Fatalii smackdown

millworkman said:
Two of them are 6500K and two of them are 4100K. Only have 4 lights on them at the moment, will have two more next weekend.

I use 4x55W 4000K. Total lumen 20000.
Not just for decoration but has a lot of other great advantages. I have a Big Jim that i will grow in Seramis. straight from 1,5 to 10 Liter container filled with Seramis.

Just put 4 more Fatalii seeds in some Pro-Mix this morning. Many thanks to Cappy (aka PRF) for the seeds. I know they come from good stock, I've seen his plants. :) It's late in the game but maybe with some luck I can get something competitive. I also still have one very small Fatalii originally planted Jan 4th struggling to make it out of its rockwool cube. I want to keep my 2 strongest plants by the time warm weather hits. I have a nice big white garage door to put them in front of once it gets outside so I know eventually they will get a ton of light. Hey Potawie, have we ever set the categories for this Smackdown? Tallest & widest plant. Most pods on a plant. Biggest pod. Coolest looking pod. Etc. Don't know if I missed that part.
Do we want official categories, or shall we just compare? I don't want this to become too competetive, although some smack-talk is always fun:)
A quick update on my fatalii's. I was having trouble keeping temps above 70 during the day and 62 at night. Peppers will not grow well at those temps. I've finally got things working and the temps stays around 75 day and night. Few days of this and I'll be back in the running.

Chocolate fatalii is suffering the same fate as the others but I have no doubt it will whup old what's his name, PJ. ;)
Do we want official categories, or shall we just compare? I don't want this to become too competetive, although some smack-talk is always fun:)

I think categories would be fun. It's going to be competitive regardless. My 2 cents.
Well in the beginning, some people didn't want to join if it was a competition, so it became a comparison. Its kind of hard to change things back again, but I'm always open to ideas.
this is my biggest plant..( unknown variety, origin is Italy ). And the next one is my FATALI... growing very slow as well..



both planted on the same day Jan 15th..
Well in the beginning, some people didn't want to join if it was a competition, so it became a comparison. Its kind of hard to change things back again, but I'm always open to ideas.

Well, we can always have "Categories of Comparison". :) It's all informal anyway it seems like, so if somebody has something they think is worthy, just measure it and submit a picture. Add some details like seed source, nutes, seedling lighting, pot size, soil and whatever else might be of interest. I think # of pods off one plant would get everybody's interest though. Heaviest pod and total weight of pods off plant would also be cool.
I was under the impression we were going for first ripe Fatalli pepper. Of course for all the wookies we can have little ugly plant award. We may need a judge for that award for all the entries. lol