohoo.
Foggy head, meet Mr Naga... teehee

I'm still drunk I think, but boy do I feel better...heheheh
Well, I didn't have much money for this week so I though I would pick up a 12 pack of canned, yellow fizzy stuff (Miller High Life) for $6.99 just to last me the week....ugh... Only had one last night and I'm on my second tonight. Good thing tonight's Ah-nold night and it's my friend's turn to buy the beer. Anything's better than this crap.