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Fatalii smackdown

Man I really hate to interrupt the fun so I'll make it brief.

The first one is my Chocolate fatalii. Mr AJ and I have a little something on the side with these. Thought I would boost his confidence a bit.


This is one of my Fatalii's. I decided it was time to raise the lights. Kind of stunted its growth, hope it can get a growth spurt. Maybe a purple spurt would help?


Interruption over, my apologies, back to the fun!:)
patrick said:
The first one is my Chocolate fatalii. Mr AJ and I have a little something on the side with these. Thought I would boost his confidence a bit.


hey youngster...I need to tell you like the mama tomato told the little tomato......KETCHUPPP!!!

taken a few minutes ago...can you see the beer bottle?


Will post comparison Fatalii Pics tomorrow...
Here's my weak little Fatalii (scoville) (LF) started January 4th in rockwool. It's had it's trouble - mostly from my inexperience with rockwool and starting if off on a weak single 40w grow tube. Anyway, it's going outside soon and should take off hopefully. More Fatalliis were planted March 4th seeds courtesy of Cappy. All the other seedling were planted Feb 5th in Pro-Mix BX and were under an old 2 tube shop light. I just got my 125w CFL last week so they've also had the benefit of about one week of that. They've had significant growth in that week. They are Bhut Jolokia (hotpeppa) (LR), 7 Pot (Cappy) (RR) and Dorset Naga (hippy) (RF).

plants lookin' good fine...keep it goin'...

that pic looks very futuristic....
Man AJ do your chocolate fatalii's have some Redwood blood in them? Stems are as big as Nova's purple winkie!:P

Fine yours are looking very fine. Can we get a pic of one outside of the space ship? Thanks.
patrick said:
Man AJ do your chocolate fatalii's have some Redwood blood in them? Stems are as big as Nova's purple winkie!:P

Thanks mate!:P

*hey wait there*

Mine is much bigger!!
Smackdown Sunday Similitudes

you guys are nuts....

Hey...it's Smackdown Sunday...isn't it time we all posted pics for comparison?....

I'm not gonna post first....who's it on?
Novacastrian said:
Thanks mate!:P

*hey wait there*

Mine is much bigger!!

Oh no, *I'm* the judge. If you want your winkie in the contest, you'll have to send me some pictures.
Well, no matter who has the first ripe pod, once the end of this season rolls around and I post pictures of my Fatalli trees - you guys will all kneel before the god of pepper plants. Paul Bunyan will need to come in and chop em down so I can put em in my compost!:shocked:
Nothing but hot air Pepper-Guru let's see what you got. My redwoods will be blocking all the sun in hot'lanta soon. Springtime is in the air here and will be planting Fatalli forest is a few short weeks. Wife's beer not mine.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I did have a sip because it's 8% alc/vol.

Fruit in beer is just wrong.

Nice plants, though. How's your weather. It's going to cool down a bit by the end of this week around here, but nothing as drastic as it's been.
4 pics to start: All these are grown under 105 watt cfl. They actually look better now that I got some decent fertz.
Pretty pathetic huh?
This last biggest one is doing good though.
Big plants Cappy...

AMB...hurry up and catch up man...healthy plants...

here are mine...they are loving geenhouse life...
